If these mass shootings keep happening in America, you’re going to get your guns taken away...

If these mass shootings keep happening in America, you’re going to get your guns taken away. At least consider implementing required gun license and mental health check ups. These things do not hurt your freedom to own guns. Here in Croatia these things are normal and I’m a gun owner myself.

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Shut up nigger

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Gas 4 u

(((Mental health))) in America is a dogwhistle for big pharma fraud. The practitioners are incompetent, corrupt, arrogant and useless. Just like gun laws. Who in Walmart shot back? Nobody.

Self defense is a human right.
Firearms are essential to preserving freedom and liberty in any nation.

When Tyranny becomes law
Rebellion becomes Duty

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>At least consider implementing required gun license and mental health check ups.

Ans virginity checks, incels should not have access to guns

mass shootings are as american as apple pie. It's a part of the culture.

We have at least 400 million civilian-owned guns, the vast majority unregistered, and trillions of rounds of ammunition in civilian hands. Gun confiscation is simply impractical.

Regulation is not a ban on guns. If you can afford to buy a gun, you can afford to pay for a gun license.

if they try to confiscate guns on a mass scale in this country, there is going to be a shootout in the news every few hours

who is going to serve the warrants? No cop is going to want to risk his life 20 times a day serving confiscation warrants.