Brit/pol/ Comfy Sunday with Fred Edition

>Fred Dibnah How to erect a chimney scaffold

>FRED episode 4 - drinking and climbing - Fred Dibnah

>Brexit: UK calls on EU to renegotiate or face no deal

>New trade minister Liz Truss had private talks in US with libertarian groups

>It's too late to stop No Deal Brexit: Boris's top aide Dominic Cummings warns MPs that no-confidence vote would not halt October 31 exit

>‘Wake up!’ Brexiteer warns EU to prepare for Boris wrecking ball - ‘We mean business'

>Ross Kemp warns it's 'fashionable' for teens to carry knives and machetes in Britain

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Other urls found in this thread:

shut the posts down, take the keyboards off them today

>millenikikes and zoomers won't know how to build roofs in 5 years time as boomers die off

>PETER HITCHENS: Our police are a bigger threat to your freedom than Putin

Anybody know anyone who either bought a relatively cheap house in the British countryside or a very cheap house somewhere in rural Europe to live?

Sorry for posting again, but I'd like to discuss moving towards a self-sufficient lifestyle if anyone is up for it.

Was told to migrate. Are white people welcome?

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Dibnah is legit a hero. He fucking pushes chimneys over, gets a few pints in him then drives a steam engine across town.

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8th for 582

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Based and Fred-pilled

The muslims will chuck you off the rooftops for being gay sorry lad

Fred embodied everything good about this country

Aint gay but ill fight em anyways

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No Americans, thank you.


Why do you hate your fellow white man? We’re technically brothers.

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>Aint gay
Then why do you show off pictures of your naked body to other men?

Sorry this isnt alabama not everybody is your brother or cousin

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Hello my white friend

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Topless isnt naked. Show you're physique a bit and lets compliment eachother brother. Spartans were amazing warriors and did the same.
Not from alabama.

We're not white, we're British.

You're not British.

spartans were nonces

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hello fellow shitskin

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OopsBut abdul and mutumbu is british?

Spartans also raped young boys you nonce

>But abdul and mutumbu is british?
No. Stop posting now.

Im not advocating buttsex just compliments to make our white brothers have 100% confidence

Yes, now fuck off,

Not advocating for that obviously
Fuck you race traitor

Race traitor

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any of you ever watch boy meets world when you were a kid? apparently one of the girls in it is doing porn now.

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I did. Which one?

I never was on your team Brad, it's not possible to be a traitor.

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This new Norf is shaping up nicely

why is tim so ungrateful?

Pakis only.

>Spartans were amazing warriors and did the same.
They were bummers mate

Gonna be a shame when I have to punch your face in then

Not advocating that

Marco Pierre White is looking rough

Tim isn't even 1/8th the man that Fred was. Take that Tim shit to /britfeel/ with the other losers.

Got enough to drink?

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Why are you afraid of going to the boatyard then?

you're a greasy thug. I bet you're from sainsbury's.

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The Spartan's comfortability toward homoeroticism likely was a contributing factor toward his propensity for pederasty


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Eyyy dibnah themed thread! Gave me a right good smile when i saw it.

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Aint afraid of anything but pic related
Not saying to be faggots just building up your fellow white man

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Tims getting evicted, dont worry. thats why the autists are riled up

I just said that the sort of homoeroticism your peddling is probably a contributing factor in causing homosexuality

I didn't know about the Tommeh demonstration yesterday but while I was in London I encountered my first irl Tommeh supporters. In a nutshell they reminded me of Qanon boomers with added football hooliganism.

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Athenian fag propaganda. Sprtan girls cropped their hair until marriage making them look like boys. Athenians who were the real chuney ferrets used this against them. Older warriors mentored younger in the agoge, but homosex was probs eddie trust exercise tier.

>t. the sainsbury's man

the red head Maitland Ward

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Where are you getting this info Leonidaboo?

Couldnt have said it better if you'd tried, cock.

all i want is to see a full militarized deployment of Police and Army against the British people, full force, no restrictions, shoot to kill discretion for all those who resist.

give the football hooligans a taste of American policing.

You never been to Jow Forums? Srsly you cant admire a mans muscles without thinking about dungshovery? Look at some arno brecker statues.

Having said that Jow Forums is gay af.

25th for 125

You sound a bit gay buddy.

Why were you in the souf? Are you a nonce?

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Smith is out at last

Daily reminder in just 9 years it's over.

What are you doing to stop this?

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This guy fucking gets it

big up salford

>Having said that Jow Forums is gay af.
There we are then.
>You sound a bit gay buddy.
You idolise pederasts




Do you remember when I posted Well, this is why.
You bring neative quality and you're tremendously boring. Go home.

based and nigepilled

Stop projecting. Faggot
Sad this is how most white people think

It's alright if you're into gay sex of the 3rd century BC variety, just don't bring it here that's all I'm saying

Youre the one whos negative, im trying to uplift my fellow white men and youre demonizing me for it

RIGHT NOW I Block, Bind, rebuke and rebute Antifa and all derivatives. I halt any and ALL wrong doings of the Devil and its minions by the blood of Jesus Christ. All negativity generated by one Barry Soetoro, Clinton, Rodham, Soros, Schwartz, Saxe, Coburg, Gotha, Alefantis, Epstein and ALL evil entities attempting to generate discord in the Americas. Civil war is blocked. Antifa ARE a Domestic TERRORIST ORGANIZATION headed by hostile interests. Them and ALL their satanic counterparts are NOW Blocked. By the Holy Child Jesus.


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We're not white, we're British.

Go home.


rate my oc lads

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>go to London
>get stabbed

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Im not into that. Again stop projecting.
Divide and conquer shill

All over. You need to be careful of modern sources as with everything else its slanted for a globohomo agenda. Remember aristotle blamed the lack of faggotry in sparta for the power their women held. This site is pretty good

And this is funny, fag writer was going write a fag novel set in laconia, except he found out it was all bollocks

souf fc froo and froo

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Brad thinks he comes with something to offer us, from his hollow desert of a culture and catastrophy of a society. Adorable.

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Nice one I'll give it a look into

what kind of parcel is this?

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I had no idea this was the origin of “Right Said Fred”.
Best thing I will learn all day I wager.

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>relatively cheap house in the British countryside
theres no such thing, we are a small country and due to white flight from infested cities, country houses are expensive.



cant dob the dib

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Keep sucking off darkies

Nice cope post faggot.

Bretty gud lad.

wow this place is dead.

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Based and Fred-pilled.