Why jews don't want to be white?

They're whiter than a lot of south europeans plus higher iq, why they refuse to belong to the white race?

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Surgery to look white doesn't actually change your race.

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Kat Dennings has fantastic tits

Literal booby trap

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If they were white they couldn't claim they were constantly being discriminated against. It would ruin their whole antisemitic shtick.

whites are cro magnon man, shemite fake jews
are neanderthal cave beasts.

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There are creamier and milkier out there. Much creamier and milkier.

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Was watching 2 Broke Girls for two reasons: the Khazar supermilkers and the based jokes against nogs and ching chongs.

Is ‘2 broke girls’ known as ‘2 regular girls’ in Greece on account of your financial mishaps?

Can't be a victim if you're white

This is why greece hates you

Btw i love u greek bro! *cuddles you*

>Why jews don't want to be white?
Because they aren't. There is a lot of data about their genetics, and even the ashkenazi are only to 50% white, the rest is sand nigger DNA

They're the most inbred. Whites aren't typically inbred. Here's an entire foundation, dedicated to their inbredness.
You know, inbreeding causes sociopathic behaviors and eventual retardation.

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Because they aren't. Are people in picrel look white to you?

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Also...there's the running theory they're not human at all. Much less white.
When you look into it, it seems kind of possible.

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I 'll admit that this was kinda funny

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I want to milk that cow

Because it is not a choice
you stupid nigger

plus the long nose is better than your wide negro nose.

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Why do royalty separate themselves from their subjects?

Depends from what ashkenazi group. One is Neanderthal because they are new land natives. Neanderthal just means they are new worlders. That’s all and as to what gene they use to prove it is a matter of debate. In the world of international politics no one admits it. Hooked noses and are dangerous and humans with no earlobes and no foreskin. When Indians (non Hindustani) would jump into swamps etc. they needed earlobes to close the ear canal. They need perfect shape noses to keep water out think of closing throat with the muscles of the top palate. This operates like a straw with one side closed. You can make it hold in water or you can keep it out via a pressure bubble.

>Why they refuse to belong to the white race?
Because they gain literally nothing from saying they are white. Saying "I'm white" will literally never help you in life

I wanna breed her with my Goy seed

So to be human you must at least have the ability to close all your holes. Ears, Nose, Tear Ducts, Ass, Sex Organ, Mouth etc. That’s all.

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Oh yeah you want to breed her with your Goya bean?

That's a nice theory you got there, you dumb nigger. But Jews and middle-easterners actually have less neanderthal admixture than white Europeans...

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Ashkenazi Jews are about as White as Greeks and Southern Italians. If they aren’t White they’re so close that one generation of bleaching would make their children White

Half Jew + Half Euro = White in almost all cases

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Europeans and Asians have neanderthal DNA with Europeans having the most, 3% even.

Some southeast Asia/Oceania groups have denisovan DNA.

Niggers have neither and have a chunk of something very archaic that hasn't been identified yet. So-called ghost DNA.

Blacks are simply not like us at all.

> do the people in this pic look White to you?

Yeah pretty much

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They don't have to be white, just let in Africans and that would be fixed fast!

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Pretty shitty example for the point you're trying to make.

Most of those girls not only look white but are genuine QTs

Jow Forums revoked Jews' membership in white race.


Do you think that the H Sapiens were blonde before breeding with Neanderthals ? Think again.
Niggers have no Neanderthal DNA and look how light their skin and hair are.
That theory + your pic are complete schyzophrenia , likely made by a Jew

t. never saw a southern european

Ashikenazi are genetically more closely related to the turks then they are the French let alone Swedes or Germanics so do you consider Turks white too? You white nationalist are too retarded to get into genetics you invalidate your own point

You are correct. Sub-Saharan Africans carry 2% admixture from an ancient hominid that split off earlier than even the neanderthals. What's more; Up to 8% of the DNA of west-Africans is derived from some sort of unknown archaic hominin that split off from humans later than the neanderthals. My bet is that those 8% came from a species of hominin that was related to the "Iwo Eleru" fossils. Google that shit. You'll quickly come to the conclusion that the whole "there is only one race, the human race" narrative is bullshit.

t. alberto barbosa

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Southern Italians and Greeks are about a closely related to Turks as Ashkenazi Jews are. Where to draw the line genetically will always be a debate.

Dude if you want a thread of those giant, huge, succulent kosher tiddies, just admit it.

>Possible related search: photo shoot
There's useless, completely useless and then there's GIS.

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>They're whiter
White genes hijacking
... and sometimes it fails... a lot

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I think it's more like Turks are a mixture of older Anatolian populations that were Hellenics and South Thracians.

The original Seljuk Turks that arrived from Central Asia didn't have much in common genetically with Greeks. They just stole rightful Eastern Roman empire (aka Byzantine) clay.

So that they can get into the oppressed POC club.
They desperately want to look White that's why they keep getting a fuck ton of plastic surgeries.
Truth is Jews have a massive inferiority complex towards Whites, they hate Whites but they also can't survive without them.

I must have laughed at every single manlet joke they made. Preferred the blonde tho.

>Where to draw the line genetically will always be a debate
Not really because both Greek and Italians are indigenous indo Europeans which means they can genetically be traced back to ancient europeans while the ashkenazi are indigenously Semitic which means they are originally not european. Why are people on this site so stupid?

I don't get this, GIS used to be better. Why would they let their algorithms degrade?

Jesus, how unlucky do you have to be to have Christie Brinkley as your mother, but you end up looking like your coon-eyed, kike-nosed dad?

maybe not 100% white but very fuckable

To enjoy minority protections, gibsmedats, college admission, victim mentality, etc..

Apparently they lost a lawsuit to Getty images and they were forced to cuck their search results. Lately I've had to use Yandex and Tineye a lot more. Also, I still think she should have been Wonder Woman even though I liked Gal Gadot.

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this thread sucks without jew tits. keep posting them

who is she?

Look at the cans on her

european jews are literally mostly polish, russian or german stock how the fuck are they not white?

who is she?

Ur mum.


Once we win the race war and defeat ZOG, I'm calling dibs on her for my harem of Jewesses.

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