If these mass shootings keep happening in America, you’re going to get your guns taken away...

If these mass shootings keep happening in America, you’re going to get your guns taken away. At least consider implementing required gun license and mental health check ups. These things do not hurt your freedom to own guns. Here in Croatia these things are normal and I’m a gun owner myself.

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Shut up nigger

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Gas 4 u

(((Mental health))) in America is a dogwhistle for big pharma fraud. The practitioners are incompetent, corrupt, arrogant and useless. Just like gun laws. Who in Walmart shot back? Nobody.

Self defense is a human right.
Firearms are essential to preserving freedom and liberty in any nation.

When Tyranny becomes law
Rebellion becomes Duty

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>At least consider implementing required gun license and mental health check ups.

Ans virginity checks, incels should not have access to guns

mass shootings are as american as apple pie. It's a part of the culture.

We have at least 400 million civilian-owned guns, the vast majority unregistered, and trillions of rounds of ammunition in civilian hands. Gun confiscation is simply impractical.

Regulation is not a ban on guns. If you can afford to buy a gun, you can afford to pay for a gun license.

if they try to confiscate guns on a mass scale in this country, there is going to be a shootout in the news every few hours

who is going to serve the warrants? No cop is going to want to risk his life 20 times a day serving confiscation warrants.

>TFW you shucked but should've jived.

>you’re going to get your guns taken away
and by whom? is this a threat?

If that was the case then guns would have been banned 30-40 years ago when the niggers started nogging pretty hard.

The problem being that as soon as you start regulating, it's easier to "regulate" or change regulations until guns aren't plausible to most anyone.

You had your chance to take them away, but SHE LOST.

Q predicted this!

There would be no probable cause for a warrant. It would require martial law, warrantless searches of every building, and sensors to detect buried caches.

That's not how it works, America is bigger , we have 340 murders every week. I will forget this event like I forgot my last fart . I carry a gun always , they die like sheep for not carrying. That's all.

True. It's a rarity in other countries with similar firearm availability.

Don't be so intolerant of undocumented euthanasia. No one is illegal.

Maybe in other countries something like that might happen, but actually in America the trend is the opposite. In my state, I can lawfully conceal-carry without any training, registration, or license. If anything, Americans are becomming desensitized to mass shootings and the obvious attempts at political exploitation of them. Most burgers are now, “Another mass shooting? Lol.”

Thats fucking sad.. Mass shooting have become a norm in your country..Thid judt makes things worse people are becoming numb to violance and death. Your shithole uncultural materialistic amoral country is becoming even worse

At least he was wearing ear and eye pro. Safety first anons.

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>in other countries with similar firearm availability
Like where?

>mental health
His manifest literally says he did it to protest
2. Pro-corporate politicans
3. illegal immigration

There's a mental health component, obviously, but to pretend it's nothing but mental health is dangerous.

>Your shithole uncultural materialistic amoral country is becoming even worse
It sure is, and without the ability for citizens to inflict consequences on government how much worse do you think our kike overlords will make it?


God, I really hate Bloomberg shills.
Whatever he’s paying you, I hope it’s worth it.

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He left behind a manifesto?

Also the mental health argument sounds reasonable, but our psychiatric institutions endorse child tranny shit and hyper-liberalism. What happens when the APA declares racism a mental illness under that system?

Fuck off, we will just make more.

>If these mass shootings keep happening in America, you’re going to get your guns taken away.

No, but if you try to take our guns, you will be killed. Period.

Yeah. It reads about what you'd expect from pol, except he's also an enviromentalist and anti automation advocate.

At this point you'd need to get a 500+ score for anybody to even care about shooting past a week. The garlic fest thing dropped from the normie radar in a day. We won't even be talking about this shooting by the middle of next week. Truth is the loss of life doesn't even register with most of us and most people only care about shootings in so far as they can use them for political leverage.

Didnt you had one the other day Cromagnon?


>anti automation

Ah, this is how they start attacking Yang

"In Croatia, civilians are not allowed to possess semiautomatic arms and repeating long-barrelled firearms with a rifled barrel and magazine whose capacity is more than five rounds, long-barrelled firearms without a fixed grip, with a folding grip or with a grip shorter than 25cm, silencers, armour piercing and incendairy ammunition, or any other arms intended exclusively for military of police purposes"

haha, 5 rounds.

He said he was going to wear gloves