Incells on Suicide Watch

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Girls over the age of 25 don't matter.

Didn't fix her face.

I'm happy for them, anything to raise white fertility.

couldn't they just you know take a progynova pill or something

>process ends up causing infertility in women who try to avoid their instinctual directive

Taking bets now, that they'll have a similarly elevated suicide rate to that of men who destroy their own testicles.

neat. I'll fuck her brains out thanks to these pills that grow my dick by 3 inches each mouth.

Won't stop the genetic defects, though.

hahahahaha you think they're going to birth white children?

what kind of retard would be against this

Great so when the kid is 20 they will be 70 lmfao

does it make new eggs? no? hmm

But still birthing a child over the age of 40 always carries a risk of deformation/health problems. Risk increases by every year.

Sixty year old women getting pregnant. I'm sure the child won't have any autism at all.

the ones who understand that certain parts of nature ought not be fucked with

>>process ends up causing infertility in women who try to avoid their instinctual directive
you do realize menopause means youre infertile user?

It wont because by the time you enter menopause your miscarriage rate is well over 50% anyway so the odds of you having a healthy child is very low. Even if they survive the odds of them having a genetic based disease is now quite high.

Women don't make eggs like men make sperm, they're born with a finite amount of them in the ovaries and so the later the birth the older the eggs. And hence the more damage to them due to age.

In the UK they've given up on IVF for women who are older than about 34 or something like that, because it's just too expensive to do with such a high failure rate.

Clearly this woman has some condition that causes early menopause
Doubt it’s for 45 year old roasties... there are only so many eggs
Also, in b4 awful side effects like wild mood swings and cancer

Imagine the fucked up mutants 60 year old eggs will produce.

Pointless to consider her children she most likely has one of those birth control implants also.



This sounds great, but I'm getting horror flashes of the future where women are giving birth to fleshwarped spawn of Cthulu because they thought pausing menopause would also pause all the other degeneration that comes with age. Like, fuck. This is going to open an entire new era of medical research centered on getting kids that should never have been conceived to come out with even a halfway decent chance of being functional. Maybe it'll be worth it in 100 years after all the kinks have been worked out, but this is going to result in a tremendous body count until then.

They're still out of eggs though, but now they can trick you by not looking the part of an old hag.

>20 more years
I wonder what super autism looks like

Technology does it again!

Huh, so instead of performing abortions on living fetuses they'll just give birth to dead ones, how progressive!

Just type in "Patrick Crusius"

This is like freezing the eggs.
A scam to make deluded guilleble white girls don't have kids.

>the age of milfs is upon us

Now if only they could stop the aging process we could have anime in real life

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Or watch the film “The Hills Have Eyes”

>40 year old women will look 20

Oh no, the poor children

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Fucking around with hormones is a good way to get cancer. I'd be wary of this until its thoroughly tested

unironic boomer detected


Don't worry, we'll fix autism with genetic modification anyway.
And soon we'll even have artificial wombs.

I didn't read the article but menopause is around 40. Woman in the thumb is 33. They do it well before to not make it trigger

This is so fucking retarded it's insane, I can only presume the doctors did it as part of some obscure research project with another aim because for women over 40 having kids the lack of eggs is just the first of many problems, they're still gonna have autism out the ass, deformities to the point of non-viability and endless miscarriages
If anything doing this procedure would be even more cruel than just letting them give up

This is good becouse all kids want a 99 year old mother when they are 15.

you're an idiot

Potential side effects:

side effects:
> turmors
> anemia
> immune deficiencies
> breast cancer

Periods require a lot of resources for women. Female dogs never stop having them and cancer is top killer for unspayed ones.

Some women will have genes that can take it and others won't. There have been 50-60 year old surrogate mothers. But these chicks had kids before and were stronk babushkas.

Some mutant chick in India popped one at 60, I think... naturally.

>autism out the ass

The rate doubles from 1% to 2%, that's not "out the ass" and most "autists" aren't autistic they're just a product of a society which criminalizes boys. The only genuine autists are the drooling retards who screech when someone fucks with their tendies, everything else is just an excuse to be a socially awkward weirdo.

>Some mutant chick in India popped one at 60, I think... naturally.
how many daughters do you think she drowned in the Ganges before that one in her unending quest for a son?

It's part and parcel of encouraging women to go into the work force and live independently of men, it means putting career ahead of children and then often finding either you're infertile or you can't get a man to marry you because you're just too old and way passed the wall. So they offer IVF on the NHS but it's expensive as fuck, it something like £15k-25k per woman per try, and the failure rate is higher when you're older, so the cost is unbearable and now they're flat out turning women away past a certain age and its making roasties rage out.

It's really bad for society, because its the tax payers who pick up the bill when children born with severe disabilities and need a lifetime of constant medial care.

Menopause happens when women run out of eggs user. The fact that it is happening basically means they're infertile.

Is the time of 70 years old wine aunts upon us?

I find it funny that feminists say that its natural for women to pursue long careers since that this women had ovary implant surgery just to extend her time.

Cool cant wait till our healthcare system subsidizes it.

Were subsidizing PREP which means gays can bareback freely with POZ holes

*I find it funny that feminists say that its natural for women to pursue long careers before having children

>It also has the potential to extend fertility – though doctors say the aim is to postpone the menopause rather than give women the chance to have babies into their 60s.

The goal is merely so that roastoids aren't such old cunts, rather than eternal birthing

fertile old sagging cunts so sexy. kys op and then have sex

>The goal is merely so that roastoids aren't such old cunts, rather than eternal birthing
I dont buy that at all, why would you want to continue having periods every month and all the cramps and shit that come with it, doesn't make a lot of sense to me.


