Shes 100% right on this

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Other urls found in this thread:

White Nationalism is a Zionist psy op.

All Jews must die. Little ovens, or rollercoaster ovens, gas trucks, I don't care.

not cancer

shores? god damn women are stupid like really fucking dumb

The united states of America was FOUNDED on white nationalism

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I bet Mindy like a dick in her whore ass. Disgusting slut.

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White nationalism is like the immune system finally getting up to speed. And it's only fitting.
>White nationalism
>White blood cells

You're 100% a dumb, broke, shitskin.

Hey guys, we spent the last sixty years telling white people they're scum, monsters, pure evil and that nothing they do will ever be good enough, now they're shooting us.
I don't get it?

pretty sure "black nationalism" has killed a whole lot more people in the US

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If these people allowed White interest groups to air out their legitimate grievances instead of massively suppressing them, stuff like this wouldn't happen.

Identity politics is a plague upon civilization.

America was founded by white nationalism.
Anti white nationalism will destroy America.

Findy Minn

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Identity Politics is the norm for humanity

violent white nationalism is the natural conclusion of a traitorous government forcing its majority ethnic population into becoming a minority population in their own nation as they plead in futility with their government to put a stop to it, while historical monuments dedicated to their history and ancestors are torn down and destroyed. on top of this, the media constantly and consistently gives only one side of the story when it comes to racial conflict, disparaging whites as uniquely evil for expressing ethnic and racial self interest, while ignoring non-whites who blatantly do the same thing.

When you denny peaceful change, you get violence.

Both statements are true

How and where? I'd like to join.

White Nationalism has finally metastasized like a cure for cancer on our shores. Leaders, apologize for, indulge, and tolerate it!

Get rid of all whitebois now!

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they could easily stop this. just put a stop to mass immigration and illegal immigration. most people are fine with some immigration, as long as it's heavily regulated and the people that come respect our history, culture, values and agree to assimilate. if the media would be fair in their coverage of racial issues, instead of being completely one sided, and directing all criticism towards whites.

>now is the time we must embrace white men and make them feel welcome, moderate white nationalist voice need to be heard to avoid further violence

These blue checkmark need to stop being such Negative Nellies. White Nationalism is nothing more than having a nation of white people. Why is that bad? Switzerland is a white nation, but I don't see her kvetching over that. There are plenty of nations for Asian people, for Black people and for Brown people. Why would she, a white woman, deny her OWN people the same privilege? Her anger makes zero sense.

but he could look like the president's son, therefore we must bend over backwards to exonerate against all facts

"Like a cancer on our shores?" This dumb bitch is slurring her metaphors

good to know that white supremacism is still the big bad evil
means we can btfo all the shitskin pets of the jew with no problems

I don't get why white nationalists are committing gun crimes by killing innocent people. You are bluepilling their families and friends and politicians are going to take a swipe at the few rights whites have left. Expect gun violence to be to democrats what the wall and the border was for trump regarding 2020.

this its honestly white pilling to know some of you anons are brave enough to do what needs to be done

muh accelerationists

>White Nationalism is a Zionist psy op.
no, its the future, and youre fucked kike

White feelings hurt :’(

>Shame a group of people
>Frustrate them in to becoming radicalized
>Shame them for lashing out

Gee, let's see, which direction do you think this will lead to? More or less radicalization?

In a rational world people would have recognized from the disaster of radical islamic terrorism in the middle east that you cannot shame a group of people in to submission.

Almost like they tolerate multiculti crime and decay every fucking day

I hope that wasn't copyrighted anonbro

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Yes Sieg Fucking Heil

Muh white boogeyman

The goal is to push for radicalization against whites and our rights.

It's funny, almost exactly how you would act if your mission was to discredit white nationalism.

Jeez, I wonder what made him do it Jow Forums??

>During the course of the protest the Mexican flag was raised and the American flag was taken down as well as flown upside-down:

>spic subhumans

>white nationalism is bad
I tire of these degenerate scum NPCs.

based and redpilled

Crybaby retard

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accelerationism is a legitimate philosophy

Can't mind the last time I saw cancer down the beach. Unless she's refering to the little crab dude in which case it would be last Tuesday

>white nationalism
>white nation

Just leave the white nation and you're fine.

This place gets more confusing to me every year

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Sounds like El Paso spics are the ones crying today. White anger is legitimate and anti-whites deserve everything that's coming to them.

I firmly believe if you are white and do not support accelerationism you have your head in the sand. There is not a white country on this planet that will survive the slow boil.

>Those who make peaceful resolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.

