Russia attacked KAMALA
Yup, it was even the Russians who put 1500 Americans in jail for weed just to setup Kumbala. I really can't believe it.
I hope she grabs all those stupid inbred burger's guns.
It was. Russia did it all!!!
This is ridiculous. They are so fucking scared
Does the US have some problems?
You are controlling us
Fucking Russia stop destabilizing our Establishment!!!
What do Russian citizens think about "Russian Meddling"? Is it a joke there like it is here?
they were probably put there for illicit sales not simple possession and deserved what they got. but of course kabbalah can't say that because every criminal is sacred to the democratic party and i also can't blame tulsi for using the tools at hand to slay that vampire bitch
dirty business all around
I don't understand their angle with Russia. Are they trying to discredit the idea of Russia being a problem? It almost looks like they are trying to create a "It's the Joos" meme with Russians instead of Jews. Soon, it will be disregarded and normal people will think the establishment is crazy. This will allow Russia to meddle without concern because normies won't believe it even if Russians were meddling.
>link is a google redirector
wow, google really is pushing the “MUH RUSSIA” fake news aren’t they? fuck off google shill
why can't this fucking horseshit stop
that's just AMP, google's latest scheme to control the entire web. op probably linked it from an android device
i hope Tulsi wins the 50 million she’s suing them for
¿What if Joe Biden is a sleeper agent all along?
¿Trying to divide the party this whole time? For Russia
You know there's a racial undercurrent to this, right? They see Russia as sinister White people manipulating diverse America.
more like deep seated multigenrational jewish ethnic resentment of russian gentiles. but yes
Say it with me: R U S H A
Sounds plausible. Remember Uranium One.
Damn we just can't be stopped can we.
There is now way a black women could be incompetent all on her own.
I'm beginning to think its coded symbology as well. There's no way kike media would attack Russia this legitimate especially since we all know the Truth about (((Vladimir Putin))) and his Jewish mother
Do you really do anything to influence our elections? That's what most of the media would have us believe.
We pretty much have the same bullshit here about ebil muricans and gayropeans being the source of all our problems.
I doubt we are competent enough to meddle in your elections without fucking up and exposing the whole thing.
You control me. I’m a Russian bot
Mommy will defeat the evil Russians with pure Hawaiian magic!
Go to my job in my stead (please).