“Hispanics will take control of the local and state government of my beloved Texas, changing policy to better suit their needs”
I assume Patrick Crusius means the way us white people came over 300 years ago and fucked the native americans over? And gave the south americans blankets knowingly infected with smallpox, effectively wiping out the entire Aztec race a hundred years before that?
What a fucking hupocrite. The lowest form too, a murdering hypocrite.
he sure does mean that. where are the native americans now?
Jordan Powell
It's not hypocritical, you're just looking at it wrong. The act itself isn't what he takes issue with, it's his group vs their group. He's just fighting for his own interests the same as they are.
Kevin Howard
He mentions that, though.
Basically, don't be like the Indians and get fucked over for not seeing the threat for what it is.
Eli Barnes
seriously doubt they had any functioning knowledge of viruses and how to use them as biological weapons. you cry over colonization while enjoy all the benefits. you are a hypocritical whining bitch. native americans and south americans killed neighboring tribes, but because a greater civilisation came and turned their world upside down, doesn't mean it is a bad thing. the romans did it to my ancestors and the world still turns. get over it.
Jace Baker
>where are the native americans now? in mexico
Joseph Martin
he even mentions that, saying it reinforces his point it's not a moral argument, but a pragmatic one you retard
Owen Morales
he says they're they "invaders" though... eventhough they were here first... you see the problem?
I dont think the shooter realized that texas is basically part of mexico, and those tex-mex families were their way longer than his jew-ass.