T-Tulsi can still win, guys!

>T-Tulsi can still win, guys!

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She should join the Trump admin in term 2

This is good though. She just began to go viral 2 days ago. Give it a week and check where she’s on polls then

Scott Rassmusen is a Russian asset. His polls are never accurrate.

she won't even qualify for the next debate

How is Biden still winning?

She's been going viral for over a fucking year. She's old news, user.

We will see

No she hasn’t lmao. She just picked up 2 days ago. Majority of people didn’t know who she was. She’s gotten 40k donors in 2 days

From a nobody to on par with butt gauge and Robert Francis O'Rourke

He’s the smartest kid in the special Olympics

She already did, got over 130k plp donations

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id love to see tulsi go somewhere but i doubt she will. might get into the next round of debates but that's about all.

Member when trump was 2% in the polls? I member.

It’s not coping lol. She has 145k donors

Would be super funny when cuck sanders loses the nominatiom again

>rating increased by 300%

That's a reasonable thing to hope for

Maybe she'll win if she shills harder for Israel:


yeah like the first month he announced his bid not one year later

Tulsi is surging the past 2 days buddy. Her name recognition absolutely increased a ton. She gained 100k twitter followers and 40k donations.

From 110 to 150k. Give it a week jew you’ll be mad next week when you check her polls. Talk your shit now

Of course he will and remember: No refunds

>look this person won the lottery I guess it's not so unlikely for me to win after all
Fucking brainlet. Learn how probability works.

except the dem primary is not based on RNG so your analogy sucks

not saying she'll win but it's still way to early to say either way

While I think Tulsi is done. You're a moron. Probability doesn't factor in here, this isn't a random chance that decides who wins, in the end, you imbecile.

He was never that low in the polls retard.
I hate these fucking yanggers and tusli shills saying that even though they have 0% in polling they can still win.

Tulsi can though she’s the strongest she’s ever been. She’s only going to grow from here. Your seething will be great in a week

Trump was behind in the polls too

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One week from now when she is at the same polling percentage I want you to think back to this post you made and kill yourself.

Wheres the other 28%?

She knocked Harris out of the race. Down the road she will reap the benefits for the good turn she has done for America.

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She won’t be


Trump was at 3% in 2015.

I love you retards though.


but when the polls are low for someone you don't like


Stay plebe.

At beginning he too had polls 1-3% you shill nigger

factually wrong. the harris poll had her lower than 1%. she bounced up 3%

>inb4 hUr duR onLy 3%


>says increasingly nervous shill for the twentieth time today

Yes he was. He was one of the lowest polling Republicans in the race and Jeb was expected to blow everyone else out. You don't remember because you were 12 when it happened which means you're still underage so please leave Jow Forums and come back when you're 18+

she already did brainlet

>All this useless discussion
>Pretending we all don't know it will be Biden

Old rapey white male candidate for Left wing leader 2020!

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What makes it worse is the nigress polling almost 3x the numbers

Spread out among the other 40 candidates and "not sure" and "not planning on voting"

He polled at 3% before he announced his campaign announcement, after his announcement he immediately went up to 12%. Your shitty democrat candidate won't go up in polls a year after she ready announced her campaign. Enjoy your cope though, I'm sure you'll immediately start shilling Biden after she drops out after the first primary though.

She already did you fuckwad
>believing polls ever


Biden's comin'

To grope your woman.

Proud cucks of the left vote Biden 33303003

She only needs 2% in the polls to get to the next debate

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She made it on donations, but I think she has to poll at a minimum of 4% as well. Achievable enough, but who knows what kinds of talmudry they'll use to suppress that.

Biden is absolutely not going to survive going up against an incumbent Trump.

What the fuck is your point, kike? I'm not supporting Trump.

None of them will. I can say that Bernie would be likely to come close since he's at least got some popularity drive, but the far left will damage him for being an old white male. And even if they ran a woman of color like Kamala, America would still not be likely to accept her over a proven successful white male, which isn't a problem for his voters. So basically they're damned either way because they've embraced identity politics bullshit for too long.

Which is all funny for a party that says 'Diversity is our strength.' Yeah look at what good it's doing you now. It's splitting your party

Foreign adversaries are conducting a pro-Tulsi disinformation campaign. Islamists, Israel/Mossad/Jews, and the broader international communist party including both China and Russia are all engaged in active measures against the USA.

For Russia in particular, you must read Golytsin's Perestroika Deception. The communist party are masters of psychological manipulation and active measures in the ideological arena. This is the ultimate battleground of the entire world.

1) KGB Chief Andropov was the principle responsible for implementing the Perestroika Plan, and his deputy went on record saying the three great threats to the USSR were pop music, western culture, and hare krishna (the tiny cult, even tinier at the time, that Tulsi belongs to).

2) Familiarize yourself with the soviet origins of the Tavistock Institute. There is ample historical material, but of more pressing importance is that it remains a Soviet institution to this day. For example, there is a deep partnership between Tavistock, Eglin AFB (hub of US domestic propaganda operations), the Esalen Institute.

