If we're shut down were do we go?

Any good TOR Jow Forums?

Attached: TorBrowser.png (1250x455, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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we go everywhere, and we turn everywhere into Jow Forums. Full Samson-option

This. Full samson

infinichan has a hidden service, but Tor was abused so much over there that last I checked it's pretty much impossible to post stuff over Tor. You can still surf easily, though.
This is the hidden service link. You can double-check it if you're paranoid.

This. Blast every corner of the internet with red pills.

>what is censorship

We'd unfortunately have to go to Reddit.


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I've already seen Jow Forums leaking into cuckbook lately. Make private meme pages and vet your members.

They can't catch all of us, Ahmed.

Public toilet stall walls.

>Public toilet stall walls.

sic semper erat, et sic semper erit

Attached: The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls.jpg (772x1280, 129K)

You don't even need the security offered by Tor, you could switch to plaintext Gopher and no one in the mainstream would realise you exist.

They don't need to catch us, they just have to delete our posts and deactivate our accounts.

>sic semper erat, et sic semper erit

Attached: Thus has it always been, thus shall it ever be.jpg (959x278, 156K)

If we make a place for ourselves called "grandjest" is that a predestination paradox?

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For me it's r/Cuckold

Kek. The internet needs a good cleansing aswell.

It's possible to send emails with ham radio.
We should make a radiochan.

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We print our memes and then send them to random addresses.

>We print our memes and then send them to random addresses.
I've a better idea (pic related)

Attached: Message in a bottle.jpg (852x480, 50K)

>were do we go
You are not part of no we you goddamn nigger. Also, those who matter have not used Jow Forums since 2016 and have already moved. You spam niggers will just go back to redddit, faceberg, and twitter where you came from

fed? bad fed.

For me it's r/Cucksthatsuck

They don't. You are the useful idiot.

1/ If they shut down us how will they monitor you ?

2/ Who will they blame and demonize after a new mass shooting ?

3/ How did they push their narrative about the white male threat to America and the World ?

You guys are the perfect vilain for their Comics World. They love you more than anyone, you are the perfect Golem who will help them to achieve global domination.

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This guy is convincingly right...

We go to the secret Jow Forums board as has always been the plan. It's on a different service and they can't get to it. Use its IP address directly, the regular adress might go down with the main site.

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>You guys are the perfect vilain for their Comics World.
I'm only here for the hearty soul warming keks, and the freedom to say 'nigger'!
Also, fuck kikes and jannies!

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Relatable. Honestly, I'm here because it's the last place on the internet to get news and discussion that isn't relentlessly censored by who ever's in charge

This. Whenever something happens in the media (esp. Germany-related) I try to find other news-outlets, i.e. Jow Forums and pi-news for proper reports instead of "a person has killed a person; reason unclear"

We finally emerge into reality.

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i'll setup some chimp-tier huepol

They still have 8cchan
We have 55chan and realchan