Be white

>Be white
>Can't get laid
>Finds acceptance in internet forums filled with other incels
>look up to a white mass murderer in New Zealand as a role model.
>Shoot up a Wal-Mart because you're such a failure at life.

How do we solved the INCEL problem?

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>Shoot up a Wal-Mart

pick my cotton nig

>How do we solved the INCEL problem?
By having sex with them

After all, sex isn't a big deal, right? It shouldn't be a problem for a liberated woman

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>>Be white
Shooter wasn’t white.

>How do we solved the INCEL problem?

Legalize prostitution. I'm not even kidding. 100% serious. If people can buy to get their dick wet then they are, by definition, not an incel anymore.

You don't have cotton in greece, just turks.

he was white you delusional faggot.

i just want to look into her eyes and tell her she is beautiful
thats all.

You can't solve it, you've got an entire generation of young white men who

>can't get a wife
>can't own a house
>can't get a good job

On top of that, they have the entire mainstream media dumping down their throats about how racist, evil, and sexist they are for being a white male

What does an incel do in this situation? Incels don't reason, they just lash out

Expect more lashing out, because instead of having a discussion on the impact of immigration, government growth, and the role of feminism, we just delay it and surpress it until some freak does the unthinkable