How to fix Jow Forums

>60 second posting cooldown
>15 minute thread posting cooldown
>Permanently remove /ptg/ or make a temporary separate board for them to circlejerk in
>Have mods that enforce board rules
>Ban irrelevant twitterposting and oftopic posters
>Remove flags, all of them, remove all the fucking flags but keep the IDs
>Create a sticky thread for questions that don't deserve their own thread.
>For God's sake, enforce the fucking rules
>Increase thread size to 700 posts.
>Permaban schizoposters
What else?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I agree with everything except removing all flags. Keep flag options like old Jow Forums before Jow Forums harbor. The Jow Forums flags are what fucks shit up.

And maybe only increase thread size to 500 posts.

500 posts would be fair but I don't really think the flags contribute that much to discussion. If anything they only make things bad because of the countless number of shitposters that use Canadian and Australian proxxies.

Hence why we get ride of only Jow Forums flags. The classic flags choices were fine and Jow Forums had no issues with them.

Agree with flag removal

It's a minor detail. Just as long as these shitty memeflags can get removed I really don't mind.
We should be more concerned about bringing this to the moderator team to get real changes approved.

>me compulsively reading a 700 post thread at 2am with 3 more full tabs to go

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Rangeban Mexico and Israel. Also permaban anyone who has ever posted under the black nationalist flag because 9 times out of 10 they have made blacked, u mad wyboi, or used the word wh*teoid.


Ah fuck sorry, I was redundant. Rangebanning the former would negate the latter.

Rangebanning Israel would be good. But other than that I don't see any need to ban any other countries.


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Ban Jow Forums country shit threads from Jow Forums

Mexico niggers are always posting spam in my experience or contributing to (insert white country/ethnicity) is not white threads.

This and twitterposting.

Not all of them are malicious though. They're not like Israel.

Geoflags or no flags at all. BTFO the 4+ memeflaggot shill posts that are on every fucking page nowadays

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Just get rid of flags

>How to fix Jow Forums
Make posters solve a raven's matrix before posting to filter out the /ptg/ MIGA brainlets.

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I agree especially with rules enforcement. If the existing rules were enforced a lot of problems would go away. I would add permaban of Q-tards. They are even worse than schizos.

Also this:

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The mods made that sticky a day after I had written them using the feedback page. It didn't actually do anything.

Well if you tell what it is, you can easily google the answer, moron.

You the real brainlet that shouldn't be using pol faggot.

This time OP was not the Faggot.

region flags are nice, yeah people start shit with them, but it also lends some authority when people talk about issues relevant to their nation, which is a common thing here
otherwise it's just like memeflags where people are constantly pretending to be something they're not without a means to disprove them

expecting anymore moderation is a lost cause
generals were never supposed to be a thing site-wide but it ended up being allowed purely because the mods got sick of dealing with it
kind of ridiculous because you'll randomly catch a 3 day ban for a single post criticizing mods or whatever, meanwhile they'll just warn raiders and spammers and act like the problem is too big for them to deal with when those posters immediately come back

pay debts

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It's not impossible to deal with. The mods have just turned a blind eye to posting quality because they genuinely don't care about good discussion. In fact, they actively ban the people trying to promote that sort of thing.

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It means the mods here are useless. Which also means that new rules will be of little effect since they also won't be enforced

>it also lends some authority when people talk about issues relevant to their nation
In theory I agree, but then you have a shitload of people with VPNs and expats and tourists

I’m saving this thread, take heed trannies, your day is coming

Really help the board out. Use the IRC and feedback

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Compulsory 4cc victory thread stickied 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

>remove /ptg/
everything else is good tho

stop trying to piss these crazy incels off with truth...

/ptg/ should be removed and any posters that try to shit up the thread with that big orange retard should be permabanned. People just will not shut the fuck up about him.

good ideas

I have a better idea, Jannie stop pinning bullshit false flags you outright cunt.
No one like you or your ideas, Why are you still here doing it for free?
Just fuck off and clean the board for me.

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>False flags

You glow in the fucking dark.

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Bump. Remember lads...
Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
Fuck jannies
Fuck glowniggers
And fuck all of these nufags and shills flooding this board

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>False flag
>Glow in the dark
>Sloppy job
>Trust the Plan
Did I miss any?

You forgot to praise your Tarrant

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Now listen here Polacks, its a battle between image size per thread and mean page loading times, I know 750post per thread is Pollarky, however, the increase would cause bandwidth issues as well as provide a slower experience for the user demanding more information form hosting servers per request.

int main()
boost::thread t(my_func);

Or, they can just permaban you. This would immediately improve the site.

Not sure if this is bait or not. Oh well.
8ch doesn't seem to have a problem with it. If the board had a 60 second posting cooldown and a 15 minute thread posting cooldown this would make the board a little slower but make quality posting improve. No more shitting up threads every 10 seconds or fucking with the catalog.

500 posts per thread could be fair.

spud, tell us about Q&A and merino

How does this stop phone posters which are the problem?
The problem is specifically cell phone towers because you can pick up about 40 of them throughout an area.

>"D-Don't talk about daddy trumpy that way uwu! Ban the shills!"

>Permaban schizoposters
So pretty much ban all Q fags and pizzagate posters, and all posters speculating theories that oppose the official narrative given by the stablishment?
>and all posters speculating theories that oppose the official narrative given by the stablishment?
>listed lastly to look less conspicuous.

What do you expect a Jannie to suggest...?

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That's always a detail I forget to mention.
Phoneposters should not be allowed to post, they should only be allowed to lurk and view ads.

By schizoposters I mean these guys

"Schizos", oh boy you sure love that ad hominem with passion.

