Everyday there is some shooting in USA and its because retards are given weapons so easily...

Everyday there is some shooting in USA and its because retards are given weapons so easily. You are already minority in your country and you dont do nothing with guns just shoot squirrels so you dont need guns. We dont have such a problem here because we dont give guns easily, so best way is to ban all the guns

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Other urls found in this thread:


tell that to all the minorities that stole their weapons

shootings are ok. we have a right to guns.

Why do you hate whites?

>and you dont do nothing with guns just shoot squirrels

Attached: IMG_0306.jpg (3264x2448, 3.68M)

I dont hate whites, if you dont do anything with guns and there are retards who loose their mind and have guns then it needs to be banned because you have shootings everyday not normal stuff

They're only gonna hate you more once they take your guns away.
So, deny them. Keep the guns.

>>Each day, 101 people (average) die from car wrecks.

Liberal (anti) logic

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Fuck off nigger faggot

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Why do you hate whites? You clearly want them dead

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Kill all Jewish and israeli children

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whats wrong with shootings every day?

Kill yourself

I dont think you would be happy if your family member got killed because some retard lost his mind and started mass killing people because he has guns


I’m sure you Chinks and Ruskies would love to see Americans hand over their guns... it’s not happening though.

Keep whining like a bitch Finn-nigger.

So if some teenager gets into a car drunk and kills three people, me, an adult with no record, should lose my license and my car because of someone else's crime? Let me also say that car accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers in the US.

just because it doesn't make everyone happy doesn't mean it's the right thing.

*not the right thing

>you wouldn't be happy if your family died in a car wreck
>wtf ban all cars now
kill yourself

Jewish children are always acceptable kills in minecraft.
Kill them until they are gone.

Mmm no? I'm not gonna do that. Sorry. You can have my bullets though, but you need III-A rifle plates to catch them tho

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guns are meant to kill

Listen to the third world shithole nigger trying to lecture the master race!

>guns are meant to kill
Yes? And?

that's a good thing. we need to kill. the more killing the better.

>just shoot squirrels

Trying to get a depredation tag to pop a cow elk. I'm craving some elk steak.

Operation Fast and Furious!

Attached: Thanks Obama.jpg (480x360, 19K)


car isnt, you can kill anyone with any stuff even a wrench but guns are the best most lethal and its built for the purpose for killing. its need to be banned and you will have peace in your country again, we dont have retards with guns because gun license is really hard to get and no gun crime here, even no knife crime. i dont need to worry about potentially getting shot by some sniper on a rooftop

No, guns are for killing Jewish children

gas yourself kike fag

Here is some simple math for you.
There are about 350 MILLION people in this country.
There are about 40k deaths due to firearms in this country every year.
That gives you, roughly, a 0.003% chance of being killed by a firearm. BUT ONLY
If you are
>in a gang
>a cop
>live in or near a black neighborhood
>or are suicidal
If that does not apply to you...your chances are essentially nill
Add that to the FACT that without exception, wherever the gun laws are strictest the higher the crime rate is, the reverse is also true.
Plus, firearms are used about one MILLION times every year in defense of self and others.
And if you want to cry about "muh mass shootings" you can blow that out of your ass too. As more people have died due to lighting strikes since the 60s as have died in all mass shootings combined. Twice as many in fact. Anyone against the 2A is an idiot and an ignorant fool. And, my enemy.

you type like you're forty

Why do you hate whites?

Hitler has spoken, it's for killing Jewish children

This is painfully obvious troll post, and you should kill yourself for it

Why do you hate whites?

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Kill all gun grabbers and fuck the feds too.

Stop being a pussy.

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your country is in such a state because of guns that you need to carry a pistol everyday to feel security

..it's beautiful

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But you just admitted that "even a wrench" can be used to kill someone. More people die from hammers than from AR-15s in the US. All this amounts to is treating the symptom but not fixing the underlying cause. If the guns are banned, the overwhelming majority of law abiding citizens get punished while the people with murderous intent will just start using knives, swords, hammers, forks, spoons, potato peelers etc. Then America will end up like England, showing your ID for a teaspoon.

Attached: The Fall of England 2.jpg (1978x6776, 3.03M)

Welcome to the diverse melting pot. Run up and get done up.

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Um...No, did you not fucking read it? Its not the bill of NEEDS nigger. I carry because because I have the RIGHT to do so, and statistically I will most likely never fire it in anger or be fired at in anger...Nah, we have a nigger problem sure, and if you took all niggers and spics out, we would literally be the safest country on the entire fucking planet.

Guys, I am apologizing for this retard. Don't take him seriously. He is degenerate and not estonian.

Boomer here

Banning guns is fucking stupid.
Get to the meat of it niggers.

It’s the declination of our nation.

Nothing to believe in. No god just nihilism. Add on that technology which has alienated us more.
Add on to that my generation pushing gen xers to go to college and incur lifelong debt for a soulless office job.
Then add their kids are brought up to do the same but without direction and purpose. For what?!


Then add on that your taxes will go to those whom fucking hate you (fuck u commie dems).

Then the news calls u out. Then the southern invasion to replace you because you MUST ACCEPT MUTLI CULTI


Then wonder why tarrant and like today happens?

meil oleks sama seis nagu ameerikas kui relvaluba antaks väga kergelt kätte

You have to remember your arguing with the boarder line mentally ill Estonian bro. The same stock of people who go out and commit these mass shootings. There’s no rationalizing anything to them. In many instances they fear rational. You can see this whenever they irrationally scapegoat bogeymen like Jews, MSM, blacks and women for all of the perceived woes in their lives, like their inability to get laid. Some just have the mental capacity of a child and can’t have a sincere, adult conversation on an imageboard without resorting to low quality trolling shitposting and trolling.

