There have been 13 shootings this weekend in Chicago and at least 4 in Baltimore
Why is the media not saying anything about that?
There have been 13 shootings this weekend in Chicago and at least 4 in Baltimore
Why is the media not saying anything about that?
What one POC does to another POC is not the business of white people.
because who cares if niggers shoot eachother, we should support it really
Because they can't credibly blame white people for it
Because it's normal
per capita rates you dumb mother fucker.
Post the pics. Why don't we know about these murderers and their families? I want facebook pages of these niggers. post em
because guns are illegal in chicago so shootings can't/don't happen there.
can't report on shootings when no shootings can happen
Niggers and spics killing each other barely makes it to the local news.
If whites knew the extent of non-white crime, it would have never gotten to this point. The US would be 100% white, not approaching 50%
Uhm, sweaty, reporting crimes committed by non-whites is RACIST okay?
It only counts when an autistic mentally ill white guy does it. Even though mass shootings by autistic mentally Ill white guys are a statistical minority.
because those were committed with handguns and congress doesn't want to ban handguns since it would disarm their security.
Not severe enough.
Doesn't fit a narrative. Duh. I mean I get this is a useless shitpost but c'mon son get some better material.
That image you posted is the real tradegy here op
Because nignogs capping each other is expected, like the sun rising in the morning.
Nobody, including the media care about niggers eliminating themselves.
Because its not a tragedy its a blessing. Only bad news makes it to your TV breh
Jeffrey Yitzhak Epstein hush hush cover ul
Because there is a race war going on and whites are universally the enemy. It doesn't matter that hundreds of minorities have been killed in mass shootings this week in the hellholes they occupy, all that matters is that 1 white guy shoot up a few people.
More actually.
>why is something that happens all the time not news?
Probably because it happens all the time.
I now know what kino means
if the shooter isn't white the media covers it up
Because those were done by niggers and thus do not fit the whitey bad narrative.
kill yourself
The news doesn't care enough about black people to report on the black on black violence epidemic. You ypiopl need to address this issue now!
BREAKING: Reddit claims white is not a color.
It has nothing to do with race, no one wants to hear about gang violence, nobody gave a shit about white biker gangs until they started blowing up innocent bystanders
Because they are black
Don’t use the term people of color.
Because they don't mind because dumb black single moms donate the organs to the organ traffickers in Chicago. Former Mayor Emmanuel's brother the Obamacare architect is the leading organ taker outter putter inner. Black organs are preffered because melanin makes the organs sturdy for transplant. The big money comes from installing all those black organs .They don't mind it at all! It's just normal to see them killed. They make for good human tresources!
They tell the dumb black single Moms it's an HONOR for Jamal to finnaly save some lives! They go for it every time.
He obviously meant Pickers of Cotton
Because the neverening gang war is BAU all over America, and those deaths are not politically motivated. As a matter of fact, talking about it would mean they want to change it, but they need tht type of black on black violence to push the victim narrative they love.
maybe because none of those black shootings ended with 20 dead and 20+ injured. HURH DURH ITS RACIST AGAINST WHITES maybe its because MASS black shooters are rare, faggot.
probably because they were gang violence and not a terror attack you fucking idiot?
Because it's just black people shooting other black people. That's completely normal.