Why does the leftist media never report violence committed by Mexicans?

Why does the leftist media never report violence committed by Mexicans?

Attached: 1459107498140.webm (854x480, 1.9M)

Silly goyim, because that would be racist if someone did that

They need their illegal votes

because they see at an international view, go for an imperial perspective of violence to bring down. Regardless, it is very dissociative to say the least

they should mutilate hot women instead, I'd probably even pay money to see that!

why isn't there a global industry of people being violently murdered on film? I'm betting it'd be pretty fucking lucrative

why do they casually forget about all of the black on black crime/murder?

It's their culture & it would be racist to try to stop them.

Attached: hardworking_mexicans.webm (264x480, 1.95M)

White people made them do this.

I love the way their limbs twitch when the blade strikes the spinal cord. Wonderful!
Imagine the sheer pain flowing up and down their bodies as their minds are racked by intense terror...

Attached: 1323752796759.png (600x601, 63K)