All in all, you’re dealing with people who function on a lower consciousness than you. People who exist in an intellectual void, driven to near madness by their own angst and everlasting sense of self hatred they project onto others by committing the heinous acts we’ve seen today.

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Your sister is getting gang raped by Muhammads right now. Bet you wish you had a gun huh faggot?


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Talk about epic projection. Yikes.

You are retard, dude. Am not even going to tell you why. Just list some key words for you to find the information for yourself: ethnicity, criminals don't obey law, normal people obey law, guns more than people in us, won't ever happen in our country, don't matter, delusional freedom, you retard, your mom gay, your dad gay.

Wow, so much muhammads.

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Banning all guns is a stupid idea dude you actually believe law abiding citizens are going to give up their weapons without resistance

Just to allow those whom give 2 shits about the law to kill u

America has a mess on its hands for sure but a ban no way would help the good people


Do I type like I am forty?

Anime is degenerate, but this guy fucking nailed it.
" If I can't sell aerial weapons, I'll sell naval weapons. If I can't sell battleships, I'll sell tanks. I'll sell guns. I'll sell swords. I'll sell hatchets. If you seal away iron, I'll sell cudgels."

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Who the fuck are you?

i would rather have you retards use swords than guns

Why do retards think anybody cares about dead illegals?
And estonia has one of the highest murder rates in Europe while Switzerland has one of the lowest

you gonna smoke that?

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Neil on putsis riik kus juudid, kes kütavad pigisid nende vastu ülesse, valitsevad nende üle. Neilt mitte ei tule relvasid ära võtta, nad peavad midagi tegema hakkama oma relvadega.

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>estonia has one of the highest murder rates
ahahah what. by per capita maybe, there are barely any murders here. handful every year and they are mostly between criminal organizations or murders within a criminal organization

I don't think you guys see what's happening. I will be buying a firearm as soon as possible. Things are scary here and the more I think about it, the more I realize that if someone wants to kill me and my whole family, I have no power to stop them. Make no mistake I'm not saying In a mass shooting situation I'd be a hero, but us white folks are being killed off systematically and simultaneously being targeted more and more the (((mass media))) is pushing this narrative, they want us gone and now all of the sudden everyone in the fucking world thinks we're the baddies. Everyone is seething. People are calling for the genocide of white people all over social media. Are you blind?

neilt tulebki relvad ära võtta, et nad hakkaks midagi tegema. mugavustsoonis elav burks kellel on kõik asjad käe-jala kaugusel ei tee hakka midagi tegema. niikaua lasevad mingid ära kassinud debiilikud inimesi kaubanduskeskustes ja sellega antakse meediale valge vastast moona

like...I cant even begin to GUESS about any of those words.

>valgete vastane moon
Neil pole moona isegi vaja. Isegi kui neid "kassinud debiile" poleks vinguks miski juut kuskil juudikanalil, mida omab juudi meediakontsern et kui sitad on valged sellepärast et jalanumbrise IQ-ga neegrid koguaeg perse oma eluga kukuvad ja et see valgete süü kuidagi on. Juut ja pigi vihkavad valgeid niikuinii. Ja mida rohkem meedia kriiskab valgete üle(mida nad pärast igat tulistamist teevad), seda ilmselgem see on pööbliltele, kes praegu matsu ära ei jaga, et midagi tuleb teha. Tegevuseks läheb alles siis, kui relv võetakse ära vennalt kes matsu jagab, mitte miskilt ajupestud kusikult.

>per capita
Hence why I said RATES dumbfuck.


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remember to SAGE

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you can’t get rid of the guns, but much worse than the guns are the nihilistic monsters denied a healthy identity filled with nothing but hate. this is the generation of revenge. boomers and the oligarchy brought it on themselves. reap the whirlwind i cry no tears for normies.

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>what is schengen
You fucking stupid faggot.

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We're coming for the guns, you fools. We will have them. And you will hand them over or we will simply take them. You won't fight back, you won't resist. You will obey. You have no idea the lengths to which we are prepared to go. The plans we have. You think you do, and you think you can fend this off, but you don't and you can't.

So, white terror mass shootings are the problem but at the same time whites aren't using their guns ... so they should give them up ...

Good thing gun control is a war crime.

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What kind of gun did he use sempai?

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trump isnt white any more. he disgraces anhero by talking shit. spider man should rape him for that

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we have a problem but its not guns. here is reality.

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Shootings are rare. We have a population of 300 million people and less than 1 percent die in firearm related injuries. Ask me if a give a fuck. Also most of the actual homicides are niggers. Also it’s a fact that America is number 10 in the world for mass shootings. France actually had more than, and on top of that the definition of a mass shooting is vague and leads to differing data depending on what political slant is doing the study.

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Guns aren't the best or the most lethal. They are the most humane way to kill. Biological and ecological warfare are the best and most lethal way to fight.

I don't know where all you faggots are coming from, but please, please keep bringing those sweet sweet tears.

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Nobody cares about the opion of sone former soviet rhird world backwater shithole.
I will laugh when russia invades you to reclaim rightful clay