White prison gangs are based

Why does Jow Forums shill against white prison gangs? White prison gangs are the largest white nationalist groups in the country and contrary to what some here claim, are very jew-wise. I know many of them personally and know they are extremely based and redpilled, and if they could be united into a revolutionary army to challenge ZOG's police and feds, the white race might have a fighting chance. Jow Forums refuses to recognize because they are stuck in the (((BlueLivesMatter))) reactionary mentality.

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Yeah but they're stuck in prison
That isn't based

But they don't have to be stuck in prison.

Wouldn't take that big of a crowd.

It's by necessity, and design.
Inmates segregate for comfort and survival. It's easy to be based and embrace full 1488 when you'll spend the rest of your life living that larp.

Honestly I got my first "14/88" redpill during my first time and only time in prison during the obama election. Skinheads are kinda like niggers, I still prefer them too niggers but I much rather be around nice normal white people.

>you just unironically used the word "reactionary" and claim to associate with white prison niggers.
Sorry kiddo, the only real white prison gangs exist in prisons where people are doing 10+ years, if not life.
You average peckerwood isn't racially aware and typically goes back to nigger level behavior after release.
>but you already knew that....
stop trying to muddy the waters faggot

Ever heard Horst Wessel Lied? "remember the comrades shot by Red Front and reactionaries".

Real white nationalists don't behave niggerish enough to end up in prison and don't have degenerate tattoos.

Because they do absolutely fucking nothing. If they were a net positive they wouldn't be in prison. They deal with the hispanics for drugs and are terrible role models.

Typical autistic screeching from a middle-class conservative that explains why the white nationalist is failing, and deserves to fail. You people are ZOG's first line of defense.

How many of them do you think went in like that,m and how many do you think changed while spending an extended time in that environment?

sure, maybe it used to mean something.
Most words did.
Now a certain group of people with a certain political slant tend to have a monopoly on the word "reactionary"
>but you already knew that....
try to blend in better next time. Maybe use a memeflag or something

>Chinese tat
Lmao iq similar to that of a Jow Forums incel

Most of them are race traitors and for the most part are just ordinary criminals, trash basically.

Well considering when I got out I associated with an outlaw biker gang cause I was in a cell with a guy that was in the club. A lot of biker clubs and white nationalist groups overlapped. I can honestly say that "bushwick" (my cellie) was one of the biggest niggers I ever met. He also had adolf hitler's portrait tattooed on his shoulder, white trash tat on the back of his leg, swastikas and a hatchet man.

Last I hear from him was in 2013 when he kidnapped his baby mom and her kids (not his) and held her at knifepoint making her drive to the atm to buy heroin.

Just saying, those niggers really give normal white nationalist a bad reputation.

they were already fucked up niggers to begin with. Decent white people like me that made a bad decision once and saw what life would be like if I kept acting like a nigger didn't appeal to me. I may be a felon but I own a house, have a great career, wife, kids and got plenty of 30yo boomer toys.

Do you guys have dace moves too, like the crips have their crip walk? Apart from goosestepping I mean.

what state was this?

somewhere in the southwest, I can promise from doing some time myself

at least I'd give it 90% chance

Nice buzzwords, any real rebuttal of my statement? Don't you have to stab someone today, criminal?


I am thankful for them being in prison. Us crackers really do stick together in there. It was hell being in there when Obama got elected in 08'. Niggers got really riled up, even the guards. I honest to god thought they were gonna let all the niggers out and start locking white people up because of how they were acting. Had a peckerwood cellie, even the mexicans would put their commissary in our cell so they didn't get robbed by niggers

they can be pretty great but as another user said, most of them aren't really pilled on the race question, really depends though, actual skinheads tend to be more pilled but woods aren't always, but it depends even then

lot of them toe the line belief wise and action wise just because it's enforced so seriously, can't (really) talk to other races, can't share food or drinks or clothes, can't touch things after other races touch them, etc
except for eme/surenos, at least here in cali, we're good with them 90% of the time, ally against the blacks/nortenos

guess I was wrong, damn

I thought on the east coast woods didn't stick together like that, maybe that's just the south though, heard a lot of stories about that

23/16 16/23

Delaware prison is simple, there's only 3 of them. Up north there's pods with 20 rooms, 3 to a cell. So at max, 60 people. Usually there's only like 5-10 white people at a time so you kinda have to stick together. Mostly 40-50 niggers and everyone else. There was never more than 5 mexicans on the pod, not other races besides white, black, and very few hispanics there.

there is no race prison gangs

They are hard motherfuckers, too. Once watched two of them fight off a pack of six niggers until another two showed up and instantly dove into the fray. The niggers scattered.
And they're much more well behaved than most other inmates.

t. Was a prison guard for 4 years while in college.

