Muh guns
But muh guns
Gun control will cause the 2nd civil war.
What happened to your meme flag, kike?
>Gun control will cause the 2nd civil war.
It won't do shit. People are afraid to lose everything that they have, they're soft and weak. There'll be resistance here and there, but it'll be over before it starts. America is lost man. I'm 46, and I now know how fast life passes by, I didn't know it when I was young. I thought it went on forever. The only hope for America to resist is middle aged Gen X'ers. We're fucked.
Jew trick spotted
Most soldiers are right-wing gun owners.
Imagine the soldiers training the angry gun owners.
imagine the only people who oppose are nu-male antifa faggots and some feds.
imagine a new white order
>18 U.S. Code §2384. Seditious conspiracy
>Most soldiers are right-wing gun owners.
>Imagine the soldiers training the angry gun owners.
>imagine the only people who oppose are nu-male antifa faggots and some feds.
>imagine a new white order
Train where? Most of the countries population live in cities, and when the shit goes down there's nowhere to go or train. I can promise you that when it happens they already know what we're going to do and who we're doing it with before we even do it. Theres so much data on us all its almost unimaginable. They don't even have to kill us to our faces anymore. Some geek with an Xbox controller can fly a missile up your ass while eating his poptart.
Soldiers, cops are all huge gun owners who swore to uphold the constitution. America is fucked if they take guns but not in the way you think. I foresee many boating accidents and sudden police layoffs
You think i am going to read all that jew shit?