Uh oh not looking good for us white people Jow Forums

Uh oh not looking good for us white people Jow Forums

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People that use twitter should be Halloween 3'ed

>us white people
Fellow white people.



>nigger programming social media

Yeah keep shitting on white men, that's the ticket!

Hope a civil war comes soon.

you realize that its by design, right?

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No one uses Twitter tho. Even those numbers are unverifiable

Oy veyed and kike saged

They want the chaos so that they can have an excuse for more power.

True, they are always manipulating it.

>white people

But don't insult arabs it may cause them to blow up more people. Do liberals not realize their own hypocrisy?

Anyone else find it hilarious that this seems like the left is REALLY excited about this, like they actually want to to start genociding white men?

Don't worry, amerimutts aren't white.

I challenge the FBI in Mortal Kombat.

whole ass 400 year head start and still getting outsmarted by minorities. yikes honkies.

White people are fucked lmao. Eat shit you fucking bastards. You deserve to get replaced and ignored you stinky rats. No one likes you, especially not any of the people who are moving in to the West.

>a few hundred k out of 300m+ people in usa
>tweets are coming in from all over the world
>tweets don't necessarily have to support the hashtag
>some people are tweeting multiple times
>some of the tweets are undoubtedly done by bots
>twitter is a known cuck circlejerk since they ban anyone with politically incorrect views
>twitter is known to alter and artificially inflate the trends
yeah, i'm thinkin this is nothin

Eat a snickers, you're not you when you're bitching on the internet to people who dont give a fuck

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thats right bro. More ehtiopian jews for israel fucking pink skin fakers




yes but what i dont understand is why jews do this. surely they know people know they are behind all of this and one day someone will snap and the dam will break and they will get themselves all thrown in ovens again. really odd people considering they are supposed to be so "smart".

exactly why these were false flags

Even if the numbers are completely fabricated the point is to have the conception or appearance that there's those numbers. Most people are literally sheep who dont look below surface level to inform their world view.

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The fact that two of these happened in a row, and the fact that someone wrote another pro-white document, scares the SHIT ouf the nonwhites and women on twitter. There is a slow realization that white men want what was theirs 50 years ago.

It's nothing new

it kinda funny how there's no black supremacy or asian supremacy but white supremacy is considered real

Yes, but it's reaching further.

Don’t hate. Dilate

Really? I've never seen every twitter trend calling for the death of white men until today. Seems new to me.

but if nobody is actually there to see it then it doesn't fucking matter

America IS white supremacy

>that hashtag

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The Trump voters manifesto is here,,,

Whats the chance that was base Walmart poster?

no ones going to snap lmao, jews have the world on lock and there's nothing the underclass can do, meaning us. white people will continue to vilify themselves, and the jew will remain comfortable at the top.

2020 is lost

That's a good human shield right there

I'll just leave this here

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Being white is frankly just embarrassing both historically and currently; I’m afraid that people will think I align with these inexplicably entitled narcissistic perceptions. Maybe I need to start exclusively wearing anti-Trump merchandise to make my humanity clear, even from afar.

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Can't wait to vote Drumpf out of office and watch all the autistic incels here seethe

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Lmao fuck that movie

Also why does everyone hates us yet love our movies and everything else?

Lol they can try to make a move. They're scared of us.

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You do realize that nobody else sees "White supremacist terrorist" and immediately identifies that as referring to all "white men" besides Jow Forums right? Saying that reveals more about you than it does about twitter.

I will never understand the second pair of shoes.

eat a snickers Bryce
your not always you when your reading the great replacement

White women already hate you

Of course this (((trending))) list is completely organic and not astroturfed at all.

its not organic
one of the trending hashtags earlier was misspelled. Anyone have a photo of it? I saw it earlier

Twitter users are less than 4% of the population. Out of that 20% of the users make 80% of the tweets.

What you are looking at are attention whores and journalists screaming and sigballong ibto the ether and foolong themselves that they are the majority.

Threads started with Twitter screenshots need to be a fucking instaban.