Mexico has been building up weapons and air defenses it has purchased from Russia which includes missiles that are superior to US defense systems. Mexico has 18 air bases and growing to control the air defense. Iran has also conducted navy operation near the gulf of Mexico to show they can project power worldwide. Half the population in the south is spics and will side with Mexico and join the fight. Cartels are everywhere with more weaponry to supply inside the US.
This El Paso shooter is the last warning, arm yourselves and join militias.
It may be superior to the defense systems you know about, fucking cumbrain
Dylan Morales
annex mexico do a leaflet drop that is an ad for the federal reserve people back annexation and expansion of Fed mexican government has to go along or else face angry mob
Jaxon Green
good cant wait
Gavin Taylor
Annex China and invade Russia. With Chinese troops.
Justin Watson
Superior enough that the US is going crazy and telling countries not to buy them.
Also this is the main unit and strategy Mexico will use. City and urban warfare, just gunning down everything in sight.
Annex India, then China, then the Philippines, then invade Russia along the Indian and Chinese borders. With Filipinos. And forced conversion to Christianity. And a +2 sword of Benevolent Peace and Justice.
Not even one of those little go-karts would be around after the first three days of war with the US. Beaners should use this "weaponry" against their own people.
Jack Nelson
How do Mexicans view foreigners there? I kinda want to take a trip to Mexico but im kinda scared of the cartels and stuff
Levi Gutierrez
>side with mexico Lol. Wanna hear a secret? Mexico calls everyone south of them "latin america" like they were different from us, and take pride of living in the North America region like they were in the same league of USA and Canada.
good. they're taking back what's theirs. white americans need to go back to Europe.
Logan Sanders
Russian weapons are a meme
Brandon Campbell
Tell the same thing to all shitskins in Europe.
Aaron Myers
Ok for being a good little traitor I hope the Yankee invader lets you stay and doesn't forcibly remove you like the rest.
Colton Hill
They are real and Russian subs are good enough to bypass US radars and sonars like that time they were near the US coast. The south will fall, the head NorthWest threads are real and not a meme.
Mexico couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Mexicans are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Mexico's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
Charlie manson tried to create a race war with the niggers. Maybe this will trigger some crazed Mexican enough to revenge this killing in some all white IHOP or some white Church. Then some whitey revenges that, and then another Mexican killes a bunch of whites and so on and so on, and suddenly.....
RACE WAR! Sorry Charley Manson, the niggers didnt take the bait, hope Mexicans do!
Joseph James
>When Mexico's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
Guess those "BIG" tractors are not helping, are they?
Lol this guy gets it Don’t worry though I am designing a stain of sickle cell that binds to horchata
Christopher Jenkins
It's more a anti personnel fighting vehicle than a tank. It has paper thin armor too. It's great to fight against soldiers in an urban environment but stands no chance against a real tank or even US MRAPs and JTVs
Btw you guys can’t make a decent whisky to save your ass
Jaxson Butler
I know Mexico uses humvees but I don't think they even use the up-armor variants. Really Mexico if they went to war with the US, they would have to depend on their helicopter force since they are the only thing close to what the US has.
sad thing is, it makes practical sense to have beaner tanks that small. They're fighting not other countries but within their own cities
Christian Ross
I'm pretty sure I remember that a good number of "refugees" in one caravan from South America (1st one this year if i recall correctly) got into conflict with the people who were already living there and Mexican wrestlers showed up. Idk, must be muh autisms goin at it again
Landon Reed
This is a joke right? Every white male I know owns enough gear to kit 5 or more people, trains weekly, and cant wait for the civil war. Texas is the last place this will work.
Asher Taylor
So they chopper fuel in. I thought the tanks got followed by a big arse fuel truck. Choppering is way more efficient.
A lot of Mexico's inventory is either light anti personnel or WW2 US surplus. Mexico could realistically be invaded by another nation and lose. Cuba would be a perfect example of a country that could run over Mexico in a war. Then there is the fact Mexico's airspace is totally naked. They don't even have any good fighters.
This is the fakest gayest thing I've seen on here in a while you absolute nigger. I wish Mexico would invade.
Cooper Sanders
Wanna hear a secret? Everything south of Mexico is latin America.
Nolan Young
Lucas Rodriguez
Hudson Martinez
FFS, you fucking moron, a modern war with the U.S. and Mexico would be measured in seconds.
Mexico would end up having a whole chapter written about how much the U.S. spent to rebuild it, just like the Marshall plan and Europe.
Carson Hall
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
Cameron Campbell
Yeah I remember my first bottle of tequila too
Juan Thompson
This is all probably true. There are many hundreds of thousands of citizens and illegals of Mexican/Hispanic ancestry who openly support La Raza and the criminal gangs from Latin America.
This shooting today is going to make them angry at white Americans.
Jack Garcia
M1 has a decent range for a tank it's size and powerplant. M1 uses gas turbines instead and utilizes that to generate electricity. The tank itself generates more electricity than anything else. The chopper itself is getting its support from the tanks, it's the other way around. When helios land they are corded up or when they land on ships.
Please don't send in those M5's, I'd have to resort to sticking a chunk of rebar in the tracks to stop it, then shooting the crew, just because it's such a neat little tank.
Granted I'd have to wash all the Mexishit out of it.
William James
well, at least op tried
Andrew Cruz
No. But I do agree mexicans feel superior to both gringos, central and south americans.
Justin Martin
one of the many benefits of being our neighbor. Canada's been leaching for years.
Alexander Reyes
Boi that shit was obsolete before ww2
Jack Hernandez
Isaac Ortiz
hahaha you are afraid your "army" is stuck with surplus M1 tanks while we are already parading our M5s. better catch up, buddy.
Indio please, you can't even have a fucking functional country, let alone win a war against the gringos. 80% of the war effort money would be lost to corruption, the other 20% goes to the cartel. You government will send you to war armed with a stick and three tacos. And then they will say in their news they are the envy of latin america.
Jack Lopez
There is a Marine base in Arizona and an Army helicopter base too. It's one of the reasons illegals don't make it in Arizona, they walk on to the base. Then there are the test ranges in New Mexico.
>falls for an ancient pasta like a newfag You need to lurk more
Jacob Collins
No, I think Chile>every other latin american country
Ryan Jenkins
If invasion happens, turn our autists into vietcong for them
Jaxon Bennett
I’m too busy to lurk more I’m an ICE agent and the overtime is hell right now
Asher Foster
because, unlike Am*ricans, we do know who fathered us, unlike you who raise the kid your whore wife births without knowing if it's yours, Guido's or Tyrone's
Justin Brooks
Give em hell user.
Wyatt Ortiz
Hmm I’ve never been. How is Lima ? I’ve heard it’s both hell and one of the most up and coming places?
Eli Murphy
But we put our nuke detection radars in Canada and we let them use NORAD. There was one time Canada wanted to go to war with the US because the US wanted to put nukes in Canada.