Also, prison guards make great money. Make Lieutenant + and you have a career.
>Treat a man like a man and a bitch like a bitch.
Follow that rule and you can never go wrong.

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Mexicans and whites usually have a loose alliance against niggers, from what I witnessed. Granted, this was 04-08. I can't imagine much has changed, though. (CA)

They are criminal degenerates who peddle poison the people they supposedly love. And most of them aren't really about 1488. They just do that to survive in the pen.

it's still like that, at least as of fourish months ago

>And most of them aren't really about 1488. They just do that to survive in the pen.
This isn't entirely true. Initially, most aren't 1488.
But being locked up with niggers is a helluva red pill. Niggers are fucking wild. By the time most get out, they ARE full 1488.

this is true to a large extent as well

I was raised by liberal parents, had black friends growing up, generally had a good opinion of them but knew to stay away from "bad areas" (nigger parts of town). Getting locked up with them was the biggest red pill I ever took, can't go back now. I tried.

Nothing is prison is based. You are a faggot, good day.

I'm reporting you to the feds, fucker!

White prison gangs are full of mutts and jews, and do nothing more than peddle narcotics and kill people.

They care more about meth profits than anything serious.

Most are race traitors.

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Pedo killings.

They are no better than the nigger gangs neck yourself

>full of jews
no, jews almost never go to prison under ZOG so that is ridiculous. and the white prison gangs I know wouldn't accept them if they did. Compare that to AmRen and the middle-class alt-right which is probably 25% jewish. as for mutts and race traitors, miscegenating with gooks is all the rage among the Jared Taylor/John Derbyshire crowd but you probably say they're based

Is it true, you can join to aryan brotherhood if you are 1\2 white? (source: jewpedia)


My story is much like yours except after the military, I got a gig at a rather large prison in CA as a guard while I finished college.
I didn't mind them in HS as I was athletic so was popular with them (HS Football Linebacker on a very good team, Basketball team, Wrestling, and Baseball).
Joined the military and my opinion dropped slightly. As a medic (HM2 FMF/AW) I saw a lot of "hard ass niggas" bitch TF out. They cry more often than any other race in combat or when wounded (Some really are hard, though).
It wasn't until Prison that I realized how legitimately disgusting these people were.
The bottom of the nigger barrel is far lower than anything most can imagine.

>miscegenating with gooks is all the rage among the Jared Taylor/John Derbyshire crowd but you probably say they're based

Don't American gangs just form as protection so lil whitey doesn't get ass raped by Jamal all by his lonesome? Looking at when they get organized and big like AB, they turn niggerish, they make alliances with other races, push dope and have psycho cult "blood in blood out" rules.

Jow Forums literally does not shill against this, what the fuck

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The leader (former?) of the Aryan Brotherhood literally has a star of david tattooed on him and has publicly declared his jewish heritage in interviews.

No they become niggers

Fuck off you effete bourgeois

lol storm Pennsylvania prison and release out bois

White prison gangs are fucking niggers who will sell meth to kids.

Yeah, I don't hate them I just wanna live around nice white people. Is that too much to ask?

well I don't know about that since I don't know anyone in the brand, in fact the brand is a literal meme where I am from

As long as it is not obvious like black or east asian, they tolerate it. Besides that they are mutts, for them even a morrocan or pakistani could be white under the right circumstances.

Keep sucking cock prison bitch

Top kek we grew up within 15 miles of each other (albeit decades apart)

The are niggers, you fucking moron

nah my man that'll get you killed if people figure out about it, at least here in cali

I used to work with a 5'6" skinny guy who was a former CO in a county jail. He lasted 5 months. A big fat nig was pestering him about changing the TV channel in a disrespecting manner, and when he refused, the nig punched him in the face. Nig ended up doing 6 months in the hole for that.

this is true for most, yeah, except for a few like aryan circle

numbers run things in prison, so that's why, you have to take pragmatism into account in that environment, it's not a nice place

my mistake wasn't Mills it was Bingham, one of the founders.

