Ohio shooting

I have a video from the Ohio shooting.

I has there when it happened.

Video is on my discord.

It shows alot of what happened

Invite code to my discord: pe5rwRW

Attached: 0h2aeu1txb931.png (817x804, 1.19M)

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Fuck off

fuck off

Fuck off glownigger. Sage and reported.

glowing intensifies

I don't think I have ever seen such a transparent post.

The video is actually on there. It's legit too.

Kill yourself

added you senpai, accept my friend request

Nice try

even the fucking meme is reddit tier

Post it then faggot

Jow Forumsacks let me tell you something the video IS THERE and IS LEGIT sign up now and I'll even give each viewer 5 dollars on paypal and a picture of me mums vagina. Cheers lads Hahahaha xDDDD!

This bitch is glowing so bright, I won't get any sleep tonight

It's really on there wtf

I love discord!

If you were there who did this fuck head target

WTF guys you need to see this. Incredible.

Who did he shoot and if you were there why the fuck are you posting here now?

its a trick, its just a video of his dilation routine

It's legit. Thanks for sharing OP.

Fuck off

How do I measure the absolute magnitude of this glownigger?

Considering the surveillance by the alphabet agencies of certain websites, it’s surprising the shooter’s plan was not stopped. Add a nexus of information that can be accessed by said groups with rubber stamp courts, and arguments can be made for incompetence of duty all the way to willful allowance.


Report every fag who advertises discord servers. Remember, there many incredibly stupid people here and we should try to help them out somewhat.

Is this it?
I ain't making a discord account

ok nigger

If they weren't on a list to begin with fuck em

If you're lonely and looking for frens, just say so. Don't dangle lies. Discord is for high schoolers though, lez start a fazebuuk grupe

Sloppy job mossad