Is anyone else relieved?

If you had told he 10 years ago that there would be a race war in a America, I would have laughed at you.
However, the last several years, I've felt that an important goal of the left is fomenting a race war against whites.
And, now that it's here, I felt like a tremendous burden has been lifted off me.

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I know I am. Don't let the shills and glow niggers bother you. Tonight one of our lads became a martyr and took out 19 goblins in the process of protecting our country. More men will follow in his path, this is just the beginning. The black sun is rising over this nation. Have faith and strength brother.

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Race war aint going to happen. Civil war with urban vs suburban, probably

I don't know how true that is. I live in Los Angeles, and I don't know how I would distinguished suburban from urban. All I know is that all of my white middle class friends are sick of the Mexicans.

nah, they're going to hold off a race war until white people are in a slim minority, and the government can get away with expropriation

I feel like pic related

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We gotta save the planet global warming is real and all we need to do is deport all the brown people back to the turd world where they can live in shit and not drive cars and buy iPhone.

Everyone is sick of browns. We need to save the planet and deport them. Subscribe to Pewdiepie.

I dunno about you, but I'm concerned with the "one of our lads became a martyr" thing. That's another pair of boots off the ground, and we are not so lavishly gifted with manpower that we can spare it, and for what? 20 dead taco-benders? Out of 30 million or some shit? That's nothing. That's inflicting a paper cut when we need to be severing limbs.

I have no faith in this lone wolf fuckery, nothing can be saved unless we're pressed to move en masse. It's Right Wing Death Squads, not Right Wing Death Commandos. Until we can coordinate that, we're just losing material, like bad chess players.

>20 dead taco-benders?
That is 20 less to have kids. 20 less to suck off the system.
More than any os uf have done. But I agree with all th rest.