They're going to start coming for white people soon

They're going to start coming for white people soon.

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Those plebbitors are right. And there's nothing they can do to stop the radicals

So? White people are literally the biggest thread to society right now.

nazis lost ww2 70 years ago
get over it

They started ten years ago

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>white people waking up
Except crusius is a jew

>things are only going to get worse
>the left has chosen the path of civil and racial war

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start where have you been

>Especially in places like reddit
lmao, even the slightest hint of deviant thought is immediately squashed on Reddit.

Watch out Jow Forums. These people are coming for y'all

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Anyone else find it weird that these non-white/Jewish faggots do exactly what they tell us not to do when the shooters are Muslim lol

dios mio...el ejercitó de los tinieblas...

jesus and i thought the Jow Forums meetup pics were bad

Good luck finding any in America.


Guess what cunt, they're back

This. They say the right is violent but the left is the one choosing the path that leads to civil war in the first place.

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epic fedposting

Meh "they" have been coming for white men for 60 years.
Every white male under 50 has been treated like shit his entire life. The ones over 50 might have escaped some of it and gotten a good career, which they earned, before "they" started treating him like shit.
I don't support any violence. However, "they" should expect their efforts to get push back from some of the unhinged white men they gleefully attack within every aspect of life.

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Utterly Based. Right Wing Death Squads back for round 2.

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LMAO the two dog ladies in the right bottom are the only somewhat normal people there and they probably though they would meet a man there. LMAO

Thanks for your input, Achmed

What boars is that?

It was in a thread about either the oregon shooting or the el paso shooting. Doesn't matter, both are filled with shit exactly like this and worse. Find any old thread about it on that shit website and you'll find people openly calling for the death of white people.

Some crazy fucked up world we live in.

>Some crazy fucked up world we live in.
All thanks to America. :^)

>Task Force 6,000,000
>Named that because it's their combined weight

Either way you look at it, white people are fucked. Only a dumb group of people will allow themselves to become a minority in their own country.

Western society is White Society. Non Whites are creating separate ethno-cultural entities within White countries by exploiting liberal laws to claim that the society belongs to and centres around them, thus it is they who are the threat to Western Society. White people are not a threat to their own society by defending their future, continued ethnic genetic and cultural promulgation and existence, in fact, doing this is what will save Western Society.

Shut the fuck up, incel. Your opinion is worthless.

Me 2015 >Why would people ever elect Hitler into power?
Me 2019 >I miss you Uncle A, we wont fail you again

Its not an opinion, you flathead Anglo kiddy fiddler. That was socratic dismantling of a wrong statement

>They're going to start coming for white people soon.

I never understood their mindset of confronting white all while saying white are dangerous and violent.


It's "we"

Oh no! The incel is triggered! Please don't shoot anyone, incel! I didn't mean to upset you!

I hear from lefties all the time, how reddit is a “right wing space”. Fucking lunacy honestly

Zeig dich doch du kleine pussy ich würd dir deine hässliche nazi fresse einschlagen. Du verfickter hurensohn

Are young white zoomers as redpilled as liberals say

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>Implying the ones radicalizing aren't the ones who beat the Nazi's 70 years ago.
Nice try, Imperialist scum.

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Man, you in 2015 was really dumb.

sounds like someone has a reason to be scared ..

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What did they expect was going to happen after spending the last decade screaming about how evil white men are

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Have sex

They've nearly wiped out our entire race already you dumb shit and you're only realizing this now?

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Hmmm, where in history has this happened before?

I think it was somewhere in germany, some 70 years ago.

Dirty Brit sex tourist calling a dirty aussie sex tourist a kiddie fiddler Lel

So I just decided to go check out the major sub reddit threads and comments on this.
I advise you to quickly do this and not just take my word for it.
It very quickly devolves to rants about "white supremacy."

The sad truth is, there are a lot more fit 20 year old non-whites than there are whites, and a lot of them go to reddit and watch the daily show for their news. The other half of them get reddit / daily show / vox filtered through to their twitter or instagram.

If you see a news story and look for multiple sources, you are an EXTREME minority.

They've demonized whites for at least 5 years now. That's part of the backlash you're seeing now.

>Especially in places like reddit
Well maybe reddit needs to quit antagonizing and demonizing white men for everything under the sun.

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Weimar 2.0 is coming to a close, kike.
Hope you piled up your shekels.
Ovens & Lampshades next stop.

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pucker up bitchlet.

>they're doing it especially on reddit
>but it's decentralized