Not even white BTW, just saw the writing on the wall a long time ago. I hope Im fully self sustaining on my 30 acres before the civil war kicks off. I just want to grow peaches and fuck my Iranian waifu

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SOO... . . . ...

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white nationalism is a problem...but beating people with crowbars is fine. Start talking about shit that fucking matters..and other people might give a fuck.

>Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable

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They're not our leaders. They are anti-whites too.

>let's keep backing these people into a corner and telling them they're Hitler and ruin their lives if they espouse their views, it's sure to cut down on violence when they feel like they have no other options!

>It's funny, almost exactly how you would act if your mission was to discredit white nationalism.
...either that or the shooter was an absolute idiot. For some reason I lean towards believing that the sort of person who murders a bunch of civilians may not possess good judgment.

Weird, I thought we weren't supposed to blame entire swaths of the population for a few extremists. Oh, well, feelin' sleepy!

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White nationalism =/= white supremacism

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man cannot live on peaches and puss alone

>bluepilling their families
Every shitskin in this country is a fucking coward. The niggers who came here as slaves were cowards who would rather be slaves than fight back against the niggers who captured them in Africa. Every spic here is a fucking coward who fled Latin American shitholes because they didn't want to fight to improve them. Cowards are permanently blue-pilled. We don't need cowards in this country.

>We'Ve GoT tO dO sOmEtHiNg AbOuT wHiTe PeOpLe

do it. I fucking dare you. do it.

>You are bluepilling their families and friends and politicians are going to take a swipe at the few rights whites have left.

they were doing that anyways, just at a slower pace. now their agenda is under threat, so they have to clumsily speed things along. they're making their agenda more noticeable to whites than they otherwise would have been if their hand wasn't forced. the sooner they try to push their agenda through, the better, because whites still have the numbers and enough backbone to do something about it.

Cry moar for gun control, anti-white.

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Yeah, you have to throw in anal every once in a while even if she resists. Especially if she resists.

I say the same about leftism.

Unironically should have picked your own cotton

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1 white guy can take down 20 spics and he's not even "trained" for it
now imagine squad tactics in an urban environment against "people" whose whole identity is based on running away

Good. I'd like to make this country 10% more white in a decade.

what do you think happens when the entire system constantly berates white males and pushes identity politics above all else?

>White feelings hurt :'(
Meanwhile minorities literally cannot get out of bed in the morning without society kissing their asses and holding their hands and still bitch and moan because civilized behavior is just too damn hard for them

I can try, sounds better than staying in a population center with the obvious wave of violence and government oppression on the horizon.

How did white nationalism "metastasize" here when this was originally a white nation?

It will be glorious and the funny part is the social conditioning is being done on purpose. The powers that be are edging society into this situation so that whites organize as one, with our race or nationality a forethought and we cohesively support and fight for the domination of the planet. It's the only logical outcome of this clown world, it makes zero sense to allow shitskins to consume the planet but it makes perfect sense in the aspect of eugenics. Strong/intelligent and healthy whites will be the majority of survivors BUT it could be complete destruction of society in a planned massive depopulation event. They have enough DNA stored to restart the planet with proper crispr tech.

The technocratic elite as well as the general Kakistocracy know that disarming the population is the solution that gives them resistence free control.
Much like how the American public had no intentions of entering world war two until pearl harbour ((("just suddently happened out of complete knowhere"))) the modern way to encourage the destruction of the 2nd amendment is to dripfeed "mass" shootings and then culminate them with a big one which mysteriously has a lot of sttange things and happenings about it which never get revisitied; i'm looking at you Vegas. A lot more shootings occur day to day but the media is carefully guided (much like i'd carefully guide AOC's mouth to my very excited penis) to which ones can be used as propoganda. I feel honesty terrible for the families of anyone that is lost make no mistake.

You've heard of demographics, take a look at psychographics.

>"white" nationalists
>she doesn't know all the white nationalists on Jow Forums are Mexican-Americans
wew lad

Lets not look at the reasons, lets just villainize an entire group of people, that'll surely stop the problem :^)

how does this look

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The potato nigger has to go back.

Should delete all that and put "Why is everyone emigrating to European countries?" Otherwise the edit looks good user

Nah, the violence is.
White nationalism is desired, and healthy.

This is just the beginning bitch

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It won't happen peacefully.

>what happens when white people chimp out
They get exterminated, their leaders kill themselves and their country is being torn apart for tens of years, why?

Yuri, we on the same side now haven't you heard.

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And what are you gonna do about it?

Soon brother

Yes, Hitler was a Jewish plant.

muslims kill people everyday why are we always picked on?

Literally who?

Tbh at this point we'll give you Alaska back if you help us. Please...