Why do mass shooters announce their plans on 8 chan's Jow Forums and not here?

Why do mass shooters announce their plans on 8 chan's Jow Forums and not here?

is 8 chan more based or what?

Attached: good_question.jpg (599x600, 44K)

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that’s where the autists who don’t realize all this nazi stuff is a meme go. In reality I love migrants, just had had one pound my gf last night

8 is run by the CIA

8 Ch is a lot more based, 4cuck is just Asian-Hapa spam, and Mossad psyop

It's because Q posts on double so they're trying to false flag the board


8pol is hardcore natsoc 4pol is basically incel muh gamergate redd*toids

it doesn't make any sense then

8 chan is serious Jow Forums, Jow Forums is the PG-13 version.

8 chan is run by the CIA while Jow Forums is run by the FBI

because this place has been flooded with leddit cancer since the election and they(8pol) are a more true continuation of 2015-Jow Forums
these others posts prove my point, Qboomers and memer retards.
also you have to be delusional to think authorities don't look at this place unlike 8.
its just that this place is all newfag population and no discourse and therefore there isn't as severe of a radicalization effect.