This is a real (pinned) tweet from South Korean president

How could a president be this cringy/desperate on his official government channel of Twitter?
He innocently made an assblasted shitpost about Japan and pinned it. He seems very proud of it now.

I cant tell him and Korean shitposters apart anymore. His obsession about being anti Japan is so strong.

Attached: cringefest.jpg (597x526, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The Koreas will unify and obliterate Japan.

Attached: kemono friends america 3.jpg (1200x675, 163K)

>you will experience the might of an unified HWAN fascist technocracy in your life time.

Attached: norftech.png (1064x623, 65K)

That's actually really based, fuck j*pan

All Korean presidents are prisoners or suicide.
Korean politicians have no brain.
They have no plans but only anger.

How can one spammer be this desperate on the international board of 4channel?

why the moon beeing butthurt is
((South Korea could get collapsed tomorrow morning))
((the sign started 26/27 april))
((and after that he gave up his job))

You mean they'll unify and Kimmy-boy gets millions of more slaves.


Why are you netouyos deluded into thinking that people in this board want to be kept updated on Japan-Korea matters? I honestly don't understand the point of netouyos spamming Jow Forums with these out-of-place Japan-Korea stuff like every hour. Netouyo's obsession is as sick as Korea's, and you need to understand that the rest of the world isn't interested in your armageddon with Korea.

Attached: pepe.jpg (660x574, 31K)

This shit is just funny. I want a good laugh. Also, Im not a netouyo unfortunately. Netouyos would just shit on him.