There are 450 million firearms in the U.S. How do you propose you'll "ban guns"?
Guns are here forever
>fed try to confiscate guns
>gun owners sperg out
>mass shootings in every single american city simultaneously
could you imagine a happening of this magnitude?
once the forced confiscation started the militias would rise up immediately and after the first American was killed for refusing to give up his guns the shitstorm of the century would kick off
2nd was put in place for exactly this reason, to stop overreach from a corrupt govt
Punished Washington a hero denied by homeland
it'll take more than a couple, since the news media isn't going to spread the word of police killing uncooperative gun owners. It's going to have to spread over the internet and via word of mouth first, meaning it's going to take a few dozen, or even a couple hundred first.
With the amount of attrition the cops would be receiving, it would be hard to cover up.
They're gonna do it one stop at a time. Death of a thousand cuts.
The next step will be for "mental health" except it'll be broad and cover many people. Ever been to the psychiatrist? No guns. Ever told your doctor you have anxiety? No guns. They'll say the focus is on psychopaths but they'll go for your average American that took antidepressants eight years ago.
why dont gun owners have a march guns out at washington? or would they all get v& before it could organize?
I doubt state police will comply with “rounding up the guns”. It would mostly be a federal level seizure if they even try it. But there won’t be enough federal law enforcement to seize weapons. NATO or UN soldiers would have to come into the country to try and take the guns.
Guns are illegal in DC. Some Jew tried an open carry March in DC but everyone chickened out and he was arrested. Adam Kokesh is the name.