Why do Germans do this?

I see the same shit every summer!!!
Is it really necessary to wake up at 5 am just so you can hog a lounger u kraut bastard!

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Fuck off, seat's taken.

polacks do this shit on beaches
no wonder only niggers go to visit ostsee, it's full of polacs and it's expensive

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>conquer the sand

That's the only hour they're allowed to show national pride.

I wanna see a pollack doing that on a portuguese beach so they can have a nice surprise that day

Can confirm, every morning around 4:30am when everybody else is still asleep I go into our garden and shout "Heil Hitler" with all my might, then walk back into the house.

>it really necessary to wake up at 5 am just so you can hog a lounger u kraut bastard!

It’s a German pasttime. Of course, resorts have counter acted this by simply putting up more lawn chairs, sunbeds etc. It has hit the German spirit hard that the towel wars are becoming ever less necessary.

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Early bird gets worm
