Tattoos are disgusting, so why are they so common?

More and more retards are getting these disgusting tattoos, it is nothing more than graffiti applied to skin rather than buildings. Some random chinese order or something more personal like your kids name on your arm, it's still ugly. And on top of that some morons get tats on their fucking faces and then complain that it makes them unemployable. Why is this plague on humanity spreading?

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because foids/holes are attracted to tatoos and to get laid most men will try anything

normalfags can't think for themselves and are easily driven towards what's in popular in the moment. It will die down after some time, but the traces will remain. Even if it is shit like some fast food chain, poeple will flock to it because others do it too.

We have had tattoos for thousands of years m8. They would be for God, God's, ancestors, tradition etc. Now however we are in the death throes of cultural/traditional death so people get dumb shit tattooed they haven't put thought into so get pickle Rick, star wars and other pop culture or generic things.

Assertion of high social status. Filters the awkward low-status beta males immediately in the case of females. The "fuck you" intimidation factor in case of males

I've learned that tattoos are a great way to know who's an idiot despite not knowing somebody. I allow one in a concealed location but after that I deduct 4 IQ points for every one I can see from the average of 100, face tats are triple points

some tattoos are honorable.
most are degenerate.

It's nice having a visual indicator that a person is a trashy fuck without having to get to know them first.

I have no problems with tattoos, since they identify the weak and the indulgent.

Exactly why I would never have one myself.

What about religious tattoos?