Swedish army YES

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Fucking disgusting. And the Chinks and Russians will laugh at them for being such cucks. Unbelievable.

Makes killing them much easier

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wtf dude

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lol, faggots.

>Makes killing them much easier
It's so fuckin' stupid.


These friendly people will give these swedes what they deserve in due time. After all Islam is a religion of peace according to them.

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This is when Norway needs to invade. First nuke Oslo.

Yikes, whatever it’s mostly a PR stunt by higher ups

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They're a bunch of faggots
Nothing new

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are you a cute nordboi trap

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"PR" departments need to be wiped clean. Public relations = propaganda, and it's all jewish.

Good, when Germany gets a new Great Man to rule it, it will be easier to invade than in ww2.

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Ahh flying there new national flag.

There new national anthem will just be the sound of them farting poz loaded jizz out of their anuses in solidarity. The new salute will be changed also. Now they just insert black cocks in their mouths. I know, I know. Every soldier will have to have their personal Somalian bull and he has to share half his paycheck with them. In the field of battle he will have to protect his bull and if they should die then the soldier is sentence to death for shaming Allah.

Welcome to the Swedish armed forces.

The army is supposed to be by the people, for the people no matter what politics you believe.
The sole purpose is to defend the nation from foreign military threats.

They are completely delegitimizing their existence by this retarded politicking for a dysgenic minority.
The military should only take part in dedicated military parades or things like the independence day, annual opening of the reichstag and birthday of the supreme monarch our King.

Fucking cucks and I am ashamed I was ever in that fucking army.

Even the army is degenerate. How long for IKEA and Volvo to stop their factories due to failed country?

>Volvo to stop their factories due to failed country?
Volvo is leaving. They announced it a few months ago.

Lack of talent and too much crime are cited reasons, imho the first one is the leading factor and the latter is more of a red herring.

Take din medicin, psykfallus
