Trump's position on guns

Trump's stated position on guns is to "Take the guns first, go through due process second". Trump also has stated very clearly that he views those in the Congress who support guns do so because they are afraid of the NRA

"Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'"

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Oh my God the kike at his left is having a happy merchant flashback

I've put up with a lot of shit from Trump, but if he goes after guns in any serious way I'll vote democrat just out of spite.

Why do jews do this? I've never seen any other race do this.

feinstein is pure evil. the elections in cali are rigged where you literally cannot vote outside of the dems

Is the former trump supporter here meme nuclear codes and all that Jazz it’s came a long way since then

My guns
>secure, not taken at all
Trump’s presidency
>almost over

Get fucked OP.

Attached: B474209D-6AFB-472C-A794-D602942FC2F8.jpg (500x375, 20K)

Quotes Trump out of context, it was Feinstein’s Bill he was reading
>day of rope
>civil war
>lefty’ shills lose

>Implying Trump will not shit on his gun owning supporters on the way out of office just in spite

>Trump's own words and well known position
>out of context
Fuck off moron

>implying Trump Jr isn’t running after he’s dad
>or even ivanka
>get fuked shill

>your full of shit
>life must suck for you
>anhero while you still can

>Implying the NYC liberal Democrat family of Trump will not make disarmament their first act as president

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Attached: DonaldTrumpAssaultWeaponsBan.png (609x606, 414K)

Holy fucking shit fuck what the fuck is Trump saying that makes the reptile on the right so fuckin happy wtf is she having a manic episode coupled with parkinson? This is horrible America

Trump was telling Republican Senators that they are afraid of the NRA. The Republicans were attempting to defend gun ownership in the meeting and Trump said to them that they defend gun rights because they are afraid the NRA might not support them. Obviously the hyper anti-gun Dianne Feinstein could not be happier to see Trump attacking Republicans

"Trump to GOP senator: 'You're afraid of the NRA'"

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>0:54 start of merchant pose

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-04 Trump Makes Feinstein Erupt in Glee After Suggesting Assault Weapons Ban Be In (939x463, 624K)