>two mass shootings in the same week

How fucked are we?

Attached: born to feel.jpg (428x500, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>same week
Same day, fag.

Let me know when it's daily and not just random spergs but whites with ex mil service actively fighting for white america

Trump loses reelection: big fucked

It won’t end with a bang, but with a whimper.

>How fucked are we?
Considering Jow Forums doesnt go outside we're safe. Unironically the stay at home neets are being naturally selected for in this environment. Just watch anime

My super pro-gun friend who has like 6 ARs literally said "we need laws to keep retards like this dude from owning guns". Its over.

This group exists in Detroit

Attached: 4plyidtzkc301.jpg (1304x1714, 425K)

Q predicted this

They're MK ULTRA triggered shootings

Not really any different than Chicago.

[citation needed]

Just the maximum spike Jow Forums autism lords.
they seem to increase in numbers though

based and truthpilled

Pretty fucked, I mean this place is just across the border.


call me when this becomes a daily occasion like niggers killing each other

Attached: 1553872271431.png (640x274, 109K)

If NZ didnt lick us nothing will

make it three americunts

I don't think le guns rights are fucked in the US
I do think that you autistic fucks have guaranteed that a more regulated internet is coming to us sooner rather than later. Only fitting that you Jow Forumsacks would be the ones to ruin the internet for the rest of us.

Attached: polackfags.jpg (500x390, 49K)

you just lost 2020

>Trump wins 2016
>Shootings die down almost completely
>Debates and campaigning for 2020 is starting
>two in one day, a month after the one in Virginia Beach

banning things always works am i right /left/ard