3) Joe Rogan's handler, Jamie Vernon ("pull that up, Jamie"), is a foreign asset. His father was part of information warfare unit for the Pentagon, but more importantly the father was best friends with Mossad agent Harry Hirschinger, known to have involved in aiding and abetting al-Qaeda operations that resulted in the deaths of US personnel (barracks bombings, same MO as Mossad doing 9/11 basically).

4) One of the primary modes of implementing soviet active measures in the US is through "hippie" communities following the Esalen Institute model. They form cults with hierarchical, intensely loyal followers who are paranoid of outsiders (for a variety of reasons like use of banned psychoactive drugs). Joe Rogan, the person to put Tulsi on the map, gets all of his content from the communist limited hangout, the Esalen Institute.


It's going to be Joe Biden. Anyone saying otherwise is just in denial, like with Hillary in 2016 or Romney in 2012.

Yes! YES finally someone is saying it and ive been saying this allalong
that if YOU slow down footage of ROgan, you can see reptilian eyes in some of the frames
Joe Rogan's father was an avowed enemy of David Icke, who EXPOSED a lot of reptilian activities in the seventies, before the CIA replaced him with a clone asset using grey alien avatar technology which was hinted at by Bob Lazar. In 1996 Bob Lazar had a run-in with Papa Rogan which never got reported or documented

They have to get 130k unique donations and at least 2% in four qualifying polls.

This. People have been spoiled by Trump.
But he was able to upset the party insiders candidates because he was already a household name and had been since the 80s. He was also more charismatic even in early stages of the race (member the Kelly fiasco on the Fox debate? that's something else compared to this week). The menopausal 'hot' woman thing will only get Tulsi so many enthusiasts.

kek do even democrats believe muh polls anymore?

you'd have to be a total lemming to buy that shit

Why does Jow Forums always shill the shittiest candidates that no one's heard of?

>MFW 4 months ago I told a grill I was seeing Biden would be the Dem decreed choice and she told me no way
Dumb women lol.

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>imblying the democrats are going to nominate a fucking white male in current year plus five

>It's going to be Joe Biden. Anyone saying otherwise is just in denial, like with Hillary in 2016 or Romney in 2012.

They can and will. The next closest are Warren and Harris; both of them are pathetic and will get rolled by Trump. Not that Biden won't.


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Fake news. They didn't even rank Yang.

The majority of Democratic lay people don't care that much about identity politics. I'm sure a lot of party insiders and media members would rather have Harris or Warren, but the average primary voter just wants Biden because he's likeable and familiar.

The Dem candidate not being a white man would be a terrible choice though. If the goblina or Pocahontas go on stage with Trump it will be a rape for the ages.

You won't get me, Jewess poster.
Already broke my five week nofap on yuri anime today.

>YFW you realized khazar milkers are literally a bioweapon

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You're gonna be sorry you steamrolled her brown toned ass just like youre gonna be sorry you sent flabby nigger asses to make the jew bernard sanders cuck on live tv in Seattle.
2 scoops 2 terms 2 l'chaims

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>trusting polls
Trust Jow Forums

Yeah, on election night

Shills on Jow Forums are the only thing pulling her by a thin thread that's about to break. She's done.

how come yang bragged about doing well in polls?

To be fair, giving Tulsi the nod would be tantamount to the Dems giving up control of their party. It would be an automatic loss to nominate her from their perspective.

But that poll has her overperforming based upon her average. If we are to go by that poll, she's nearly doubled her support


Fuck you jew Tulsi will oversee the ovens - or maybe just nuk the eff out of kikelandia

>only 3%
Three more like that and she makes the third round of debates. She’s got the donors for September’s outing with her post Harris throw down bump.

they're really going with biden? are they just going to force twitter and youtube to remove all videos showing him being a creep towards kids?

lol she has 40k donors in 2 days. This has nothing to do with Jow Forums she’s blowing up

she was only 1% before the other debates. 3% is good. She will make the next debates and be on a more concentrated stage. The more she gets to talk, the more people will switch to her side.

3% for the homosexual, seems about right.

Dems best bet is Sanders. If they nominate Biden it'll be a landslide for Trump.

Just imagine Biden trying to debate Trump.

>Harris down to 8%
Ahahahaha, she got destroyed.
>Tulsi at 3%
That's a 200% gain since Debate 1. Go Tulsi go!

>Mr. Molesto is still their top canidate
Lmao. Democucks are desperate.

She's in this weird mix between good looking and manly looking.
Also Tulsi 2020. No ragerts.

The play is now to let her die off, then if we get lucky and keep her under stealth, need to appeal to her sense of justice and revenge and get her to be Trumps vice president when the DNC completely forgets about Tulsi.

Gabbard will join Trump if Trump gives her all the power to make military decisions and they make a Hindu holiday a National Holiday.

Gabbard will be able to personally destroy every Democrat she comes into contact with and make every single brown person and Indian turn Democrat and he'll even get the Samoan vote.

>trusting polls


>>creepy Joe Biden polling at the top..
Guys look at this totally (((legitimate))) poll!