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America is the 3d world country with the wealthiest people.

There you go kiddo.

The wealth of a few doesnt mean that americans in general are wealthy.

Declining life expectancy, overcrowded and violent prisons, most people are not able to afford basic madication and education, safety is not guarateed on everday basis, constantly involved in political disputes about basic resources...


When you can't attack the words, attack the pictures.

How does it feel to be even lower than indians?

Hello, Nepal-bro. How's the Hindu-nationalism?

Not sure what you mean. Why do you have so many freak leady boys?

Actually they're much, much higher lol.

It is fine although commie government have formally removed the title and now we are "secular" state.

wew I've never seen this interaction before. got my money on everest winning this one


But you are the Nepal poster who is a Hindu nationalist supporter, yeah?

Literally using Kristen Bell to prove your point. That fake gunshot looks pretty good.

America is the best place in the world to be smart and ambitious, a mid-tier place to be one or the other, and a place where you go straight to the bottom if you're neither.
If you want to work 15+ hours a day every day for years to get ahead, America will do more for you than anywhere else on earth.
If you want to collect enough money to live and spend the rest of your time shitposting, America isn't the correct place for you to live (and you'll have an overused flag).

I do not support any religious nationalism tbqh.
We call can live in peace if we eliminate all leftists and jews from this planet. I might be wrong though.
Hinduism is a physically dirty religion. It creates environmental pollution.

Maybe that was a different Nepalese.
>Hinduism is a physically dirty religion. It creates environmental pollution.
I've noticed this too. Why is that do you think? Personally, I like Hindus, but they don't seem to have any problem with littering.

I mean they DO have a problem with littering. I should say that they don't take issue with it. They don't SEE it as a problem. Just want to clarify in case of any language barrier.

Because I have grown up in this culture. I have watched my parents and relatives do hindu rituals. Littering is embedded in hindusim. It's a hard truth many hindus refuse to acknowledge.

I mean that you are so fucking poor and underdevelopped that nepalis considere it already a win if they manage to immigrate to india or bangladesh.

So what we got guys dressing up as girls around here so does Jow Forums, big deal wow i feel really shit about that now.

But I mean do you have any theory as to how Hinduism relates to this attitude towards littering?
I feel like I kind of got it after visiting Bali, but I've forgotten. My thought was too subtle for my drunk Aussie mind to retain.

Yeah, I don't say we aren't poor and underdeveloped. There was a recent study here which stated that our soil lack proper nutrient for us to be tall and intelligent. Average IQ of us is 78. That is on par with some poorest African countries.
Since birth, hindus practice rituals till that person is dead. It is all based on material offerings to gods and using colorful items and use of fire and flames, all of them are thrown out in the open because materials offerered to the gods cannot be (re)used by humans. So they just leave the stuffs where the ritual happened. All of the rituals create environmental pollution.
Also see above comment, most of my countrymen are low IQ and very uncivilized. That also increases the pollution problem ten folds.

That makes sense. I was thinking along slightly different lines like: 'If I drop a plastic-bag into the ocean and some sea-turtle chokes on it, that's just too bad for the turtle - he should have thought of that before he was a cunt in his previous incarnation. Life is suffering, deal with it. He'll be reincarnated as a eagle or something anyway, so it all adds up to zero.'
IQ is like, culturally-biased, dude. Except in the case of niggers who are just straight-up dumb.

See a bunch of ladyboys dont look so bad anymore...

>overcrowded and violent prisons
Do you know that you can invest in stock for the prison system? This Jewish fantasy land is OVER

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If you have enough money and you pay mr. Shekelsteins brokerage fee of 5% which puts your buyin already 5% over marketprice

germany is a 4th world country

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Switzerland is a country on the 3rd planet of the solar system.

Because we care about and are accepting of immigrants.

Violence and argument is the price of the multicultural melting pot.

lots of nepalese go to Thailand to fuck your women. Basically if people go to Thailand everyone knows why
Thank you based Aussie. I bought a laptop from an Aussie boomer two months ago. He was a kind guy.