Genuinely like all these except removing flags and banning schizos

You fucks rangeban australian phone posters from making threads all the fucking time so why not make it permanent for everyone?
Oh right because you do it for free and Hiroshima doesn't want less ad revenue.

Were you beaten brainless with a 22lb sack of camel shit as a child or something Jannie?
Because you seem to have a pretty severe case of shitforbrains going there.

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I agree with everything except for
>remove /ptg/
Why? They haven't broken any rules.

I wonder...

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I'm talking about "the storm" fags, alienposters, ect ect. The people who post shit without any context or meaning as if we're supposed to know what they're talking about.
Even memeflags?
Bullshit. Their general is offtopic as can be the posters there are concentrated cancer to the board as they always have been. The general has nothing to do with politics anymore.

get fucked faggot, this is a free speech board. No one is forcing you to be here. If you don’t like what you read, simply scroll down the screen to another topic or fuck off to another board, oh and kill yourself.

Bumping for 911
Jow Forums has always been fat white incels and mongoloids.
HWNDU confirmed all of that.
Your picture is delusion and fantasy.

Going to try and ban aus/pol too Jannie?

>it’s a politics board
>lets ban ptg

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The HWNDU shit was started by redditors from r_t/d. It attracted even more of them here. The real posters of Jow Forums started leaving in droves after 2015.

Well it seems like /ptg/ is sometimes the only thing talking about politics here.
They keep to themselves as well so I don't see the reason of purging the general for the simple reason of existing.

the only way to fix this board it delete it, its went from actual news to memes to schizo safe space. There is zero actual discussion taking place, just a bunch of 14 year olds using the alt-right variant of their twitch speak.

>Controled opp
>9/11 was an inside job
>Pedo satanic elites
>The federal reserve murders people
>He avoided the JQ
>Murdering non-combatants is bad
>Terrorism is not the answer
Anyone posting any of these should be permabanned desu.

yeh, fuck off you leftist shill, this is a free speech board, if you don’t like it go back to plebbit.

>/ptg/ more or less contained
>never see Trump threads
>only ever see complaints about /ptg/
maeks you think

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You been by spamming awoo over and over?

>free speech board
onions boy

you’re a leftist shill, fuck off back to plebbit.

It's not just /ptg/ either. Brit/pol/ is really fucking bad too. The countless twitterposters, the 1 post by this ID posters. It's pure cancer and it's getting worse every day.

leftist shill

take your meds, schizo

Shut up retard.

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I've been here since it was formed from /news/
Cripchan is too full autism and this board is flooded with faggots

Ultimate FBI Compromise so we don't have to ban Jow Forums forever.

/ptg/ is the only place you can talk about Trump. Threads now auto delete after 1000. If someone calls the bake you have to allow them to bake.

All InfinityCh tier bullshit is ban. This being Pizzagate, Epstein (warning tier but if new info perhaps), Great Replacement stuff (not being a faggot but c'mon we get it by now with the Europe thing), also Anti-White Male trolls like "random Twitter user thinks white males are gross 1like" crap, anything that has a boastful nature to it "like whitey we are replacing you hahaha". Just stuff of a incendiary terror fomenting nature is now a ban.

Also ban incel threads so that it doesn't attract incels but keep up the self improvement general so that incels become attracted to positive people not evil people.

Only on /ptg/
It just kinda became part of the general's culture.

>posts on a censored board that is really just an echo chamber for the mentally handicap
wow you guys are a true bastion of freedom,

Shut the fuck up, pussy.

Make a /ptg/ board. Get that shit out of here. The rest of the stuff is fine except for incel and women hating threads and the twitter users that flood here.

>14 year olds using the alt-right variant of their twitch speak.
Unironically this. Let's say you could use http tools to datamine cookie info from users (you know it's possible you codefags). A big chunk of /nupol/ seem to have the navigation history of a kid. They always revolve around the same topics and use the same edgy phrases.

Good idea bro.

Either that or make a separate board.

Will bump.

I kinda like the flags. But we should get rid of meme flags so that we know who’s posting from Tel Aviv

kill yourself, if you don’t like it fuck off. It’s a free speech board and the best ideas are the one’s most discussed, now go back to your little safe space on plebbit.

You only need the 4th one.
If mods/jannies were on their shit, this site would actually be worth a damn.

Ya guys, don't criticize female hypergamy and the feminine imperative that runs our entire culture.
>That shit needs to go because talking about it just means you cannot have sex
How much of a fucking beta male are you to want to ban discussion on female nature?
post tits or gtfo.

Let's be civil here and think about it.
You have to admit, posting quality here on the board HAS plummeted since 2015. The mods have turned a blind eye to enforcing the rules and the janitors seem to only pick up the pace with threads they personally don't like.
/sig/ for example is always banned on the board.

>Permaban schizoposting
That's a fucking great idea. Also permaban "how do we save the white race" and "Why do black people have a lower IQ", those same threads over and over again are ruining this board

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the low effort shitposting about it. We should be talking constructively about how to bring them back to our side and fix our fucking culture instead of bitching about it like a bunch of weenies.

I second this. Mods, did you read this? Do it.

>You have to admit, posting quality here on the board HAS plummeted since 2015
Not the user you're talking to, but I agree with this statement.

can we have mods that don't have tranny siblings that kill themselves

Use the feedback page

thanks for proving finns arent white you assblasted simpleton

Then go start your own thread faggot.

>Permaban schizoposters
nah.. they bring the best content

Get fucked, you’re motives are transparent. Like all leftists, you demand censorship so as your anti-human and anti-civilisational ideas cannot be spoken about and this is the only reason why (((they))) want to shut down this site. Imagine not being able to discuss the absolute state of Western society and what impact that has on individuals in their daily lives.

What about strictly an ameri/pol/ with state flags? I think that would be cool