Despite being only 10% of the population, inmigrants account for 70% of Sexual Assault cases in Spain

>Despite being only 10% of the population, inmigrants account for 70% of Sexual Assault cases in Spain
Really makes you think...

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You deserve it for making them in the first place

making what? immigrants?

Fuck spain. Gibraltar is ours. Accept it, move on and then maybe we can talk. Until then, keep getting fucked by africans in your cucked country. Spain is one of the most socialist, pro EU countries. You deserve what you get.

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nobody really gives a shit about the rock besides the few nationalists left in spain, im pretty sure the last time it showed up in your tabloids we didnt hear anything about it

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Jesus I never knew it was that bad over there.
Also the American flag is literally:
>despite being only 13 colonies
>they account for 50 of US states

Ok, sorry for being mean. Good luck on the reconquista. Have another karen.

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Source for these statistics?

>only 10%
fuck man thats a lot

Mulattos on every continent who can speak some form of Spanish

>Despite being only 10% of the population, inmigrants account for 70% of Sexual Assault cases in Spain
>Implying the 10% of them are men
More like the 5% friendo.


dame una fuente maricon!

t. migrants

heh, nice one Sean
>245 out of 350 group rapists are foreigners

Yeah, that's because they are stupid. We have nationally grown idiots that rape in mass and they film themselves so it's an open and shut case, but only arabs thinks this is like Morocco, where they give you a high five if you rape an unaccopanied woman

UK is gonna be a shithole in some time and you won't be so cocky patrolling the sea. We will send you that CRIMINAL Picardo head in a diplomatic package, lol.

Total bullshit.

We'll be fine. We're leaving the shitty collapsing union that you love so much. God help you when the negroids start pouring into your country.

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Remember that nationalized immigrants don't count for the 70% so it's probably bigger. Also gypsies count as spaniards too. Since 2016, after the mass immigration started hitting Spain, rapes with penetration have increased almost a 30%.

you will be the first to fall considering how cucked by the EU have you become.
Other actual food producers like Spain, Italy and France could survive the cut. You? Pakis will be hunting and eating you before you can kick them out.
Have a nice apolcalypse, sweetie.

In fact, it's the other way around. Morocco is your ally, the Mediterranean migrant NGO/human trafficker route was your doing and you even killed gaddafi to make it happen, and the syrian route was a joint venture with Israel.
The Spanish World Order defended both of Europe's flanks against Islam, and expanded Christianity into the new world.
The Judeo-Anglo World Order attacked both of Europe's flanks to let Islam in, and expanded degeneracy into the old world.
The only way to save the white race is to end the US, the UK, the EU and Israel.

Dead mutts and dead jews are always good news.

Look at this faggot. He belongs to a country which lets thousands of their white daughters to be raped by brown muslims they imported.
Then, he speaks a big words about some retarded rock they hold dear, and mocks others for getting less than 1% of the rapes they themselves experience.
You country is dead, you killed it. Play with fire, get burned faggot.

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>Cucked by the EU
No sweetie, we're leaving the EU. Get it? Leaving.

I hear Spain will be the new destination for migrants in the mediterranean after Italy elected a real leader. Have fun with the EU though. We all know you couldn't leave it even if you wanted to. Your economy is a joke. Just like all the other lazy mestizo countries. Now shut up, get back to work and go pay your taxes to your socialist, feminist government. The british expats who treat your country like the thailand of europe need you.

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Statistics are racist, they dindu nothin'.

>No sweetie, we're leaving the EU. Get it? Leaving.
Your currency value says otherwise.

>we're leaving the EU. Get it? Leaving.

That picture was a good choice. I imagine you look something like that. My little tanned, mestizo european brother.

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Don't confuse him with logical arguments, Brexiters are fun to watch.

Keep up with the news ahmed. No later than Halloween.

You're the ones who kept the Moroccans around long enough trying to wrangle them into a position where you could fuck the tribeswomen and convert them to pedo pope worship, Anglo would have pushed them onto a pasture and said if you leave here you die

>No sweetie, we're leaving the EU. Get it? Leaving.
the Germans want to see you suffer, you will be economically rapped by them ( EU )

How is a shitskin with no money, no house, no car, no grasp of the language, no education, suppose to get pussy?

- On the Mutts and their lies.
Don't call me brother you son of a whore

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Despite being only 31% of the American Population, whitebois account for 70% of Mass Shooting cases.

>Y-your country will be rapped!
>I-I'm calling Germany on you!

Honey, your country is already full of mixed race, brown mestizos that can hardly even be considered European. Sort out your own openly feminist, socialist government before making threats.

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Sikh guy has the same complexion as the average Spaniard.

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you posted the cuter anime girl, so your more right

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Thank god they finally revealed some statistics about this shit. I know the lefty media will never show the numbers and blame the whites instead the root of the problem, but it feels good to know how biased the media has become.

source (in spanish):

You are a britbong, you can't talk about race in a condescending way.

Karen always wins!

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Good thing that you are enjoying your racial replacement

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Says the guy whos country is literally now a mixed race mestizo land.

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Der ewige Anglo

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I farded an shidded :^))))

yeah okay Manolo i'll 'ave a grande beero 'n mucho potayter fritos
muy bien

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We fought against them, you imported them.
>posts loli wearing swastika armband
You defeated the solution to the white race's problem. Turns out you are the problem.
Enjoy victory, this is how your world order looks like.

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>Sikh has same skin color as the rest of the guard team.

Sorry, I just had to. I promise I won't do another holiday visit for at least 6 months.


I'm not American, why are all the Eurofaggots who support mass immigration talking about what happened thousands of kilometers away from europe when here the problem is immigrants?

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