El Paso shooting
Someone pranked NBC saying they witnessed the shooting. I recorded it. It's downloading now lol
El Paso shooting
Someone pranked NBC saying they witnessed the shooting. I recorded it. It's downloading now lol
>Jow Forums
How come Jews try so hard to do the opposite of what regular Jow Forumsacks do?
Grow up. Now is not the time for jokes.
Im uploading it to youtube and will post it here
This is EXACTLY the time or jokes you fucking cunt.
This will happen over and over and over until you stupid fucks figure out what we figured out 2000 years ago.
I'm gonna watch as every mass shooting increases in frequency like fucking popcorn in a microwave.
I'm gonna laugh until we're all hip deep in guts and nobody can live a normal life so we stop being cattle.
Where is it!
Someone beat me to it and made a thread about it
Now is exactly the time.
t. Mod