Where are you Q denying fucks now?

Literally warned

Attached: knew.jpg (453x309, 43K)

So you're saying the based Q intelligence knew it was coming and simply let it happen?

Attached: Q.png (587x758, 127K)

Q predicted this. Trust Sessions. Trust the plan.

The month of August is hot?
Is this a fucking joke?

Assange is long dead and you know it

Just because you know something is going to happen doesn't mean you know exactly where, or when.

How else do you stop it, you retarded fuck? Knowing something is going to happen but not who or where its makes it difficult to stop.

Ever watched the movie "Falling Down", cocknerd?

You can't be serious shareblue-kun

>say something extremely vague
>anything that happens can be linked to vague statement
Q is like reading a fortune cookie

Forest fires are bout to start

I don't know how these retarded boomers are able to put up with how blatantly vague this Q posting bullshit always is.
Here, I'll pretend to be Q right now,
>Beware the man in a suit
>What's up is up
>But what's down is down
>The sun sets long in the summer
Tell me if you can tell the difference

Attached: 1563908044373.jpg (507x525, 63K)

Q does not cover Gematria. He is a kike shill

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Yes, Q is a false flagging jew. He did it before.

Ah there you are. Q tells you something big's going down, it does an coincidentally it's a white male bad narrative. The entire media sucks off the story like a 400$ whore and now we have your marvelous contribution.
>n-no it wasn't planned out as a false flag(s) at all
>I trust CNN not to lie to me!

24 hour warning 4 days ago.
Q is a faggot.

Who seriously buys this Nostradamus tier horseshit?

>24 hours
>shooting happens 3 days later
What did Q mean by this

Uh, white male shot killed 20 innocents.
How is that not bad?

Heat is no joke, fren. Drink lots of water and wear sunscreen.

I partially agree, but the problem is that Q knows generally who is pulling the strings, and they're not droning the fuck out of the leaders.

People who are paying attention.

Attached: poster.jpg (1920x1400, 1.17M)

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Q & fbianon. The predictions are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of memetical physics most of the revelations will go over a typical Jow Forumsack's head. There's also fbianon's insider outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from spirit cooking literature, for instance. The boomers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these predictions, to realise that they're not just based- they say something deep about KEK. As a consequence people who dislike Q & fbianon truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Q's existential tripcode which itself is a cryptic reference to Trump's American epic "The Art of the Deal". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as fbianon's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Q & fbianon tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 redpills of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Q needs to be arrested

24 hour warning
72 hours too early...

Could have just been an informed guess, so what?
lots of people here have been saying, it's lileky just to distract from Epstein case.

Q is probably just controlled opposition.
Go away plz

Whoa, I jew warning us of Mossad psy ops.