Geopolitics General - Syria/sg/, Ukraine/ug/ etc

Geopolitics and war thread. Going wide, as to survive the americans getting shot flood.
All geopolitics, geoeconomics and realpolitik allowed.

Old thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Iran siezes another tanker, their state media says, reported by BBC

>POTUS leads more sanctions on Russia

>Turkish invasion of Syria, approved by USA and Russia

>Americans shot in two mass murders two days in a row
>check catalog

Anyone know how the Eastern republics in Ukraine are holding up?

wtf happened to the original /sg?

>Turkish invasion
any kurdish reaction to this?
also, was there any result in the latest Astana talks?

i'll bake one after this

On the battlefront, a series of truces that one side's trigger happy mercs break, some shooting, truce again, some merc breaks it again, more shooting, etc. Barbarism in general.
The republics, Russia subsidizing them, and they are enjoying the russian quality of life (meaning they are poor). A big money sink for Moscow.
The war itself is a war of Russians who want to remain in Ukraine, and Russians who want to join Russia. So whoever wins, the whole world wins, due to all the dead Russians. And especially China wins, since Russia can't reform its economy and China secures great deals with Russia due to the diplomatic reaction and embargos on Russia.

Americans got shot, and 50 threads per hour get made, and the slower threads slide off and dies. Gotta make a more inclusive, wider thread, to attract more posters and keep getting bumped.

already made on not sure if ok

thanks for bread

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A good thread in this shithole

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>odessa in ukraine


you shouldn't have put r/sgay in the title, now all the incel retards will come spread their nonsense

Look like good sites.

In contrast to you just flooding the thread with spam on your own?

wut? i rarely posted these days

So are we doing these threads now?

threadly reminder the sunnis have land but the shia have the ocean

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Wait, is this the new /sg/?

What kind of Russian troll shit is this?

Get your 15 rubles and fuck off.

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>russian troll

If you you knew how wrong you are lmao

Should add the following to the OP:

Korea/Japan Trade War
Possible US Embargo of Venezuela

the el paso shooter is exactly how i imagine jj looking like

Has there already been a campaign on Jow Forums to deny him being white?

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