David duke is right

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Why is the FBI trying to sabotage mommy?

Didnt Duke also endorse Hillary in 2016?


I fucking knew hillary was anti-deepstate and anti-israel but none of you faggots listened


Im so glad none of you listen to the final podcast of Michael Collins Piper.

Duke just ensured that the Dems will run the most retarded far left candidate they can come up with....
Ensuring a win for Zion Don

Hint: Kikes for Kennedy

How dare she put american interests over israel.

He also endorsed Ilhan Omar, not a long ago, but everyone seems to have forgotten about that

that's fucking illegal


He endorsed Trump

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Except she won't, she's a ziocunt like trump

She’s still the opposite of those, things would’ve been roughly the same had she won.

The headline spins it like it's a bad thing lol

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Foreign adversaries are conducting a pro-Tulsi disinformation campaign. Islamists, Israel/Mossad/Jews, and the broader international communist party including both China and Russia are all engaged in active measures against the USA.

For Russia in particular, you must read Golytsin's Perestroika Deception. The communist party are masters of psychological manipulation and active measures in the ideological arena. This is the ultimate battleground of the entire world.

1) KGB Chief Andropov was the principle responsible for implementing the Perestroika Plan, and his deputy went on record saying the three great threats to the USSR were pop music, western culture, and hare krishna (the tiny cult, even tinier at the time, that Tulsi belongs to).

2) Familiarize yourself with the soviet origins of the Tavistock Institute. There is ample historical material, but of more pressing importance is that it remains a Soviet institution to this day. For example, there is a deep partnership between Tavistock, Eglin AFB (hub of US domestic propaganda operations), the Esalen Institute.

3) Joe Rogan's handler, Jamie Vernon ("pull that up, Jamie"), is a foreign asset. His father was part of information warfare unit for the Pentagon, but more importantly the father was best friends with Mossad agent Harry Hirschinger, known to have involved in aiding and abetting al-Qaeda operations that resulted in the deaths of US personnel (barracks bombings, same MO as Mossad doing 9/11 basically).

4) One of the primary modes of implementing soviet active measures in the US is through "hippie" communities following the Esalen Institute model. They form cults with hierarchical, intensely loyal followers who are paranoid of outsiders (for a variety of reasons like use of banned psychoactive drugs). Joe Rogan, the person to put Tulsi on the map, gets all of his content from the communist limited hangout, the Esalen Institute.

Until Trump revealed his Israeli subservience.

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wtf I love tulsi now

Indoctrinated US Army Major. Worked in a MEDICAL unit.

Likely has ties to Military-Industrial Complex.

US and Israeli interests go hand in hand. All these officers are trained the same. Pentagon brains say something, she might do it.


I want Tulsi to get the nomination on the off-chance that the God Emperor gets just one term. I could sleep at night with her in the office, as opposed to any of the other 19 candidates.


>PHD from Ukrainian uni
>photo-ops with Dugin

DUKE = Commie

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Duke gang

Based, Dr. Duke was fooled by Trump like many people were. He's on the money this time.

Duke is based


Wherever you posted before Trump is where you need to go back to.



>sir Tulsi is gaining popularity
>quick make david duke endorse her

Duke based.

>hillary was anti-deepstate
lel, o i am laffin

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I like Duke, but normies don't. This type of stuff is and always has been used against whoever he endorses. He should know that by now and endorse Harris or something.

Should endorse yang