United States only has 10x our population but they have 150x more Mass Shootings

United States only has 10x our population but they have 150x more Mass Shootings

Why? What's going on in that God-forsaken apocolyptic shithole country that has caused society to go completely off the rails?

The only solution is to ban all guns (except from police and military) and to mandate that all White Male Incel Bigots are forced to go through re-programming.

Who agrees?

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How about we ban Canada instead? Considering what they do to their kids...


fuck off shill
anyone who votes for Trump in 2020 has blood on their hands after this week.

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He resembles Trudeau. Are all Canadians like this?

I was thinking a joint British-Canadian invasion of American to seize all guns, clips and ammo to stop the violence

Fuck off, Chang. Nobody cares what you think

Overcrowding, multiculturalism shoving people with nothing in common next door to each other, shredding the importance of religion and civic duty in favor of consumerism. A generation of kids raised by single mothers doesn’t know how to find their way in a clown world that hates them, and many of them have their minds warped through a fucked up school system and medications for “behavioral problems”.

Our access to scary looking boomsticks hasn’t changed, but our brainlet country either blames the tools for the actions of the users or pretends nothing is happening at all. There’s no serious push to fix the sociological and cultural defects they created.

We need to ban assault, military style weapons. How many more innocent people need to die? America is a sick, violent country.

You will never succeed on Jow Forums glowfags

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>anyone who votes for Trump in 2020 has blood on their hands after this week

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So you're gonna bang them over the head with your spoons?
Get a fukkin life

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According to you, we've had blood on our hands since the beginning of time. We're just maintaining the status-quo :^)

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I agree, the violence has to stop. The UN should intervene.

Fuck off guns are cool

none of that explains why there aren't any mass shootings in other western countries though despite many other countries facing the same issues you're describing.

Jeez, could you suck China's dick any harder Canada?

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Oh no that sucks...
The fuck up bitch. Talkin about bloody hands n shit get trucked n buttfucked or something DAMN.

Get the fuck out of here, leaf

I'm sure a country with a tiny military that is both underfunded and that largely despises it's current leadership and another that needs to have it's nuclear weapons supplied to it via the US and can't muster enough transports to move a football game will just shuffle over her no problem. The UN is even worse, they can't manage a brushfire in Africa without shitting themselves.

Higher percentage of nonwhites.

The violence in a country has a direct relationship with the amount of pocs.
Thats why London is far more violent then the rest of the UK.

America has way more pocs then canada, but since canadians started to ramp up immmigration too, expect USA levels of misery in your o dear canada.

Why dose he shoot up rnd people when he is a /pol user and all /pol dose is expose the Juden?
Why do they never shoot up synagogues or jew meet ups?
Ask yours self this question first.
Somethings not adding up here.

Other western countries were fairly homogeneous until recently, and Euros didn’t have the same cultural defects that atomized American society and broke down communities so that not even family units were left unscathed. Their violent crime is on the rise thanks to recent imports, but since there weren’t many guns to begin with over there, they’re instead dealing with trucks, grenades, and machetes.

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all of this Plus the overprescription of murder-suicide pills. we have a lot of people who are already mentally ill and are given cocktails of psychotropic medications which have side effects like making people irrationally angry or making them want to kill themselves. i bet half of the shooters barely even know what planet they're on half the time.

just google "are psychotropic drugs a factor in mass shootings" and look into it, its a serious area of study/discussion. and its not just that "crazy people are more likely to take these medications therefore they're more likely to shoot up places," they've looked into the correlation/causation angles in this too and there's still a discussion to be had.

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White males have been a threat to all the other cultures in America since it's founding.

I don't think you need to ban all guns if we can figure out a way to put more power in the hands of those who have none, like immigrants who don't have family here or refugees who can't speak enlish are literally just trying to survive.

I think taking away one of the white's rights will just make them prematurely chimp out on minorities (remember:white people are basically neanderthals with money and power).

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Mostly niggers.

We're angry.

We're very angry at everything, even though we should be relatively happy.

Because in Japan, all we need is a single can of gasoline to roast 35 people alive?

Who needs guns?

Here in the Netherlands firearms have always been illegal.
Thanks to immigration we deal with illegal firearms.
Shootings with full automatics, explosives, grenades and even an anti tank weapon was used in recent years.

99% done by pocs, nothing is out of the ordinary anymore. welcome to the jungle.

Not suggesting that relatively “easy” access to guns isn’t a factor. It unfortunately is the price to pay for freedom and less government control. There are many stable individuals who have arsenals. It is the person not guns. Not to undermine the severity of mass shootings but look at all data in comparison as far as deaths from tragedies/accidents. Drunk driving, child abuse, etc.

