White natianalism has won?

I see white nationalism being compared to islamist jihadists. When they say this, it lets me know white nationalism has basically won or is winning. No one wants to mess with muslims because of the islamists, london is under control by muslims because of islamists.so tell me again how terrorism doesnt work, when people are scared shitless to go against muslims for fear of being allah akbared. After a couple more attacks people will have to deal with the reality by trying to understand it rather than pushing it away.

The lefts support of islam and their cowardice to put a stop to even extremist islam basically gave the WNs the playbook that terrorism works.

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It’s pushing people away damnit. We didn’t want Muslims in our country because they’re violent extremists, so we’re supposed to become violent extremists to prove their point? No. No. No. No. I’m getting off this train the wheels are falling off

islam is growing because it was largely spread by violence. the only real issue is that white nationalist are breeding like muslims. Once they do that, the win is inevitable.

>we should be just like Muslims
Fuck that

OP isnt wrong, remember how in 10 years we went from "invade middle east and bomb them" to "dont say anything bad about them and let them in our country in masses let them rape you or else they will kill us"

he has a point

he has a point
he has a point

we didnt ask for this

the left is going this by genociding all whites just like israel is genociding muslims reacting to violence with violence is only natural and people will snap and NOTHING will stop the snapping because you can only be attacked FOR SO LONG before people with not so much to hold them back start to snap

>remember how in 10 years we went from "invade middle east and bomb them" to "dont say anything bad about them and let them in our country in masses let them rape you or else they will kill us"

exactly we literally went from fuck muslims and islam to lets import them by the millions.
that alone proved terrorism works

White Sharia is the only way

Why are modern white people so fucking stupid?

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damn right
literally stop calling white nationalists terrorists or it WILL create more terrorists

White nationalism is the only way to defeat the communist jewish matriarchy.

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You're going to end up in prison.

America will make racism illegal before anyone gets rid of a gun.

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because you're a mutt, not white

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> No. No. No. No. I’m getting off this train the wheels are falling off
cool now you can go back to redit faggot

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You're a fucking idiot and you're going to have your brains blown out during the 2nd American Civil War.

You're mother is going to have her brains splattered all over you.

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>we’re supposed to become violent extremists to prove their point?
No, we should passively roll over and die watching our people ethnically cleansed from their own homelands.

I would like to make the point, however, that rightists have to take control of both sides with our actions: there has to be a peaceful side to point to.
The benefit of maintaining a wider array of tactics is tremendous - almost every tactic which might itself have been okay or bad alone becomes significantly better as part of a wide variety of actions which create the sense of a rapidly deteriorating sociopolitical situation for our enemies.

But the biggest benefit is optics: keeping both the peace and strength optics alive means we can make it clear to people that we have good aims and the gall to bring them about by any means necessary; that we were perfectly reasonable until reason was no longer an option; that we can be incredibly harsh or soft at our discretion.
Muslims did the same thing. They'd come out after terror attacks and have little barbecues and picnics and shit for the community. "Teehee look at us we're so nice, really!" As a carrot-stick mechanic, it worked flawlessly - how many millions of female voters got the same feeling from it that any of them gets when she sees Chad being mean to everyone but her?
Mixed tactics. Hit em right in the pussy.

Nobody will mess with muslims???
Muslims are coward and idiots. I mess up those fucks every time I see one.
So should you.
Elbow them, stomp on insteps, kick ass when they lift them to pray, throw garbage at them.
Tell these fucks they are not welcome, they do not belong.
Sharpen your offensive combat immediate action drills. Take the fight to the enemy.
Above all, don't shoot up a 'mosk'. Go after the traitors that protect and enable the muslims if you need to start shooting.
70,000 nazi's world wide, most of those are muslims.
The only larp more worthless than a muslim is a 'white supremacist'.
How about fighting for western civilization?

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Inshallah, lads. London here. I'd love to call OP a fuckwit but its time for morning prayers and I've got to have my flat searched for porn and alcohol. Thanks, Shakira.
Praise be to Allah.

Post Tarrant webms


threads always die after I post in them
I appreciate the sentiment though