From what I can tell, you can't reach "post-menopause" without going through menopause, and all this does is /delay/ menopause. Isn't it a little retarded to put it off until you're 65 and also suffering from being a senior citizen? It seems like this is women just brainlessly trying to run from problems without thinking about possible worse consequences down the road.

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theres a reason there body stops them from having babies because it would more likely kill them in later life at least a natural birth but it would be draining carrying a kid in old age

Imagine a 60 year old breast feeding, picture it user, those saggy titties with cracked aged skin

Also see Wouldn't this make their lives worse, if they have menopause at 65 instead of 45? It seems like it would be better to just tank the menopause years in order to have a decent retirement when they hit post-menopause, but maybe it's because I'm a guy and was taught to just deal with hardship instead of running from it.

Sweet, your wife will wither 20 years later

As always FPBP.
Nothing more required.

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Menopause is when that happens to the extreme though

Academic Feminism is a psyop pushed by the governments of the 1960s that feared overpopulated combined with a corporate desire for cheaper workers- putting off having kids was made necessary as a result of falling wages, which then created the fertility problems that justified mass immigration.

And the communists were used as a vehicle for this capitalist subversion of the nation.

That won't stop your eggs being rotten and spawning autistic retards 50% of the time

incels are the master race

ooh boy imagine being born to a 70 year old woman, autism would look like god hood

This isn't cut. This could double the white population.


But can the implant get the men to answer their phone calls for an "overdue catchup"?

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menopause is worse

Still able to pay for IVF

Yeah but you've missed the real point of all this, which is to allow women to keep denying reality.

sodapoppin was born to a 60 or 70 year old

Men still won't give their ugly roastie bodies a second glance when there are younger healthier women around.

I guess the browning of white countries isn't accelerating things fast enough. They have to give roasties hope for having a kid only for them to inevitably have a retarded child.

If you are reading this, you are a woman, and you are over the age of 30 you're literally rolling the dice on your child having a severe disability. Have your children young so they are healthy.

>get surgery in your 30s
>great, now I can spend even more of my life being a wage slave
>hit 50 and want to settle down
>no one wants a wrinkly old bag
>where have all the good men gone?

roast beef sliders it is then

>you are a woman, and you are over the age of 30 you're literally rolling the dice on your child having a severe disability

only if woman eats shit american diet full of sugar carbs and seeds oils that destroys epigenome by age of 30

fbi reported.

Your next white mass shooter is here

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Why? So that she can make more autistic retard babies in her 50s?
I doubt that this bitch breeds at all.

Women will hit the wall 20 years later and will only fugg Chad. Chad always wins

Do you think other people are the be all and end all of life?

Do you really think women need a man to be happy any more than a man needs a woman?

Yes any human being can decide for themselves if they need an sociology, ecology, or emotional relationship.

the wall isnt due to menopause, it hits before menopause when they become uggos in their late twenties


I bet they will all get cancer by 50.

Maybe women experience menopause earlier than they should due to the vast array of chemicals they come into contact with.

So well below the rate of the ones with intact testicles deciding to engage in death because manly?

>wall stays in place
>influx of single mother orphans before they hit 18
>caring about 70 year old mother when you are 15
>going to school
>having a gun

Gee,she is so brave and independent

Everyone is exposed on chemicals, it is up to you to reduce this. Don't use make up, eat organic, use shampoo/deo free from stuff.

You get the gist

What could possibly go wrong?

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What's wrong with that?
I'm not gonna criticize men taking test at 40. It's really healthy to have good levels throughout your life.
If the same applies to women and this treatment, how is that a bad thing?

>ovary tissue in armpit
Can you fuck it?

They use all their eggs getting abortions.

Also let us not promote cortisol in others

But an increase from 1 to 2% still means we've doubled the amount of drooling retards that will always be a burden to a family and society. An increase of 100%. 2% of 100 million is still 2 million drooling retards.

That's like adding 2 sets of DACA beaners that are a net drain on society.

Does it means the Wall is delayed and they look feminine longer ?

Chad doesn't care about how fertile you are when you look like his fucking grandmother, and all women care about is Chad. So what's the point of this? You can be fertile til your 80s, you think you'll still get dick at 40+? Let alone the quality of dick that you're used to and expect? Women are beyond delusional. Men will never care about you past your beauty years, marriage is give and take. You give the man your beauty years, you have a husband and children that can see past your wrinkly hide in your twilight years. You spend your beauty years jumping from one Chad dick to another, you settle for a desperate beta who'll eventually lose his sex drive and will see you as the flith you are once he's not blinded b his dick You cannot deny biology, you want caveman mating strategy, and that's what you got when you destroyed marriage.

I was adopted and raised by my grandmother. Having your "parent(s)" be 50+ years older than you sucks big time. You barely get into your 20s and you already have to deal with taking care of them.

>Fertile milf nymphs

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Yep, there are laws to protect you from (hate) crime and bullying. And, if possible, just walk away.


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Why not, you know, just not expect women to work and have a career in their most fertile years? Would save a lot of money, effort, and hassle.

Fuck's sake, what's with you bongs and yellow fever? At least have the decency of lusting after nips or chinks. S.Korean women are some of the worst on the fucking planet. They make most western roasties look like the virgin Mary. The fucking country is literally a matriarchy.

Lol autism babies from old women that listen to fox news, refuse to vaccinate their kids, and have dried up titties. It'll be like watching Skeletor raise Billy from American Dad.