what part of well regulated don't you understand
What part of well regulated don't you understand
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Well regulated means well trained
Militia includes unorganized militia which is every able bodied male
what part of "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Don't you understand.
I understand the part where you are fucking retard
Imagine being so stuck in a leftist echo chamber that you don’t even know that well-regulated meant something else in the 18th century.
There are many countries on this planet with strict gun laws, move there if you want to. Why does every country have to be identical?
trumpcels sliding threads about the gop cucking
The part where the government gets involved.
Will this stop criminals who dont follow gun laws from getting guns?
Or will criminals find and use guns regardless of the law/gun laws?
Japan speaks truth. It is the way of honor.
That NOBODY on any side of politics actually wants "a well regulated militia", because that would create a whole new political grouping and allow people to organize into militias will millions of members, which makes them a demographic of their own.
The last thing you want is an army several times the size of the American army throwing it's significant weight around in the political sphere. The absolute last thing the established political-economic order wants is everyday people apart of groups thinking they have agency.
Nothing would please me more than the political "left" in America forcing people to be apart of organized militia groups in America, because it would tear everything apart.
Is the argument that we should have fought the British with antique-to-the-era weapons? Like longbows or something? They had the weapon of their times and we have the weapon of ours.
Weren't the minute men before the constitution was made?
Nice slide thread kike.
One day someone will go on a spree using only black powder, were talking half a dozen pistols, a few muskets and a grapeshot hand cannon or two. This argument will be shown to not make sense at that time
Yeah i think
Obviously you’re too stupid to look it up.
What part of enemies foreign and domestic don't you understand?
Why are grabfags so concerned with all the extra addons and gadgets for guns? Mass shooters can do just fine with a pair of pistols as well.
Of course, you're still more likely to die from lightning strike than ever being involved in a mass shooting.
>hundreds of rounds a minute
what a baby, if you fire less than 150 rounds a second go home
Regardless of the definition of "well regulated", which multiple people have already told you you are wrong about, the right doesn't even restrict guns to this well regulated militia.
It quite clearly says "the people". Which despite what you think, does not just mean the people rich enough to hire full time licensed body guards.