Damn white people and their right to be left alone

>damn white people and their right to be left alone
>sauce: twitter.com/isnortnyquil/status/1157018050962567168

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Where is this from? Quite sad really, the person was just being friendly

a few redpills
>its /soc/ but for normies
>perfectly reasonable to tell people to fuck off especially when its this dangerous
>if you partake in this challenge unironically either go back to /soc/ or twitter

I'm not white but I'd tell this pussy bitch to fuck off too

i posted the sauce

Is this supposed to be funny? Is this some new kind of humor that you dont get if you are not mentally handicapped?

dunno anymore man

Shitskins have retarded humor

You should see arabs on French Twitter

Someone did this to me

I just was liek whats up boi

And now we are friends, it's cool. You all should open up a bit socially.

It's probably some brown kid trying to be "cute-funny" for imgur and twatter.

How will androidfags ever recover?

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>"This is a work phone"
>"You're definitely white"
What did he mean by this?

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He assume the guy is white because he talked about calling the police.

A nigger would have talked calling his niggas and blasting him in the hood.

this is some lolsorandum shit a 12-year-old girl in 2006 would do

>Shitskins have retarded humor
>You should see arabs on French Twitter
God I hate Arabs


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idk how it blew up in light of what just happened

Don't forget their faith in the police. Definitely huwhite


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There was no intention of having a real connection or even communication. There's no real exchange of anything. He just wanted a screenshot to post on twitter.

He should have replied: "I don't even think about you."