Canada would attack from the North, blitzkrieging your cities with missiles and bombs, followed by waves of infantry and tanks.

Britain would land on the coasts by night, undetected, using SAS and commando raids to create fear and confusion, alongside precision combined arms strikes on important targets like New York city. In the chaos, US capitulation would be swift.

No you faggots wouldn't. You can't even handle the problems with your own countries.

Now go run along, grownups are talking.

bumping with this (archive.fo/9K9qa)

What a moron! You guys don’t even have enough of a navy left to protect your tankers in the gulf but your going to come here and whoop our asses!?!?! I fart in you and leafs general direction.

I've seen this episode

Cultural “enrichment”

Wow, what's Horsey got against Rush?

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Handguns kill more people by far, so that’s a dumbass solution

jesus you retards need to learn how to bantz and shoot the shit

look at his fucking first sentence "canada would attack from the north, blitzkrieging your cities"

literally when has canada blitzkrieg'd anything its fucking canada for fucks sake

>"The only solution is...."

Spoken like a truly retarded sheep, great job Canada.

This would be hilarious as you think people in the cities wouldn’t shoot your ass

America, liberty and the very notion of "rights" wouldn't exist without white Europeans you insufferable kike shill. Go charge interest elsewhere.

Mass shootings are less than 10% of all gun deaths in America.

If you truly want to confront the gun violence epidemic, you must name the nigger.

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Lol you faggots would get wrecked. The UK couldn't make a beachhead here, faggot.

i say we buy more guns and kill you to death.

Why is it only the mass shootings that are of any concern? Are homicides somehow a non-issue?

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You never truly won against brits, burger.
Not a single state would come helping you and the US army is a joke

What’s wrong with mass shootings?

Let me help you out with this one.


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>war is exactly like it was 200 years ago
>the UK is as strong as it was 200 years ago
>the US is as strong as it was 200 years ago
>the armed civilian population of the US doesn't outnumber the entire UK military by several multiples
Brainlets like you are why Italy hasn't accomplished anything noteworthy since the renaissance.

Black people. 13% but 50%

oh great here come all the highschool dropouts pretending to be Constitutional Scholars...


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>The Meaning of "Well Regulated". Constitution.org The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected.
>Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected.

even disarmed the US will beat the shit out of you faggot leafs kek

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Oh great, here come the fucking leafs pretending to know about America.

Go make me some syrup, faggot. That's all you people are good for.

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can you retarded burgers ever come up with anything more original than

absolute brainlet-tier insult that makes no sense whatsoever and isn't even remotely insulting

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>not even a maple tree
>but the leavings of the tree

>anyone who votes for Trump in 2020 has blood on their hands after this week.

stop being so melodramatic you foreign betamale

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PsyOps is what's going on.

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>fuck off shill
>screams the guy shilling for people to give up their best, and only way to stop governmental tyranny

Niggers and nigger fatigue.


We gotta stop global warming deport all Mexicans

>United States only has 10x our population but they have 150x more Mass Shootings

Niggers. Take them out of the numbers and USA has lower homicide rates than Sweden.

>absolute brainlet-tier insult that makes no sense whatsoever and isn't even remotely insulting
I'm sorry that your country is so limp and insignificant, that it's known for maple syrup and insufferable, annoying faggots.

I on the other hand propose that the US should sell even more guns to all its citizens. This will ensure that more mass shootings happen, which will make society even more anxious until it reaches a critical point, and cause balkanization of the nation into several smaller independent states, allowing all other nations to swoop in and conquer the former United States.
And of course, no background checks need to be done. In fact, the weapons should be handed out for free.

Oh great, another faggot leaf! FUCK OFF U SNOW MEXICAN!

The only reason why Canada hasn't devolved into a quasi-warzone like Sweden yet is perhaps only a matter of time, or because all the immigrants get more money from the US and thus avoid Canada.
Your country would be even worse of a hellhole, so shut up.

The old flag was better.

This feels like a bait thread, but just in case you are serious, its honestly very simple. Its because America is the only nation that has any chance in its citizens putting up a resistance to the globohomo agenda. America is the only nation that has any chance of over throwing zog. Currently there is roughly 80 guns to every 100 citizens in America. Now, a simpleton would think, "ah ha! so you have to many guns - gun violence," but that is how a child would respond. Obama did the largest gun study in Americas history while he was in office, according to this study, can you guess who is statistically the most law abiding citizen in America? A white person with a CWP. Shocking, right? Not really. Most gun violence is done by gangs that have illegal guns, how many white people (that aren't in prison) do you know in a gang? Probably none. But how many black and hispanic gangs can you name, even as a leaf? probably a bunch (bloods, crips, latin kings, ms-13, etc) and none of them are white gangs. That Obama gun study also shows that somewhere between 500k-1.5 million crimes/year are PREVENTED because the would be victim had a gun to protect themself, but MSM doesn't like to focus on such news events - that wouldn't fit their narrative that guns actually save lives.

