Is there a word for niggers who aren't retarded and have brains..?
Is there a word for niggers who aren't retarded and have brains..?
Science fiction
Yes, they're called black people.
Unfortunately they're roughly 5% of their population.
Fpbp /thread
Ahhh! Ya beat me too it. I guess one could also call it fantasy too.
diet niggers
Since they're so rare there might as well be a new name.
House nigger or uncle Tom
those are for blacks that side with white people and go against black culture and way of life
'Black people' is an oxymoron
Genocide the
I'm actually racist, I'm not joking. If I could wipe everyone with more than a tan from the earth, I would.
That said, a very small percentage of blacks are decent people. They're not all subhuman.
black people
Same here. It's sort of heartbreaking honestly, and this is coming from a true blue racist.
Oreo, cause if you show any normal intelligence you’re black on the outside but “acting white” on the inside.
chief, warlord, boss nigga
Uncle Tom
>non-accomplishing trash race of garbage
You know God is cruel when he made you black.
yes uncle tom or coon.
i hate niggers.
i am ok with coons
black people have ubermensch just like everyone else..
but mostly its athleticism
Coleman Hughes and his circle of blacks are top quality intellectuals.
There are several podcasts that they run. It's good shit. Especially if you're black with brains.
Unicorns. Because they're both non existent
Nope ur all niggers
Yes. Wypipo.
>black with brains
that is for half caucasian and half black
Fuck off Rabbi, this is not a thread to play your games!
I just an article by him on the racial wealth gap(on Quilette), which he attributes to cultural differences, and his solution was to induce a change in Black culture so that Blacks would learn how to save money and make wise financial decisions. This won't work because cultural differences have genetic causes, and future-time orientation and IQ correlate with saving rates(he even writes in the article that Asians > Whites > Hispanics > Blacks in terms of savings). The genetic explanation is not taken into consideration, as usual, and people who do not do so are rarely correct.
pol will unironically say michael jackson is a nigger
Good people.
Feel sorry for you lads. To immerse yourself in such unhappiness.
I was thinking about this recently, I'm pretty redpilled on niggers but one day I realized all of the african niggers at my work, every single on of them is a really cool person.
"uncle toms"
It's legitimately bad science, and it cannot be fixed.
Doesn't mean that the conclusion is totally wrong but we just don't know until the culture is so destructive from birth.
The goal is to save and maximize the potential of those who can be helped, anyway. Regardless of race.
hey lets play a game!
you say the name of a movie but you HAVE to replace a word by NIGGER
got it? go!
I ll start:
>gone with the nigger
>70% of whites can be considered human
>0.5% of blacks can be considered human
>see there is no difference, both have humans within them!
What are Americans supposed to do? Accept their replacement to be able to say "Atleast we weren't racist"?
>It's legitimately bad science
No it's not. It's the single most researched subject in all of psychology, and it is a great predictor of real-world outcomes.
>The goal is to save and maximize the potential of those who can be helped, anyway. Regardless of race.
Whose goal? America is going to turn into another Brazil in the coming decades, Britain and Sweden are next. White nations are being overrun all over the West, and stopping that overrides everything else.
50-70 didnt use to be "mil mental retardation"
(((They))) literally had to push for it to be changed so 95% of brownies wouldnt count as retarded
>50-70 didnt use to be "mil mental retardation"
>(((They))) literally had to push for it to be changed so 95% of brownies wouldnt count as retarded
85iq use to be the limit for full blown mental retardation, but half of all us nigger mutts fell under that, so special schools were 95% niggers, who didnt have any mental issues beyond just being default niggers
also dont you wanna play the nigger game?
>alice in nigger land
>the good, the bad, and the nigger
> No it's not.
You're like a liberal.
It is bad science because by the time they're old enough to fill out the test their brains are damaged.
>Whose goal?
I don't mean refugees, I mean the existing population in countries like the USA when Coleman lives.
Differently shaded folks.
>It is bad science because by the time they're old enough to fill out the test their brains are damaged.
Damaged how and why? No one has found an enviromental factor in firstworld nations that can explain anything at all, and the libs have been trying for decades.
>Damaged how and why?
All the ways I can think of and probably many that I can't.
>, and the libs have been trying for decades.
No they haven't because they would have to admit that there are savage, clearly inferior cultures out there and whites need to interfere.
>All the ways I can think of and probably many that I can't.
There is no proof of anything like that.
>No they haven't because they would have to admit that there are savage, clearly inferior cultures out there and whites need to interfere.
They've studied the effects of poverty, the effects of baby formula vs breast milk, the effects dietary choices, the effects of schooling, and who knows what else, and none of it lead to anything. The only enviromental factors that have had some influence is iodine deficiency and severe malnutrition, and neither of those is a problem in firstworld countries.
>There is no proof of anything like that.
You're dumb, kid.
I hope you're not trying to be a scientist/intellectual.