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How do we wake normies up, get them to stop taking the MSM’s word for it?
Normies don't believe the MSM anymore. They've just censored social media to only show what the ZOG wants.
Guess which crazy conspiracy theory nutjob [Roosh] is most likely to be the next shooter.
"Those who can be made to believe absurdities can be led to commit atrocities"
Can you fucking kill yourself?
My first thought was that this is very convenient to have happened right now during Epstein's incarceration and during the Democratic debates. Beto O'howyouspellit already is "making an emotional plea on gun control" that is, "Don't use your intellect, goys, just use your emotions so we can take away all guns. We swear you'll be safe once all the citizen guns are gone. Heh heh heh."
And yes, the shooters are probably MKultra-activated.
It will depend on whether or not there are more. If we see 2 more incidents within the next few days, there will be overwhelming pressure to "do something"
Assadist-Xi-Putin slide thread trying to distract from organic Hongkong freedom protesters
Stop replying to shills.
Trump freed A$AP Rocky
Tulsi destroyed Kamala Harris
Supreme Court ruled that Trump can use military to build border wall
Mueller got BTFO
Declass is coming
DNI Coats resigned
“Those too close to the light are blinded by it”
-martin luther king
It's so obvious but it's infuriating how many people can't see this shit. They just dismiss it as crazy talk without ever even listening to any evidence. They've been literally programmed to think it's crazy.
Low IQ NPCs bred to be indentured servants of the banks and the Deep State
Trump is a kike and nothing will change.
that this alleged /pol users never go after jews. Its strange because all /pol dose is expose the jew and yet nobody ever dos anything against it.
Its as some one else is doing it for other reasons then what /pol is believing in.
That nigger never said that or anything else intelligent. He plagiarized his "I have a dream" speech too.
"Those who glow in the night are stupid cia niggers" -terry davis.
This, manifestos never name the Jew, really makes you think.
fuck you, intelligence operatives
if we put our hands on you someday, you will learn there are fates far worse than death
-John Locke
Was thinking this exactly. The establishment has been getting BTFO'd over the past few weeks. Trump's approval rising, democrats looking like fools at their debates, etc.
Then a (((mass shooting))) happens that conveniently is carried out by a "white nationalist Trump supporter". It reeks of deep state orchestration.
I'm entirely suspicious myself, but waiting to pass judgement until the full facts are known.
>until the full facts are known.
Die, jew nigger.
- Me, 2019
Just kill yourself you blackpilled faggot
That's a good point. I never considered that
He ain't lyin though, you circumcised zogslave faggot.
yep. the timing is perfect.
TOO perfect.
sloppy job, mossad
>Mueller got BTFO
i wonder, why did mueller never take down bibi like some spamming schizo claimed he would?
>Then a (((mass shooting))) happens that conveniently is carried out by a "white nationalist Trump supporter"
also note trump was recently tweeting about declaring antifa as a terrorist orginization.
>until the full facts are known.
You will hear words but never know the facts.
1. Take your meds
2. Have sex
And suppress the almost extintic dissent they still have left.
He will be suicided for this
>roosh then links Q-tier boomer vid
he's going off the rails lately
we all know this is the truth, but proving it to a bunch of scared sheep is an entirely different story
Sloppy mossad
Why would far right ethno-nationalists shoot up a bunch of random white people? Does that even make any fucking sense? They call it white nationalist terrorism, but what's the fucking goal? Christchurch is the only one of these shootings that even makes any sense. Everything else is bullshit.
Want to trigger the alt-kike? Ask avout this kosher activity!
nice collection of fake news sites.......
>Christchurch is the only one of these shootings that even makes any sense
Watch the video (that ALL major mass media tried to make go away and even made it illegal to watch in some places) very slowly and get back to us on that one.
the balls on that dude
ironical when voltaire actually hated your kind with passion
are hueg
>1 post by this ID
Can someone qrd me on Sorcha Faal, and no, simply typing
>sorcha faal
Is not enough
post by this ID
You took the characters right out of my fingers, user. is run by Israelii intelligence. 60% truth 40% lies. You have to know how to read it to know what's up. They also link to credible news sources. Pretty good place to look into at least once per day.
last week FBI announces conspiracy theorists as new domestic terrorist threat. hmm now this happens.
This is pretty freaky.
that's a cult of peoples taking the name of sorcha faal they're batshit crazy and it's used to discredit any conspiracy they exist since so long it's hard to know when they started publishing shit
everyone in the conspiracy community know the infamous name of Sorcha Faal if you see any over the top battshit theory you can be pretty sure it's from there
Stop thinking wrongly
That guy on the right is a 15-year-old and is innocent, user. Still uncanny.
I would really like to see more of these. losing hope in the intelligence of the people. everyone seems to be gobbling it up and asking for seconds.
I'm impressed another person still uses adverbs.
people are cowards
>black furred whiteoid
>four eyed
>aura of virginity and obvious projection of social autism
>chimpanzee lips
this is one of the most common black furred whiteoids found in every suburbs of America. Diluted, literal byproduct of jewish agenda, these creatures are prone to giving up their meaningless cultureless lives for their goymasters and their agenda to disarm americans and its whiteoid subspecies. As you can see on pic related these chimps are a dime a dozen, sort of like Rattatas of United States
What do we know about his weapons?
Were they legal?
>inb4 read the manifesto
Tl;dr-I'm not reading that fucking shit.
They're smart. They don't want to lose all their friends and possibly their jobs.
They're cowards.
>What do we know about his weapons?
>>inb4 read the manifesto
>Tl;dr-I'm not reading that fucking shit.
Uh..ok? So he might have used an AK-47? Since you're asking me, it's all bullshit and we'll never know exactly what happened, but whoever did it, did it because tptb wanted them to further gun confiscations.
Based, but a bit bluepilled on Jews and very pro russia.
Many of them are, but being brave for the sake of bravery is dumb. And we are posting on a Japanese aluminum siding bulletin board and not saying this in a crowded coffee shop, aren't we?
Last night I was working in my bar for a large party of 98% black people.
The news starts spreading about El Paso, and I start hearing them talking about it.
MFW they all believe it's another white boy 21 y.o. and now believe that whitey is the problem.
When I cut everyone off and started trying to clear the area, some fucking chimp unironically chimped out and yelled at me for being a "white boy" and then yelled some more monkey noises about how "trump's got you all fucked up"
These attacks are all about perpetuating a narrative. And it seems to be working.
I'l be keeping my weapons close until the inevitable fallout.
bump for truth
See, my problem is how the heck are we supposed to redpill millions more people on government psyops and MKultra?
It's obvious that most of these shootings are artificially manufactured.