This is the root of all hate towards women. It's young boys seeing girls act like this around chads...

This is the root of all hate towards women. It's young boys seeing girls act like this around chads. A normal boy will never recover from knowing that the female wants the chad.
Prove me wrong.

Attached: bieber_concert.jpg (640x427, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Have sex.

Woman aren't built to find men attractive unless the man is the top ten percent, but they can grow to find you attractive over time even if you are average. The simple fact of that matter is most women aren't going to see you on the street and instantly have feelings for you like men do with women. You have to spend time on them. Zoomers don't understand this because they think everything should be like a video game where you bring binge wahoo and get everything you want instantly

Attached: 015 (1).png (434x327, 55K)

Men care about looks
Women care about money

That's why women paint themselves over with gross make-up, they don't appreciate looks.

It's also why men are lazy drug addicts and gamers, they don't appreciate money.

Its called a filter. I filters whores from good women.
If you know a girl took part i such cultur you know she is trash.
Be thankful for it or how else would you know?

I'm glad women made it clear how they really are that way I know not to associate with them.

I would only marry in a patriarchal country (A REAL ONE) where men aren't fucked in the courts.

plllleeeeease chad just touch my hand one time i'll never wash it again forever.

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ugh these photos disgust me

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You just gave me cancer with this pics

you ever wondered what girls did at your age? this is your answer.

>the chad is always tightly covered by his bitch orbiters

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the chad has many millions of female worshippers around the globe

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i wish this thread is stickied with 10000 posts. its beautiful. i saw bieber fans in Berlin and it is amazing to see kinda plump teens go bersek and fall on the ground in tears after reading a facebook msg that he might be closeby. it was amazing and made me very happy to see how much control one can have over others.

>even holding a photo of chad is arrousing the female harder than a real male

Attached: felina-richer-l-and-claudia-lavigne-justin-bieber-fans-p1.jpg (1000x750, 106K)

>That awkward handgrab
>That finger


that is the thing people dont realize, men want to be chads, but girls like biebers instead of american macho-comachos

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Unironically have sex

but the true chad doesn't just date a harem girl, he dates the most popular girl on earth because chad deserves even better

Attached: justin-bieber-selena-gomez.jpg (1000x600, 103K)

>when chad is around

Attached: girls.jpg (1024x683, 157K)

you have to be a nonthreatening chad who will protect, not look like you are gonna beat her up. altho thres a different league of consumers for that

chad controls females like hitler did germany. chad is the true leader of the female world.

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>that caveman brow
Yo wtf?

wow those are cameras. this must be like 2005

even grown women behave like this
it's hard to see any value in someone who acts this weird and pathetic

the pure presence of the chad makes the girl implode in emotions

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girls come up to me on the street, to comment on my "beautiful" eyes
this has happened when I'm walking with my gf

feckless whores

You know you can just become a chad yourself, right? If you are confident and feel good about yourself, the women will sense that. If you feel and act like you are a handsome beast (even if by some aesthetic/genetic/cultural standards you are not) girls around you will also think you look good and will be interested in you. The only thing women don't want is a fucking bitch who complains. And by becoming chad I don't mean fucking everything that moves and being "bruh" type of guy, but just being confident about your actions and personality.

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Most of these are pretty ugly desu

Women want greek jew males in 2019

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>chad is the true leader of the female world.
>Chad is the king of a shitheap
Good for him tbqdesu.

Reddit bluepills.
Being chad is being tall, symmetrical face, well-supported eyes, even thirds ratio down face, full head of hair, wide frame.
In other words, being chad is having good bones, and no amount of standing up straight is going to fix your bones.
You are a redditor.

Do they not line up with all that blacked porn you watch?

Not really

women will always behave in irrational and emotional ways - no problem as long as their fathers and society keep them under control.

If that blodne girl it taken srtraight home after the concert and remains a virgin until she amrries she gets a nice life

if she lets chad or a pop star fuck her when she is young, she gets nothing

You can't reason with women, so fathers have to control them

Christ it's so basic, this is civilsiation 101 yet you libcucks can't grasp it

ahmaghad is justin beber

This is how all white women react when they see their first BBC, remember white boys cant compete.

>how your could-be-your-gf-but-she-decided-to-chase-chad spends her weekends

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You are retarded. You don't have to look good to make the girl think you look good. Also it's funny you call me a redditor while using a fucking memeflag mr. shillstein.

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>Prove me wrong.
You have to prove yourself to be correct first. Just making a claim does not make you correct

Keep coping, polack. I'm sure you can peacock walk your way to sexual success, past all of evolution's tried and true methods of sorting genetic wheat from chaff.

>he reacts with copes to reality
dude just let the truth about the female flow through you and don't talk

bieber literally means beaver in german...

>reaching max chad climax

Attached: justin-bieber-hof-girls-screaming.jpg (500x300, 36K)

power to the chad, power to the chad, power to the chad

Attached: Screaming-girls.jpg (634x396, 82K)

Mate, that died when women got complete sexual agency. Average males will never get the time to do that, because everywhere from schools and the worksplace is a sexual selection ground where Chads and none Chads mix. Even worse, now the average male has to compete with Chads over vast distances thanks to dating apps. Women are comparative creatures, always looking to trade up, always looking for the best. When they're exposed daily to the best, they won't give the average the time of day. Back in the day when their sexuality was reigned in, men had the time bond with the women while they were still young and inexperienced. This gave men a chance, because in such an environment looks aren't the end all be all to courting. Now imagine what will happen if we say, have instantaneous travel with today's social media. Every man will be competing with global Chads, you literally don't stand a chance, girls from when they're in the single digits of age would already be fawning over the 0.0001% most attractive man and make him as the standard. Both our bodies and minds haven't caught up with our technological advances, we being the first generation of adults in social media will suffer the most from this, but things will get a lot worse, before they get better, because our species is gynocentric, so no change will occur til enough males are disfranchised by this mating tactics that it starts harming women too.

