Right wing males are bigger, stronger and have more sex (sources: Aarhus University, Journal of Public Economics)
Reminder that incels are left wing
Jason Reyes
Other urls found in this thread:
Brayden Flores
Ethan Evans
>sources: Aarhus University, Journal of Public Economics
Gabriel Clark
Masturbation death machines
Dominic Smith
>Right wing males are bigger, stronger and have more sex
How do you explain Jow Forums
William Martin
I guess you're left-wing as well, OP.
Lincoln Thompson
Nah I'm just stronger, hotter and more sexually active than anyone so I raise the average leaving you neckbeards worshipping my Chad essence
Lincoln Flores
the studies explain it all user
Xavier Lewis
>a fucking LEAF
Lucas Allen
Politics are a cope. If you're ugly you're ugly, no matter what retarded political belief you have.