Daily reminder

That it is perfectly okay to kill invaders that are a threat to your country and way of life.
All of your ancestors believed this and practiced their right to preservation.

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No one is invading
Looking for work is not an invasion
Iraq was a invasion
Vietnam was a police invasion
Some one made you think Russian and now America is collapsing that everyone is maxed out on loans the president will sink the economy allowing Russia and Saudi Arabia to be rulers over the USA

You sound like a schizophrenic person
Crazy people leading crazy people to do violent
You turned America into prison society with your ignorance

Sounds far, far less mentally ill than does

Can't tell if newfags or plebbitors

You're right, but going out by yourself and shooting a few brown people is an incredibly low IQ play and only hurts your cause in the long run.

found the spic

Absolutely. Fucking. BASED

No it doesnt


The girl on the right would blow the middle girls head off and the recoil would rip off her other hands fingers and possibly dislocate her arm.
But hey, at least they have good trigger discipline.

This is already a prison society. 5 year old girls get arrested for health scares over lemonade while third world food imports tainted with e coli go unpunished.

It absolutely is an invasion.
The racial foreigners come here in droves and will eventually replace the ethnic American (European) population.
If something drastic isn't done then within a decade or two the non-white population will outnumber the heritage American population and with that they'll hold more political power over the country.

Yes you are correct. Americans can only be defined as descendenta of north west Europeans.
Everyone else coming in, or living here, legal or not are foreign invaders.

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Plebbit. The chins got some media coverage so the plebbitors are here to tell us how bad we are.

I agree.
The violence against random civilians needs to stop.
Murdering random people isn't going to solve anything and will only work in favor of the people who want us subjugated and eventually non-existent.
What needs to happen is for a major effort of the various communities across the world to combat government and corporate corruption.
We need to take our countries back.

Well, glownigger, don't talk about it. Be about it. See you on the news tonight!

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Tell that to jewshooters who pretend to be white.

Guns probably aren't loaded.

It is an invasion, though.

It is an invasion sanctioned by the United Nations. You can read about it on their website, the globalization project is named 2030 Agenda. Everything is listed there.

Third World migrants are an invasionary force sanctioned by the United Nations and financially supported by globalists like George Soros.

Reminder: Globalist is another word for plutocratic corporatist, aka sociopathically greedy money hoarders

>Germany is in the north west of Europe


The only people I would be willing to share this country with are native americans. That's it. We have hispanic politicians, jew politicians, even muslim politicians, but no real native american politicians. Why is that? Because the left doesn't really care about social justice, they care about starting a communist revolution and fantasize about ruling over the masses.

True. Just saying, if they were and she pulled a trigger... it'd be a shitshow.

2030 Agenda is a follow-up to Agenda 21.

You have never lived around Native Americans, have you? They're not at all like movies portray them IRL. They're basically niggers but drunk all the time.

I have been trying to warn people on Jow Forums about this for years now.
Agenda 2030, kalergi plan, total surveillance, relocation to hubs strategically placed throughout the planet.
There is a literal agenda being played out right now and so many people are completely oblivious to what is happening.

Look at all of the shills and bots.

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Don't worry. Whites will be a minority like every other minority and we'll all be equal. Isn't equality wonderful?

Yes I’m willing to share America with the Native American tribes. And maybe even bear the responsibility of taking care of the blacks left from slavery. but that’s it

we literally have more than the entire population of all 3 scandinavian countries combined living here illegally. How is that not an invasion?

But I think we’re too far past that point, you give an inch they take a mile. only pure aryans should hold citizenship

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We are in a low intensity civil conflict
Boogaloo is around the corner
Show me your war faces Jow Forums

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Is the influx likely to a) enhance or b) degrade the safety and prosperity of the existing population? If b), it's an invasion.

Ok let me also say, I live and work in Texas. there is no tolerating these numbers. this isn’t multiculturalism. it’s a total demographic displacement. There like locus pouring in by the millions. Waving there flags, not wanting to assimilate. there coming in to steal our resources and kick us to the next town, to the next town than to the next town.

There will be a total war unless migration comes to a complete hault.

All Americans have a moral obligation to your nation to resist the foreign invaders. we are the descendants of our forefathers, That built this nation for us not them.

Freedom isn’t free,

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