He's right, you know. This isn't the start of some "rise up" it's the end of it...

He's right, you know. This isn't the start of some "rise up" it's the end of it. Even Trump's FBI is preparing to crackdown on these losers.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The losers usually die

Penis Buttgay lmao. Also show your flag Pajeet

Oh is it?

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Name the last three black mass shooters.

a nigger shot up a wal mart the same day as the garlic shooter
the nigger that shot up his work place
any day in chicago and baltimore

"despite being"

they don't have the names public because giving them attention hurts the narrative and stalls their plan for white genocide

It's the dying breath of a race that has done nothing but turn America into a shithole

>Kike's opinion
Fuck off
slide thread

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Man you shills sure came out with a narrative awfully quick didn’t you

the common denominator here is guns. the gun culture is on its last legs.

It's the end of something alright.

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This man eats cum


>Even Trump's FBI is preparing to crackdown on these losers.
The timing is very... coincidental.

(1) The Death-penalty is reinstated.
(2) The FBI declares conspiracy theories as a form of domestic terrorism.
(3) The El Paso shooting.
(4) Trump tweets what is essentially "he needs the death penalty NOW!!!"

I'm no domestic terrorist, so all of the above is merely coincidence.

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You forgot the church shooting in Nashville. The media gets to decide your perception.

>butt gig
Why is he even trying in politics? Should've become a proctologist.

wishful thinking whore but everytime anyone gets a whiff that you don't like guns they buy even more. gun culture is only going to grow with nigger violence. you've lost this one before you started.

There were guns in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.

I hope you don't have any bump stocks, those are now illegal to own.

>I'm going to list decades in which mass shootings were rare.
Did I just get btfo

Stop believing everything you hear on MSNPC

Attached: Right_to_Carry,_timeline.gif (676x509, 99K)

>past trends trump current events.
wall street looked great before 1929 as well.

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Yes, ask yourself what changed.

You know, fags like you dust the cloud of perception. There are some legitimate theories the government/general power has set-up certain events for a specific kind of profit. However you need to stop looking at everything through that lens. You need to realise some things just happen (also cause and effect) and after they have happened all kinds of people are using it to their advantage, to form a certain view; form political or perspectual gain.

Everybody has an agenda. Just like you, with that post of yours.

white incel terrorists started mass shooting.

got 35 of them but i can bump with just a finger...you know what else is illegal? killin faggots. but that hasnt stopped anyone has it faggot?


Sure, my agenda is this: I don't trust huge portions of my government. And, by all appearances, my government cares nothing about me or my people, the people of these United States, for if they did, they would not allow the invasion so obviously happening.

Attached: Treat Invaders like INVADERS!.png (1189x408, 146K)

>the common denominator here is guns. the gun culture is on its last legs.
You are woefully uninformed




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>current events
so you think because some jewy-looking incel shot a bunch of spics, whitey's going to give up his guns, and all those states that started issuing conceal carry permits after columbine are just going to take them away?
lmao it didn't happen with the last 100 "mass shootings"

That's the best you've got? This isn't a serious thread.

This is why we don't have nice things.

In order to allege a conspiracy, at minimum you have to be able to show that members know one another.

Go away Achmed.

So what's his recommended course of action?

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Same night as the one in texas and ohio.

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pandering for spic votes apparently

since when is an invading army from foreign countries crossing a national border with impunity innocent?

If the definition is more than three people involved like 50 in Chicago this weekend alone. It isn't newsworthy because its so common.

The DC Sniper, the Dallas cop killer (5) are two and there are others. Thought of another, lost it.

why are all these threads started by and filled with meme flaggots???

He's unironically right. Why is kikebart do triggered by this?

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You know exactly (((why)))


>being this much of an obvious Jew
Show flag kike.

Were any of the shooters white though? Because all I see are Jews.

Buttigieg deserves a kick in the nuts but he probably would enjoy that.

The media makes sure it doesn't cover those for too long

Weren't the DC snipers black? Those guys shooting people completely at random?

>the gun culture is on its last legs
It is? Are you American? I doubt it, cause you clearly have no idea what's going on here or how people feel

Rhodes Scholar = British Crown agent

Any of these mutts NOT Jews?

>Penis Buttgay lmao
this is the intellectual level of a typical Jow Forumstard

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>"a lot of nights end up this way"
>"america is under attack from white nationalists"

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They are so desperate to shut this site down before the election.