So why do we have so much gun violence? Niggers, spics, and false flag gun grabbing psyops (ie. the two most recent shootings, carried out by Jewish shooters)

It's almost like import third world people brings their problems with.

niggers obviously. violent crime rates are roughly equal in all the major white populations of the world. Slightly higher in Russia where business crime is still part of life.

Crime rates in Montana, Dakotas vermont, Canadian border areas are slightly lower than Canada

Gun violence would drop if every citizen of legal age owned a gun. Even a low iq nigger would think twice in robbing someone if he knew they more than likely had a weapon to defend themselves - no?

I can answer this as a former Canadian.
You guys are pussies.
Real talk.


>The only solution is to ban all guns (except from police and military)

Yes, wouldn' t you love that?

>United States only has 10x our population but they have 150x more Mass Shootings

Ah, so THIS is what' s its all about.

Demoncrats are about to loose voters and need one or two shootings to get the attention again.

His first paragraph explains to well.
You fuck.

In Canada you can get your guns taken because your nextdoor neighbor doesnt trust you or your ex doesnt want you to have guns.

Because other western countries are much smaller in both size and population, and naturally much more homogenous. The US on the otherhand has been increasingly strained and balkanized since the 1960’s/1970’s, and has hundreds of millions of people from pretty much every group there is on this planet which will lead to issues one way or another. But back then you at least had the veil of being an American who believes in American ideals to fall back on, especially with the gigantic scapegoat that was the USSR around, which tended to also have some heads roll from the Irish and Italians to Germans and Asians to keep everything in check. Nowadays that is all completely meaningless. Add in things like a huge amount of people using SSRI’s for “depression”, the rotten cancer that is social media and the media at large, the CIA and other alphabet glow in the darks meddling around with their grubby mitts, economic aspects that only decrease by the day or at best have people get stuck with a mountain of loan debt they’ll never be able to pay back in their entire lives, and it is honestly a miracle that more haven’t went full on Medieval yet. You are also completely naïve to think other western countries don’t have their own issues with such things, especially with all of the rocket surgeons and engineer dentists being brought into the EU.

Trump supported the Red Flag law, it does the exact same thing... TRUMP 2020! AMIRIGHT!?

Have you Brits banned cars and trucks? Why not?
Fuck off, Limey.


The rights of the citizens to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Because we have 150x more freedom. Freedom is not free however, so we have the right to bear arms in defense of it.

Depersonalization of the pill popper himself and his victims is likely a huge factor. Add to that a number of antidepressants increase the risk of this kind of behavior because they enhance motivation before they enhance mood. The result is a medically-induced impulsive psychopath, and it’s a wonder we don’t have far more of these events occurring.

Check out Torontos gun crime.

Nice find.

Honestly? What's going on is Government failure and the byproduct of one size fits all government. Add in violation after violation of property rights and individual rights and you are looking at the beginning of the long awaited civil libertarians , voluntaryists, and Ancaps warned you about but you all kept pushing. Now we have psychological idiots everywhere and you want to take my guns ? No way and hell am I going to be disarmed for idiots on both sides to shoot me government or not.

1. See pic.
2. Niggers.
3. Mental health systems falling apart across the country. You got people telling others to “get over” their mental illnesses rather than having them see a psychiatrist.

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I meant to say " civil war " we have warned you about. Sorry.

>What's going on in that God-forsaken apocolyptic shithole country that has caused society to go completely off the rails?
Niggers and jews.


It's the Collapsing State of the Americunt. After Trump & Congress approved $1.43 trillion dollars defense budget for fiscal year 2020 to kill millions more in their endless kike wars.... Americunts you reap now what you sowed.

Short answer;

The USA has millions of niggers.

Long answer;

Only 1% of gun deaths are mass shooters. Of these most mass shooters are Africans (over 70%) and 95% non white.

If America was 100% European it would have the same or less gun deaths than European nations.

I'd go as far as to say America has never had a gun problem, it has a African problem and to a lesser but growing extent a Hispanic problem. Like all non African societies do whenever Africans are pushed into them. That is not counting all the "white" shooters who are Jewish either..

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