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why are we so hateful pol
True. If the Trump administration doesn't do more to get rid of spics, more shit like this will certainly happen. The United States is being invaded and it needs to stop. Mass deportations NOW!
Gtfo JIDF. Defending your nation against an ethnic replacement is not hate. It is your duty
this is fake you retard
fuck off israel
I thought it was fake?
Hello fellow polacks
Are we the bad guys pol?
Agreed. These are the initial shots of a revolution. These heroes will be remembered.
The time is coming, the white man awakens.
Let this be a lesson to those who claim our children will be brown
Reason/proof this is real?
1-If you are a shill, open this link, there is the pastebin choice if you are afraid of someone logging you.
1.1-If they dont allow you there is something shady going on and you should be afraid of it.
1.2-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus, ip logging or something like that, search at your prefered web search site and read it at another site, there are more than one with the text. There is also the pastebin, I posted before.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.
If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.
It's a beautiful time we live in, witnessing history take place
>kids 3
Lol no.
This place has to be deleted. This place has to be fucking destroyed.
Confirmed False Flag
Get the fuck out if here, kike
he made the wrong choice in target selection, he should have gone for blacks or arabs, hispanics aren't really the problem
had the right intentions though
only thing I feel bad about is he didint kill more shitkskins.
Fucking commie trash get fucked, your kind will be extinct
They might be the initial shots of the revolution if they targeted legitimate targets like those responsible: politicians and national media outlets / personalities. Targeting random people at a Walmart is cowardly and doesn't accomplish anything.
Whites should unironically be exterminaetd for the greater good of humanity
>I am against race mixing because it destroys genetic diversity
This kid literally failed biology class. Better listen to what he has to say.
Man I can't wait for you Mayo's to get genocided
here is the full thing with his facebook as well.
Fake as discord tranny's tits.
You didnt read the manifesto did you?
Doesn't look like that's the way it's going tho
Manifesto was released an hour earlier than when the pics dropped of him holding the AK.
The manifesto mentions said AK, says he is a white young man. All checked.
Give it a try. That will be when niggers are exterminated.
Only whites can be human though.
Come get some
The hilarious part is at the end where he pitifully attempts to deflect his narcissistic, psychopathic actions from Trump. What a complete cunt of a person, but of course this vile, autistic incel will be adored here just like the NZ shooter who I won't name, and the bowl cut church autist. It's so typical of a narcissist to blame others for their own actions, when they're the one pulling the trigger murdering innocents who did nothing wrong.
Imagine actually wasting your life trying to defend a nation of mutts from becoming more muttifued.
people like you created this monster, and it's not going to go away, deleting this would just drive everything you hate underground a bit more, not a lot, but a bit. This means that the level of traffic wouldn't really change, but people would get even more radicalized.
Legit, if you want to stop this pain train what you need to do is have good faith discourse with white people and listen to their concerns regarding racial and demographic issues. Pushing aggressively will have the opposite effect of what you want. I know you won't be able to help yourself or understand what I'm getting at though.
Who is going to feed africa, chimp?
Show tits.
These things are never accurate.
keep doing this and you'll just get more violent white nationalists. So please, keep doing it.
The chinese
Accelerationismbis a falseflag pushed by kikes to destroy any chance of white nationalism to rise
sloppy job mossad
You mean saint brenton?
His target is pretty bad if he's a Tarrant fan.
Whites will be going on a terror watch list after this, the anti white terror bill is going to pass now
Unironically, OP should kill himself. There is absolutely nothing of value scum like you could contribute to society.
True, I did it to myself and almost none of the info was right
>Killing innocent civilians
>destroying the rights you hold dear
Not based.
Ad hominem, memflag
If anything this will make people more sympathetic to spics as he shot up non combatants in a soft target area. Sympathy also went to an all time high for mudslimes after NZ.
This guy fucked up, this won’t start a revolution.
That quote is goat af.
There are no innocents in an invasion
>innocents who did nothing wrong
U wot
He'll get to meet some nice Hispanics in prison
CNN is talknig about the manifesto being posted online days before and how this is a Federal hate crime. Tarrant faggots are the ones "accelerating" this narrative of criminalizing conspiracy theories and online posts, they are probably going to shut us down. I hope you Tarrant schizos are glad, you morons are trully the tools of the stablishment.
