To all white people

ITS OVER it doent matter how many people you kill we will replace you and all your shooting rampage would be useless .

Learn to integrate or die

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I’m going to die anyway. Just don’t touch my stuff and we’ll be fine.

Im white too?

No but you will be replaced regardless

I think China would rather nuke the planet 3X over than let fucking niggers take them over.


>JewAnon cannot into lichdom
sucks to be you, faggot

na america still has atleast 50 more years of white supremacy and europe 100 plus so suck a dick

Do you really think the rest of the world will allow a bunch of 80 iq shitskins to gain control over the largest military the world has ever seen and one of the largest stockpiles of nuclear weapons? We'll get invaded.

>not embracing the KARA BOGA
whats your excuse?

There is no integration, you will kill them anyway, and the fun thing is that they will not fight back, a mossad agent shooting random people in a town doesn't change the fact the majority of white people have not loved its own race since the 60s.

they think china, russia, iran etc will still play nice with a latinized america lmao

Lol there really isn't any argument to this

Niggerized* most American zommers in /v/ were calling a mestizo Mexican white tho he was brown, just shows you how black the USA is becoming

The far east of this meme should be yellow

Okay memeflag, so you're saying there IS an orchestrated movement to eradicate white peepoe? So you're agreeing with Patrick's manifesto? So you agree that only cops should carry guns? Whew

Spice up the options field when replying to bait threads, famalamadingdongs

bruh just wait til iran glasses you niggas

What is more abundant ants...or spiders?
Sure 1v1 spider gets the ant... okay.
But the ants can overwhelm 1 spider...sure.
But when the spiders form a colony... they eat ants by the millions.
You will see who is the ant and who is the spider.

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I’ll take out many of you shitskins before I go

Just found out we are having our 4th white son. Wife’s sister recently had her fourth white baby as well. You don’t hear about this because true conservatives are too busy working, raising their families with morals, and don’t have time to internet.

no the us is becoming more mestizo, specifically mexican, atleast they're better than the trash that comes from honduras, nigger population will be the same in america in 50 years

it's all so tiresome

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I'd rather die and take a few of you goblins out.

Exactamundo muchacho

>Learn to integrate or die

Learn to build your own civilization. Oh that's right you cant.

Almost like we developed a wounder weapon 70 years ago that can take care of this issue...

Big think incoming.

>don't touch my stuff
What are you going to do? Cry all over them when they decide that it's theirs now?


No one is ever going to like shitskins, even leftists do everything they can to escape them.

And thats the end of that.

>not white
>not shite
>not white

LMAO you dillusional fuck.

Of course they will lie about the future, absolutely nobody wants a black future and people would really worry.

As a latinamerican who has always lived in latinamerica I am telling you, we do not call ourselves white unless we are very fair or blonde/blue eyed, the only countries that call mestizos whites are black countries like Brazil, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, to put it simple, since they rarely look people without black features they call people without black features and light skin white.

Fuck off, you human waste.

To be fair, France and Germany are well on their way to being considered non-White.


Get used it to it.

You could have just voted nationalists but you're too weak to even do that.

In just 9 years half of all children in the UK will be US not YOU. You also at the same time slip below 70% native overall and lose control of your own state. We already hold key positions of power so you're replacement is only going to accelerate and you'll all live to see the end.

You can't stop this and no amount of rage or stamping your feet will stop it.

Accept it and move on.

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I know you have a smol brain but let's do some basic math here. How fast could you kill someone with a bullet, maybe 1 per second? Now how fast can you reproduce, 1 babby every 9 months? Do the math on which one is faster.

Don't you find it weird that you want to replace white people so badly? Do you reflect on yourself sometimes and think that maybe you're the problem because you don't want wypipo to exist?

Good luck faggot.

Please kill more of the English, better to die knowing the truth than to live in prolonged darkness

gemrnay is like 90 percent white german still, most other ethnic groups are white or turkish, im not sure about france think its 70 something percent white

france hides their racial demographics, but people have found ways around it and i think its in the 70 percent range

whatcha doin Rabbi

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We're 90% white 80% ethnic German.

Attached: Germany Demographics.png (386x790, 41K)

so 92% white and the rest is basically turks

>To all white people
My NOSE detector is going to explode.


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It doesn't matter what the percentages say, we all know they want to erase the white race from the world and they say it outloud, they will flood Germany and all of Europe until none is left, you know it, I know it, we just want to close our eyes and expect it to be a lie.

nigga we can just move north where it is too cold for nigs

>we all know they want to erase the white race from the world
They want to, but they won't be able to. Even if they managed to completely fill the country with non whites, we would still naturally rise to the top of the racial hierarchy. The only thing we would in that case have to make sure is to avoid the kind of widespread race mixing that was the slow doom of ancient India.

No user, in case that happens you have to build a country far away from that he'll hole, grow in population, and invade again, just like how ancient Israel did with Canaan.

>two posts by this ID
>this thread again
saged and ignored

The irony of this poster's flag is not lost on me.