How the fuck is capital gains tax even legal

How the fuck is capital gains tax even legal

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because taxes, you retard

Yeah but specifically capital gains taxes

It's over 40% in some cases, like if you sell a million dollar property

That is fucking RIDICULOUS

>But my oligarchs need 7 yachts and 4 mansions, not 6 yachts and 3 mansions!

>I should be able to make obscene profits and not have to pay a cent towards the society that harbors me

It should be less than that, like15% you sound like a fucking commie

where i live a million dollar house is 2 bedrooms and a roof falling through..

fuck what anyone else says, you are spot on OP

its literal theft/usury. people shilling to have their money taken by daddy gov.

Somebody has to pay for the minorities

Attached: Tax impact.jpg (756x782, 124K)

The same way income taxes are.