Go back to custody Tyrone
And kill them
I will write another line of the manifesto
>and the chinks and the jews suck fat dick
why do you want to live around whites then?
>we must use our gun rights
>his action will be used to restrict guns
>"Christchurch didn't work....fuck"
>"....Alright, let's try again in El Paso"
It's all so tiresome
he worded that extremely poorly, but you know what he tried to say.
Does anyone else suspect this will even scare illegals away? Will illegals take up arms against citizens & copy these shooters?
Ad hominem is if i said OP was wrong BECAUSE *insult*, dumbass. I'm not making an argument, I'm making a statement that OP should blow his brains out
Post a link faggot
Mossad shilling hard to ban your guns
Nice bipod faggot
>conflating a terrorist murderer with any ideas you're against
>politicising murders and serious harm
Not good.
Some of you shills and bots should feel ashamed.
boring unoriginal cliche galore
tarrant is the gold standard and roof was hilarious
this is as sad as that ice bombing commie
Let them try, that's the whole point. Accelerationism ftw. Fuck off Brazilnigger go get beheaded by your local cartel or something
>new order of barbarians
He is 100% correct.There is no diversity other than white people, if you arent white you are just a nigger, but there are several types of whites.
He asked who was going to feed Africa, not to whom Africa's resources are currently being fed.
the day china is in charge of black people is the day all of you will be begging for another 1800s america
The El Paso shooting is proof the Christchurch shooting worked
Go back to Tumblr/Reddit. You don't belong here this is the white mans world. Tick tock
In his manifesto under GEAR he says he'll have to wear heat resistant gloves to protect his hands.
>pic related
And you guys said that St. Tarrant wouldn't inspire anyone. Hold on to your sits faggots.
If by kill them you mean blow jobs, you're right, that incel weights 80 pounds soak and wet.
He's Arian pink ass is going to get illegally invaded Juan by Juan
You're the one ignorant here.
Now why would someone need to fake this.
very likely he won't because skinheads/woods/ABT have a big presence in texas
and he'll be in adseg basically forever
learn english fag nigger
Not gonna read after supporting Christchurch and Hispanic invasion of fucking TEXAS. This is cause feds on infinity have been meaning tarant, there’s been like 16 threads.
Invasion of Texas? They have been there for centuries, sure they’re fucking pouri in everyday, but you went to god damn West Texas?? It’s like you needed to rake and you just picked up a single leaf or some shit. Fucking retard
that's literally their entire point. they want the government to be even more repressive. that's what acceleration is all about. their goal is to have firearms taken away which will trigger a revolution.
they realize the government's Pavlovian response and are expecting it.
Yet another manifesto to add to the cringe compilation.
>going for the innocent civilians and children
>not the actual politicians that are causing all of this in the first place
What an absolute coward
they're talking about Jow Forums AND 8ch right now on MSNBC, and have mentioned it multiple times on CNN and Fox.
>Let them try, that's the whole point
Nothing happened on all the other changes, why do you believe this time will be different?
1) We now have Zoomers putting themselves into positions of power because they are so ego driven they think they are smart enough to do better
2) These people are bringing so much heat on us that gun bans are becoming inevitable, as guess what ZOOMERS like David Hogg will use gun bans to get into public office
3) He was surprisingly right about the Democrat plan and I must admit I have told that to my friends many times
4)I kinda agree with his environmental ideas but a lot are stupid -- I think he could be correct that we will destroy the world if we try to make 500 million people get the same lifestyle as 300
It's literally the law of competitive exclusion. No two species that use the same resources exist in the same area. They either become one species or one kills the other.
>another manifesto that tries to make the person seem like Jow Forums incarnated
>no mention of Jews at all
I suppose making your false flags mention Jews would get people talking about them, which is exactly what they don't want to do. Let's make this person seem like a right-wing extremist from shady websites, oh yeah but don't mention the Jews!
>he doesn have glove
the manifesto is pure bullshit and the kid is probably a patsy you can see in the pic you posted that dude as no recessive chin when the kid blamed doesn even have a chin it's in negative position
A fucking leaf
>A revolution happens in a day