Attached: bingham.jpg (474x246, 16K)

they'll kill you for that too, at least the whites and hispanics will, blacks keep punks around to pass around though
again speaking on the southwest/cali

Hmm. Imagine a nice white man going to prison because he filed his taxes wrong and got charged with fraud. Or because he shot a nigger breaking into his home. Or he walked in on his wife getting stuffed by nigger dick and shot them both. Or a cop who blasted a rabid nog and was sent to prison for it.
Are these the bad guys? Are they niggers?
I know a guy who took a piss, behind a boulder, out of sight, on a public beach, got reported, and did 2 years. Is he a criminal? Really?

you can go to prison for all sorts of bullshit, it's much much easier than a lot of people think

Trying to inspire white men to commit terror attacks so white men could be further demonized by the media. Nice try, Schlomo.

no because I seek to organize a revolutionary movement will strike zog eventually, not encourage individual terrorism

I realized this real soon when I was working. Saw a guys case file once, he got 14 years.
>No Tangible Evidence.
>Wife and Him divorcing.
>He wants full custody.
>Wins it in court.
>Now Ex Wife tells police he beat her and choked her.
>Kids testify it never happened.
>Judge dismisses kids testimony (too young).
>No marks.
>No hospital.
>No criminal background.
>No history of violence.
>Because of "strangulation" he gets charged with Felony Assault.
>Feminist Judge sentences him to Max 14 Years.
Shit is wild sometimes. Based entirely on the word of a woman... who lost her kids in custody court and wasn't awarded alimony. Only AFTER he beat her in Family court did she decide he was abusive. Because SHE had an affair they were divorcing.
He is probably still in, too. Sad shit.

Money comes first, politics is secondary with the Aryan Brotherhood. They say they keep to themselves, but they'd sell narcotics/contraband to other races in a heartbeat. It's a farce; they increase their ranks for security, to keep a stranglehold on what comes in and out of prison, and to be the dominant force, as it pertains to drug supply inside. They are what they identify as on the outside, but on the inside, they are LARPers.

Because only niggers, losers, and retards go to prison. Who has time for prison with, kids, mortgage payments etc. Oh yeah, scum tier niggers losers and retards.

Fuck you, kike

This is a cop, or a cop's kid, you fucking retard. You need a bullet in your face. You are garbage.

The other posters are probably upper class underageb& white kids

My dad has almost done all of his time on a 13 year sentence, my cousin is doing a 10 year sentence and my moms husband is doing a 10 year sentence. They’re all white. AMA

Whites don't have a choice in prison but to look like that. Nor would you.

forgot to add
>who dont understand how fucked the justice system really is

>I know a guy who took a piss, behind a boulder, out of sight, on a public beach, got reported, and did 2 years.
Never happened.

the (((justice system))) would never convict a kike but throws working-class whites in prison with niggers all the time. unfortunately for the (((justice system))) those whites come out as red-pilled race warriors

Never happened.

I’ve been in prison before and let me tel you skinheads are some of the biggest homosexuals around. They’re “right of passage” is literally getting gang raped in the shower and once you’ve bled from your faggot ass you’ve completed the “blood eagle” ritual or whatever it’s called lol. Total fags..

Happens all the time. Every day.

prison gang don't care about Hitler or their race, they're all degenerate tweakers.

Future homeless people. You clowns are a joke.

You're full of shit. Whites dont tolerate faggotry at all in prison, at least here on the west coast

My dude, I was a guard for several years. I've seen case files of shit that got people put away that would blow your mind.
>Nuh uh!
Believe what you want, user. A lot of people get fucked over. Bad.

>Look at meeeee! I believe what I see on (((TV)))!

I will never be poor or homeless, it's literally impossible, unless you jew fucks delete private property. I don't even work anymore. I just buy guns and train white people to murder kikes.

Same shit happaned to me, i spent 4 months in a county jail with probably 70/30 nigs to white
Its was completely uneventful but being forced to live with them is awful
No common decency, no respect, dumb as fuck, i could go on

Without evidence of a crime there is no crime. No one is getting convicted of strangulation if there is no strangulation.

>Happens all the time. Every day.
Happens everyday to poor me losers like you in storyville.

>My dude
Shut up nigger.

You already are.

Ha ha, your faith in the justice system is quaint. Hopefully you'll never have to learn the hard way. In the mean time, look up how many people have been exonerated of crimes by DNA evidence. Could you imagine being locked up for some shit you KNOW you didn't do?

I'm a CA white boy. "My Dude" is white surfer vernacular.
But you're not intelligent enough to know the difference, are you?

oh wow, totally btfo.

Most are drug addicts just trying to survive in the living hell that is prison my girlfriend’s brother is doing 20 years for murder and is pretty high up in his gang now.

Found the schill

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Uh the prison I was in was on the east coast. They were almost exclusively homosexual and fucked each other constantly to build a stronger bond like the Spartans used to do. One of the correctional officers told me the majority of the skinheads were not only gay but got convicted for fucking little boys.

Your ignorance of exactly how the criminal justice system works is funny. You're like a welfare retard. I'm not getting locked up for anything because I'm never even reaching stage 1 of a criminal investigation. I know what I can and what I cannot do So there is really no need to worry about that.

Shut up nigger.
