Am I white?

Am I white?

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get a life

Definitely NOT

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Hi Anthony. Well done for doxxing yourself online.


Jews cant help but toss in the

>t. talcum x
Bad news: You're a nigger
Good news: Oppression olympics and muh reparashuns

not one drop etc etc

>mainly Greek/Italian

You're quite literally a fucking sandnigger

>1% African

At the end of the day. 100% Europe (

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you arent white if you are stupid enough to do this


Not even one drop.

Wow you really showed him

I bet you look like Mr Bean

no, but some of your ancestors where.

Anything that says

>30% Italian

Do you feel white?

Bastard, fuck you! You getting reparations with the one drop rule!

Those less than 1% are there to throw off potential White Pride persons. Ignore those.


mussolini much user?

I'm sorry OP. Might as well kys. Not white This is 100% unkiked proof. Why would a genetic ancestry test run by jews possibly lie to you?

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You're an American, lad. You're a mutt.

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