The hypocrisy of the left kills me. They would never group together a bunch of black shooters like this. That would be racist

Nation founded on White Nationalism struggles to come to grips with lingering White Nationalism.

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>Name the last three black mass shooters.
Here's 7, all in the last week. The definition of a mass shooting is 4 or more injured in one event. Leftists selectively ignore the overwhelming majority of mass shootings, and only focus on those that paint the narrative they want to push.

Since El Paso is Beto's town the other candidates are going to compete for the most extreme position in order to capitalize on this. They can't let beto get all the political benefits

America is under attack from the globalhomo collective

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>white nationalist
isn't the shooter a registered Democrat?

>butt gag

Hi shlomo. You kikes can’t dodge the ovens forever you know.

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Just static, blocking the signal of the day.

You scummy cowards. Desperate to blame this on anyone else.

God this sickly pale skin disgusts me, just go the fuck outside kids holy shit and

cue the jews trying to come up with some new definition of mass shooting that only allows for white males.

Oddly traditional Spics are anti-gay.

It’s an odd acknowledgement from the Left that it’s just niggers being niggers.

Yes, there is a domestic terrorism crisis indeed:




>t. american intellectual


He’s right you know

Fucking this. Funny how that works: When you debunk their claims about white males being the "mass shooters," they instinctively shoot back: "But those are BLACKS! They don't COUNT!" Of course they don't count when your definition of a mass shooter is "white male." And it's ALWAYS Jews harping on this the most.

I know! Ban all white people from owning weapons! Anyone whose skin is white, they have to carry a mark to show they are verified to not have weapons so as not to be a threat.
All fellow whites will have to do this.
In fact, all fellow whites should be rounded up and moved to special containment facilities where they can do no harm to themselves and no harm to others, just think how safe all the minorities will be with this final solution.

They preach open borders and suicide. I think we got a one up on them.

occurs to me right now that there's a difference between mass shootings by black people and mass shootings by white people.
Black shootings tend to be spontaneous rampages, or escalations of momentary disputes.
While "white" shootings are usually planned out, more or less, in advance.
Hypothetically, anyway. I don't have any proof, data or evidence.

Mass murder is the combination of power, privilege, and premeditation.
Minority peoples cannot commit mass murder because they lack all three pre-conditions.
When referring to unfortunate episodes surrounding people of colour the appropriate term should be “sudden loss of life in tragic circumstance”.
Your compliance in this matter is not voluntary.

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>"But those are BLACKS! They don't COUNT!"
so then, black lives don't actually matter?

get a load of this guy. you're making a difference!

b-bbut angry white males

Only during elections, and they don’t need to be alive for even that.

why don't you all start cutting your penises off an post pics to prove you've given up your white male privilege

That's right, only oppressors can commit murder.
Any member of the oppressed community who is driven to murder by internalised colonisation is suffering from Oppression Trauma Disorder and should be immediately exonerated from any guilt due to the societal pressures that they are ultimately the true victim of.

And in ten years we will be given special privileges, just like poc have. You rewarded violence and are surprised you get more of it.

>I don't have any proof, data or evidence.
Isn't that all you need for a career in journalism?

Victims of oppression and colonialism cannot commit murder, all deaths are self-defence.

Shut up kike. All these mass shootings are Jewish. You know this. I know this.

>REEE only shootings with 4 or more killed at anyone time in any one place matters. Total number killed per capita doesn't matter.

Imagine being this retarded.

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No it's jews. They will be disposed of soon.

Are you insane? There’s so much young money and so many people in American gun culture that it’s incredibly fucking annoying. Companies pump out tons of ugly and trashy-looking attachments and still make bank. Women love pink small-calibre purse guns. No matter what your political leaning, people in shady areas carry a handgun or at least have one on the nightstand and some type of long gun in a safe.

Thats ironic because we're under attack from invading nations and citozens of our own country

>random lone wolf terrorist attacks are a real political threat, guys
Not even the Weather Underground or etc organized leftist terrorist groups in our history were a real threat lol

Yeah, I'm sure a few disgruntled white guys with a suicide by cop death wish are besieging the country after we had 2 random mass shootings in a row that killed a handful of people

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Yes you're an idiotic kike. Every fucking day when you look in the mirror and see a diaper wearing coward is a BTFOing. Must suck to be such a genetic reject.


I shitpost but I fear this has already been used as a legitimate and obvious argument.
The next decade is going to be insane isn't it?
Last time was the roaring 20's, this time will be the burning 20's.