>be american
>go to walmart and get shot
>have surgery in hospital
>get prescribed opiate painkillers
>go bankrupt from medical bills
>run out of painkillers and switch to heroin
>now homeless and living on the streets
>steal, sell drugs, sell your body for dope $
>overdose on fentanyl and die

The mutts see absolutely nothing wrong with this
In fact they think its all apart of american tradition

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After going to America the wealth disparity between the haves and have nots is huge. In Australia most have a lot some have a lot more and some have nothing. The true middle class almost seems non existent in big city America.

America's culture is Matriarchal and Celtic. This mindless randomized violence, Bullying and obsessive materialism is why the Romans pushed your shit in.

You have no empathy, no sense of Identity and no Soul.

Now that's a sensible chuckle right there. Criminally underrated

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The middle class is the commuter class. They don't live in cities.

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I've been in 30 countries, America is great compared to shitholes like Mexico, but it is a shithole compared to good eu countries like Switzerland or Norway. Even life in Moscow is much better than life of average american.
I have never seen so many homeless people in my life. And 90% are white.

brown country

True, because the cities have been turned to shit by liberal policies and minorities


''the country of the free'' lol.

Would ... bang

>Even life in Moscow is much better than life of average american.

Life in your richest, most prosperous city is better than the life of 350 million Americans according to your retarded anecdotal average system? Really now?

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Why would he lie, city life is shit.

>Even life in Moscow is much better than life of average american.

Lol, have another bottle of vodka, comrade. You'll eventually drink yourself out of that shit life you're living.

Thats Kristen Bell on the set of Heroes .

Kristen Bell

There is a sort if irony in the fact that the vast majority of americans couldn't handle life in Russia.


They sure do embrace one of the worst third world cultures there is!

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Always was. They never upheld white culture and values.

Quite frankly, the Americans don't really have a choice when it comes to this...

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In the next 100 years, white amerimutts will ask for refugee status in russia. Or eastern european countries like belarus, ukraine, poland etc.


>If you want to work 15+ hours a day every day for years to get ahead
you'll only get ahead on your way to an early grave

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Lol you wish faggot.

He's right tho. But again average American has a much better life than average russian.

God damn it. These is a lot of truth to this post. We aren't a 3rd world country but these issues need to be seriously addressed.

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Is that Kristen Bell

No blood on hands

You will see. Once america go democrats it will never go back. And it will happen in 2024 most probably. 2050 white amerumutts are less than half of the population. You will slowly be turning to south africa. I think 150 years later if no earlier spanish will become first speaking language. Btw america will not be superpower anymore for some obvious reasons.

I'll just leave it here. Secret Russian technologies for my American alcoholics...
1)"Turbojet distiller" and "skittles" (75 degrees).
2)"Turbojet distiller" and "Coca-Cola" (60 degrees).

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>Btw america will not be superpower anymore for some obvious reasons.

YA dude I'm sure we will lose our military industrial complex.

>being a super power is just having a big army
Ur stupid

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If the US falls everyone falls.

You don't know what 3rd world country is do you.

First world: us and allies
Second world: Soviet and allies
Third world: unaffiliated

When you become majority fat goblina speaking spanish loudly while eating tacos, you will not be taken seriously anymore. And since hispanics can barely create/invent anything, your "muh military-industrial complex" going to have tough times. Look at canada for example, big country, rich, high living standards, still nobody gives a fuck what canada as a country think. China 30 years ago was nothing but a country of insectoids who produced cheap t-shirt, 30 years later they are colonizing africa and asia. The world changes very fast. Not that I believe russia going to succeed, but we are way behind americans in this process.

I will not be surprised if niggers be sent to africa or go there by their will. They are crying about white racism, but they can't even imagine what it will be like when majority including cops will be mexicans. There will not be welfare anymore and other freebies. Niggers will be shot on an even higher rate and nobody will give a fuck. Their riots will be met cruelly. Also they will become second class citizens since they will not be capable to learn spanish.