Imagine saving these photos on you computer...

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I think I'd do fine not fucking with 12 year olds, but you germans are... Boy you guys are something else.


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When I spend time with my extremely physically attractive cousin, women are especially slutty towards me and even spill drinks on her on purpose.

>"i'm fine finding my gf after she finished her cock carousel in her mid 20s"

that's cool, you should fuck her
imagine what they would do then lmao

>power to the chad, power to the chad, power to the chad
>>reaching max chad climax
girls dont want american macho comacho chad, they want a feminized romantic as bieber

chad is a psyop for girls to not like you and go for bieber

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hail the chad führer

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it's because you have a gf. when I am alone i'm invisible to women, but if my gf is with me every girl harasses me. it's amazing. even if you are with an ugly girl, this happens.

All those girls you are posting are dumbass white bitches so stop raising dumbass white bitches. We’re tired of them too.
-Love, POC

>better to wait in line for chad all day than spending time with my boring beta orbiter

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How can I get a qt white brazilian with braces and a nice ass?

you can't. fuck off.


>a horde of females gathering to worship the chad

Attached: Justin-Bieber-fans.-Oslo-May-2012.jpg (640x360, 390K)

OP sure spends alot of time thinking about young men doesn't he?

they would group-rape him if they could

The favela monkey is sour is all.

I don't want competition.

Young girls prefer pretty boys, women prefer masculine men. Beiber wouldn't get the time of day from women in his 30s if he didn't bulk up and got more masculine, unless he was dating 16 year old girls exclusively. It's scientifically proven that women like aggressive men while ovulating, but prefer soft, gentle men after getting fertilized.


having a boyfriend is ok-ish, but nothing can replace touching the real chad for a girl

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You have a growing population so me getting one will not be the end of the world.

So how can you explain I don't have any problems with girls while I'm not this "perfect, tall adonis" all the women want? I'm literally under 180cm and have long hair, which is not considered to be a chad look, but I still have no problem meeting new girls because I act confident around them. Also genetics is not only what you can see with your eyes, you know, there's also something called brain and it helps with the interactions with opposite gender. You can 'dominate' women during the conversation to make yourself the big strong guy in her eyes, and this is exactly what they want - a dominator. That's also a reason why serial killers, despite being ugly, are getting so much attention from young girls. Not realizing that, and wishing the world was different while not adapting is the reason you will never be wanted by the opposite side and calling successful people's actions coping is not going to help you. As I said previously, it's that whining and complaining that women hate. It's really simple mechanism if you think about it.

he is fucking 10/10 pussy right now. stop coping. the chad is on the top of the food chain.

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are you white?

I'm not an incel, also not a manwhore, but I learned the most fundamental thing about females in 8th grade. I was in a tiny class in a tiny Catholic school. My entire 8th grade graduating class consisted of 26 people. I white knighted a girl who was getting mercilessly teased because she had her first period during a class. There was visible blood. All of the girls went to the principal's office to complain. They specifically said to the principal that I was the only kind one who didn't tease and helped defend her. Literally all the other boys in the class had joined in.

Now guess who was the only boy in the class who had no date to the 8th grade dance.

How do pop stars with this kind of power over women, avoid indulging themselves and fucking top tier jailbait and facing prison?

It has to take some serious self control to stick with just adult women. Since the female body is at its prime in the 14-16 age range. Women are the thinnest, most youthful and tightest within this age range.

The temptation has to be just overwhelming.

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The root of the problem is parents not parenting and kids growing up with no system of values, no skills, and no ability to cope with failing. Failing is life's way of teaching but if you grow up like an npc you'll never be able to learn from mistakes and grow. To make matter worse we're expected to have everything figured out in our lives by the age of 18 when our frontal lobe isn't even fully developed yet. It's all just a failure to cope with life.

Evolutionarily it makes sense, you've been vetted by a female and other females assume you're at least somewhat desirable. They must have you.

Unfortunately yes

imagine trying to prove that you can get laid in a chad thread. why would anybody do this? scared of the cad?

Hahaha Bieb’s face
>If only you knew how bad things really are.

imagine all the incels, sharing all the cope

>coping hard about female nature
protip: stop coping, just face reality

Based Bieber

Absolute cope, Asian and brown girls would kill their families for a date with him, or any other young Chad. Women have 0 tribe loyalty, it's built into their genes to be able to drop everything at the drop of a hat for superior male invaders.

Get some reading comprehension retard, I was agreeing with you. He looks nothing like his teen twink self, he matured into an adult Chad, rather than staying as a twiggy teen pretty boy. There's plenty of failed teen Chads who failed to mature properly, because they stayed scrawny or didn't get tall, Drake Bell for example.

>"please chad love me"

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Women care about looks for the most part, as proven by SCIENCE :

Also, check Sally Olderback, 2011 and David Maacraney, 2017

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>Unfortunately yes
Why? You have more changes to get a cute white gf here in the south than anyone else if you are white, or even marry, and the young ones hate niggers.

Germanbro your pictures disgusted me and I just had food