Why are German women so shit?

Why are German women so shit?
I have been to many places, but those German cunts are really the worst. They set their standarts sky high. Fucking hellhole. Even the fattest thinks she deserves a male model from Instagram

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>Why are German women so shit?
Because german mens are shit as well.

-t. Turk

Becouse they are fucking dumb cunts who follow the most pupular narrative

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Pic somewhat related, in anglo society its both man and women

These are 2 dudes btw

It's true tho. Got my qt gf from Poland.

Jokes aside, why do German women look like trannies?

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>They set their standarts sky high. Fucking hellhole. Even the fattest thinks she deserves a male model from Instagram

Where did you meet them?

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Germany has transformed in a hyper sensitive left society. Sucking Refugees&Muslim dicks until this country is going complete down.

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